This class was created by Brainscape user Verity Russell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (226)

0  cards
Characteristics of Living Organisms
What are the seven characteristics,
They need nutrition,
They respire
9  cards
Organelles in typical animal cell
What are organelles,
What are some of the organelles f...,
What is the nucleus
10  cards
Organelles in typical plant cell
How are they similar to animal cells,
What are chloroplasts,
What is the cell wall
4  cards
Cells are Specialised
Why do cells structures vary,
What is an example of this blood ...,
What is the shape of a red blood ...
4  cards
Similar Cells are Organised into Tissues
What is a tissue,
What can a tissue contain,
What is an example of this
5  cards
Tissues are Organised into Organs
What is an organ,
What is an example of an organ in...,
What is an example of an organ in...
3  cards
Organs Make Up Organ Systems
What do organs work together to form,
What does each system do,
What is the digestive system made...
3  cards
What are plants,
How can they photosynthesise,
What are their cells walls made of
4  cards
What are animals,
Why don t they photosynthesise,
What do their cells not have
6  cards
What are some fungi,
What do others have a body called,
What does the hyphae contain
7  cards
What are protoctists like,
What do some have,
What are others more like
4  cards
What are bacteria like,
What do they not have,
What do they have a circular chro...
6  cards
What are viruses like,
What can the only reproduce inside,
What are parasites
7  cards
Some Organisms Are Pathogens
What are pathogens,
What do they include
2  cards
Enzymes Are Catalysts Produced by Living Things
What do living things have going ...,
Why do reactions need to get care...,
How can you usually make a reacti...
10  cards
Enzymes are Very Specific
What do chemical reactions usuall...,
What is a substrate,
What does every enzyme molecule have
6  cards
Enzymes Like it Warm but Not Too Hot
What does changing the temp do,
Why does a higher temperature inc...,
What effect do lower temperatures...
9  cards
You Can Measure a How Fast a Product Appears
What does the enzyme catalyse do,
What is it easy to do,
What can you run a series of expe...
4  cards
... Or How Fast a Substrate Disappears
What does the enzyme analyse cata...,
How is it easy to detect starch,
What can you time
5  cards
Enzymes Also Need the Right pH
What happens if the ph is too low...,
What does this do the the enzyme,
What do all enzymes have
6  cards
Don’t be Put Off by the Fancy Word
What is the definition of diffusion,
What does diffusion happen in,
Why does diffusion happen in liqu...
5  cards
Cell Membranes are Pretty Clever
How are they clever,
How do cells move in and out of c...,
What kind of molecules can diffus...
9  cards
Osmosis is a Special Case of Diffusion
What is osmosis,
What is a partially permeable mem...,
What kind of molecules can go thr...
7  cards
Water Moves Into and Out of Cells by Osmosis
What surrounds the cells in the body,
What is tissue fluid,
What is the tissue fluid squeezed...
9  cards
Plants Are Supported by Turgid Cells
What happens when a plant is well...,
When the cells are plumped and sw...,
What is turgor pressure
7  cards
You Can Investigate Diffusion in a Non-Living Syste,
What is a phenolphthalein,
What can you use phenolphthalein ...,
What do you do first
6  cards
Investigate Osmosis in Living System
What can you use to investigate o...,
What happens if the cylinder has ...,
What happens if water has been dr...
5  cards
Investigate Osmosis in Non-Living Systems
Where should water be drawn into ...,
What do you do,
What do you pour down glass tube
7  cards
Active Transport is the Opposite of Diffusion
What is active transport,
What is active transport used to do,
When is active transport used in ...
6  cards
Three Main Factors Affect The Movement of Substances
What three main factors affect th...,
What is the rate of diffusion osm...,
What happens as particles in a su...
7  cards
0  cards
Responding to their Environment Helps Organisms Survive
How do animals increase their cha...,
Why do they respond to changes in...,
How do plants increase their chan...
4  cards
Receptors Detect Stimuli and Effectors Produce a Response
What do receptors do,
What are receptors in the sense o...,
What is an example of this
8  cards
The Central Nervous Systems (CNS) Coordinates Information
What is the nervous system made u...,
What are the main three types of ...,
What does the central nervous sys...
8  cards
Reflexes Help Prevent Injury
What are reflexes what can they r...,
What happens if someone shines a ...,
What happens if you get a shock
4  cards
The Reflex Arc Goes Through the CNS
1 where do the neurones in reflex...,
2 what happens when a stimulus is...,
3 what does the sensory neurone p...
9  cards
Learn the Eye
What does the conjunctiva do,
What does the cornea do what does...,
What does the iris do
9  cards
In Clockwise order list all the labels of the Eye
11  cards
The Iris Reflex - Adjusting for Bright Light
What can damage the retina,
What reflex does very bright ligh...,
What happens in dim light
3  cards
Focusing on Near and Distant Objects - Another Reflex
What is accommodation,
How do you look at distant objects,
How do you look at close objects
3  cards
Long-sighted people
What are long sighted people unab...,
When does this occur,
How are the images of near object...
3  cards
Short-sighted people
What are short sighted people una...,
When does this occur,
How are the images of distant obj...
3  cards
Hormones are Chemical Messengers Sent in the Blood
What are hormones,
What are they carried in and wher...,
What cells do they affect
6  cards
Key Hormones and Their Roles in the Body
Adh anti diuretic hormone source,
Adrenaline source,
Insulin source
18  cards
Hormones and Nerves Do Similar Jobs, but There Are Differences
Is the response is really quick i...
5  cards
Homeostasis - it’s all about Balance
Why do conditions in your body ne...,
Water content,
Body temperature
5  cards
Water Is Lost from the Body in Various Ways
How is water taken into the body,
How is water lost from the body,
What will your urine be like on a...
5  cards
Body Temp is Kept at About 37 °C
When do all enzymes work the best,
At what temperature do the enzyme...,
What does a part of your brain ac...
5  cards
Skin Plays an Important Role in Maintaining Body Temperature
What 3 things does your body do w...,
What 4 things does your body do w...
2  cards
Smaller Organisms Can Cool Down Quicker
What do smaller organisms have,
What can organisms with a bigger ...,
How does this help smaller organi...
6  cards
Plants Need to Respond to Stimuli too
How do plants increase their chan...,
What are 3 ways in which plants r...,
What is the first way plants are ...
6  cards
Auxins are Plant Growth Hormomes
What are auxins,
What do auxins control,
How do they move through the plant
6  cards
Auxins Change the Direction of Root and Shoot Growth
Shoots are positively,
What happens when a shoot tip is ...,
Phototropic this makes the cells ...
9  cards
0  cards
Carbohydrates are Made Up of Simple Sugars
What do carbohydrate molecules co...,
What are starch and glucose,
What does maltose go to and other...
3  cards
Proteins are Made Up of Amino Acids
What are proteins made up of,
What do they all contain,
What do amino acids go to
3  cards
Lipids are Made Up of Fatty Acids and Glycerol
Why are lipids built from,
What do lipids contain,
What do glycerol and fatty acids ...
3  cards
You Can Test for Glucose Using Benedict’s Reagent
What will the benedict s test spot,
What do you do,
What do you make sure doesn t hap...
7  cards
Use the Iodine Test for Starch
What happens if starch is present,
What happens if starch isn t present
2  cards
You Need to Eat Different Foods to Get Different Nutrients
What are carbohydrates found in,
What are carbohydrates function,
What are lipids found in
20  cards
A Balanced Diet Supplies All Your Essential Nutrients
What does a balanced diet give you,
What are the six essential nutrients,
What do you also need and why
3  cards
Energy Requirements Vary in Different People
What do you get energy from,
What 3 things does the energy a p...,
Activity level
5  cards
Food Can be Burnt to See How Much Energy it Contains
What is this called
1  cards
First You Need a Dry Food, Water and a Flame
Why do you need a dry food,
What do you do first weigh,
What do you do second water
6  cards
Calculate the Amount of Energy in Joules
Energy in food,
What does 42 represent,
What is the 42 in the formula
3  cards
Calculate the Amount of Energy in Joules per Gram
Energy per gram of food,
What is energy in food measured in,
What is mass of food measured in
4  cards
The Accuracy of the Experiment Can be Increased
What is quite a bit of the energy...,
The energy value on the packet of...,
What would insulating the boiling...
3  cards
Digestive Enzymes Break Down Big Molecules into Smaller Ones
What are starch proteins and fats,
Can starch proteins and fats pass...,
Are starch proteins and fats solu...
11  cards
Bile Neutralises the Stomach Acid and Emulsifies Fats
Where is bile produced,
Where is bile stored,
How does the hydrochloric acid in...
9  cards
Your Alimentary Canal Runs Through Your Body
What is the alimentary canal anot...,
What does the mouth contain,
What does the salivary gland do
14  cards
Food is Moved Through the Gut by Peristalsis
What is there all the way down th...,
What is the muscular tissue s job,
What is this squeezing action called
4  cards
What is ingestion
1  cards
What do you need to do after inge...,
What is digestion,
What two ways does your body have...
5  cards
What is absorption,
Where are digested food molecules...,
Where is water mainly absorbed
3  cards
What happens once digested molecu...,
What is assimilation,
What is an example of this
3  cards
What does all the undigested stuf...,
What is egestion,
How can you get rid of faeces
3  cards
Villi in the Small Intestine Help with Absorption
What is the small intestine adapt...,
What happens because it s very long,
What makes it good for absorption
7  cards
0  cards
Photosynthesis Produces Glucose Using Sunlight
What is photosynthesis,
What is the food photosynthesis p...,
Where does photosynthesis happen ...
9  cards
Leaves are Designed for Making Food by Photosynthesis
What parts are near the top,
What parts are around the middle,
What parts are near the bottom
4  cards
Leaves are Adapted for Efficient Photosynthesis
How are leaves exposed to light,
Where are most of the chloroplast...,
Why is the upper epidermis transp...
8  cards
The Limiting Factor Depends on the Conditions
What is a limiting factor,
Name some examples of potential l...,
What does the limiting factor dep...
5  cards
Not Enough LIGHT Slows Down the Rate of Photosynthesis
What does chlorophyll use light e...,
What happens if the light intensi...,
Why won t it make any difference ...
3  cards
Too Little CARBON DIOXIDE Also Slows it Down
What is co2 needed for,
How much of the air is co2,
What happens as you increase the ...
5  cards
The TEMPERATURE Has to be Just Right
How does temp affect the rate of ...,
What happens if the temp is too high,
What does it mean if the temp is ...
4  cards
You Need to Know How to Test a Leaf for Starch
What do you need to do first,
How do you kill the leaf,
Why do you need to kill the leaf
8  cards
Chlorophyll - Starch Test
How can you show that chlorophyll...,
Which part of the leaf contains c...,
What do you do first
6  cards
CO2 - Starch Test
How can you show co2 is needed fo...,
What will the sods lime do,
What will happen if you leave the...
4  cards
The Starch Test Shows Whether Photosynthesis is Taking Place
How can you shoe that light is ne...,
What do you do first,
What do you do with that leaf
5  cards
Oxygen Production Shows the Rate of Photosynthesis
What can canadian pondweed be use...,
What does the rate at which pondw...,
The faster the rate of oxygen pro...
10  cards
Plants Need Three Main Mineral Ions For Growth
Why do plants need certain elements,
Where do they get these elements ...,
What happens if there aren t enou...
3  cards
What do they contain nitrogen for,
What are amino acids and proteins...,
What happens if a leave can t get...
3  cards
What do they contain phosphates for,
What do plants without enough pho...
2  cards
What is potassium need for,
What do plants have if theres not...
2  cards
Magnesium is Also Needed in Small Amounts
What is magnesium required for,
What do plants without enough mag...
2  cards
Multicellular Organisms Need Transport Systems
What do cells in all living organ...,
What do plant cells need to live,
What do plant cells need to get r...
7  cards
Plants Have Two Main Transport Systems
What do xylem carry,
Where does the xylem carry them from,
Where does the xylem carry them to
7  cards
Root Hairs Take In Water
What do cells on plant roots grow...,
What is each branch of a root cov...,
How does this help the plant abso...
5  cards
Transpiration is the Loss of Water from the Plant
What is transpiration caused by,
Where does most transpiration happen,
What does this evaporation cause
8  cards
Transpiration Rate is Affected by Four Main Things
What are the four main things tra...,
Li the brighter the light,
Li what do the stomata do as it g...
14  cards
A Potometer can be Used to Estimate Transpiration Rate
What is a potometer,
What does a potometer measure,
What do you do first cut
12  cards
You Can See How Environmental Conditions Affect Transpiration Rates
What can you use a potometer to e...,
How could you increase the intens...,
How could you decrease the intens...
10  cards
0  cards
Respiration is NOT ‘Breathing In and Out’
When does respiration actually go on,
What is respiration,
What are the two types of respira...
4  cards
Aerobic Respiration Needs Plenty of Oxygen
What is aerobic respiration,
What does aerobic mean,
Which respiration do we use more
5  cards
Anaerobic Respiration Doesn’t Use Oxygen At All
What happens when you do really v...,
What do your muscles have to star...,
What does anaerobic mean
7  cards
Anaerobic Respiration in Plants is Slightly Different
Can plants respire without oxygen,
What do plants produce instead of...,
Word equation for anaerobic respi...
3  cards
Carbon a Dioxide Production can be Detected using an Indicator
What can you use to show that liv...,
What colour does it change to in ...,
What colour is the solution normally
10  cards
The Heat Produced by Respiration can be Measured
What do you do first,
What do you do second,
Why do you make sure some air is ...
6  cards
Plants Exchange Gases By Diffusion
What do plants do when they photo...,
What do plants to when they respire,
Why is there hardly any co2 insid...
6  cards
The Next Exchange of Gases Depends on Light Intensity
What time does photosynthesis onl...,
Why must plants respire all the time,
When do plants make more oxygen a...
6  cards
Leaves are Adapted for Efficient Gas Exchange
Leaves are broad so there s a lar...,
Why is it good that they are thin,
What do the air spaces in the lea...
7  cards
Hydrogen-carbonate Indicator Shows Changes in CO2 Conc
What is the hydrogen carbonate in...,
What colour will the hydrogen car...,
What colour will the hydrogen car...
3  cards
...So You Can Use it to Show Differences in Net Gas Exchange un Plants
What do you do first add,
What do you do second put,
What do you do third wrap
5  cards
And The Results are in...
What should the colour change be ...,
What should the colour change be ...,
What should the colour change be ...
4  cards
The Lungs Are in the Thorax
What is the thorax,
What is the thorax separated form...,
What are lungs like
9  cards
Breathing In...
What do the intercostal muscles do,
What does the diaphragm do,
What does the thorax volume do
4  cards
...and Breathing Out
What do the intercostal muscles do,
What does the diaphragm do,
What does the thorax volume do
4  cards
You Can Investigate the Effect of Exercsie no Breathing Rate
What do you do first,
What do you do second,
What do the results do
5  cards
Alveoli Carry Out Gas Exchange in the Body
What do the lungs contain,
What does the blood passing next ...,
Where does oxygen diffuse out of ...
6  cards
Alveoli are Specialised for Gas Exchange
What does the huge number of micr...,
Why is there a moist lining,
Why doesn t the gas have far to d...
5  cards
Smoking Tobacco Can Cause Quite a Few Problems
How does smoking damage the walls...,
What does the tar in cigarettes d...,
Why do we need cilia
9  cards
0  cards
Blood has Four Main Components
What are the four main components
1  cards
Plasma is the Liquid Bit of Blood
What is plasma,
What are red and white blood cells,
What is carried from the gut to a...
7  cards
Platelets are Small Fragments of Cells that Help Blood Clot
What happens when you damage a bl...,
What is this known as,
What do blood clots do
4  cards
Red Blood Cells Have the Job of Carrying Oxygen
What do red blood cells do,
How does being small and having a...,
How does containing haemoglobin h...
4  cards
Your Immune System Deals with Pathogens
What are pathogens,
What will pathogens do once they ...,
What destroys the pathogens
4  cards
Phagocytes Ingest Pathogens
What do phagocytes detect,
What do phagocytes do after detec...,
Phagocytes are non specific what ...
3  cards
Lymphocytes Produce Antibodies
What does every pathogen have,
What do they do when they come ac...,
What do these antibodies do
7  cards
Vaccination - Protects from Future Infections
How can you avoid waiting for you...,
What does a vaccination involve,
What do these pathogens carry
5  cards
Blood Vessels are Designed for Their Function
What are the three different type...,
4  cards
Arteries Carry Blood Under Pressure
Why are the artery walls strong a...,
What are the walls thick compared to,
What do the walls contain
4  cards
Capillaries are a Really Small
What do arteries branch into,
How big are capillaries,
Why do they carry blood really cl...
8  cards
Veins Take Blood Back to the Heart
Capillaries eventually join up to...,
Why don t the walls need to be as...,
Why do they have a bigger lumen t...
5  cards
Parts of the Heart
What does the right atrium receive,
Where does the deoxygenated blood...,
What does the left atrium receive
7  cards
Labels of Heart in Clockwise Order
12  cards
Exercise Increases Heart Rate
What happens when you exercise,
What do you need to do in terms o...,
What does exercise increase
6  cards
The Hormonal System Also Helps to Control Heart Rate
What happens when an organism is ...,
What does adrenaline bind to,
What does this cause the cardiac ...
4  cards
Labels of Circulation System in Clockwise Order
11  cards
You Need to Know the Structure of the Circulation System
What kind of blood do arteries carry,
What kind of blood do veins carry,
What are the exceptions to this rule
6  cards
The Kidneys are Excretion Organs
What are the kidneys part of,
What is the first main role of th...,
What is the second main role of t...
7  cards
Where does blood from the renal a...,
What does the higher pressure squ...,
What to the membranes between blo...
5  cards
What happens as the filtrate flow...,
Where is all the glucose reabsorb...,
What does this involve the proces...
5  cards
Release of wastes
What do the remaining substances ...,
What do the remaining substances ...,
This continues out of the through...
4  cards
The Kidneys Also Adjust the Body’s Water Content
How is water taken into the body,
How is water lost from the body,
What is osmoregulation
4  cards
ADH Helps to Control Water Content
What is the amount of water reabs...,
What does adh do to the nephrons,
What does the brain monitor
6  cards
0  cards
Genes are Chemical Instructions
What is dna,
What is each separate gene in a d...,
Why are proteins important
5  cards
DNA is a Double Helix
What is a dna molecule,
What are the two strands held tog...,
What are the 4 different bases
6  cards
Asexual Reproduction Involves Mitosis
How can ordinary cell make new cell,
What are both new cells in compar...,
What do both new cells contain
7  cards
Mitosis Produces Genetically Identical Cells
What is mitosis,
What happens when a diploid cell ...,
What is the dna like in a cell th...
10  cards
Mitosis Also Makes New Cells for Growth and Repair
Is mitosis always used during ase...,
What else is mitosis used in,
What does cloning involve
3  cards
Sexual Reproduction Produces Genetically Different Cells
What is sexual reproduction,
What is produced in sexual reprod...,
What are gametes
11  cards
Gametes are Produced by Meiosis
What is meiosis,
How is it different to mitosis,
Where does meiosis only happen in...
14  cards
The Stamen is the Male Reproductive Part - Flower
What does the stamen consist of,
What does the anther contain,
What is the filament
5  cards
The Carpel is the Female Reproductive Part - Flower
What does the carpel consist of,
What is the stigma,
What is the style
5  cards
Some Plants are Adapted for Insect Pollination
1 colour,
2 scent,
3 sticky
4  cards
What is pollination,
What is cross pollination,
What happens in cross pollination
4  cards
Other Plants are Adapted for Wind Pollination
5  cards
Fertilisation is the Fusion of Gametes
How does a pollen grain land on t...,
What does a pollen tube do,
What does a nucleus from the male...
7  cards
Germination is when Seeds Start to Grow
How long will a seed lie dormant ...,
Why does a seed need water,
Why does a seed need oxygen
8  cards
Germinating Seeds get Energy from Food Stores
What does a developed seed contain,
What happens when a seed starts t...,
What happens once the plant has g...
3  cards
Plants Can Reproduce Asexuality Using Natural Methods
How do some plants reproduce asex...,
What is an example of a plant tha...,
What does the parent strawberry p...
7  cards
... or We Can Clone Them Using Artificial Methods
How can we clone plants,
What do gardeners do first,
What do gardeners do second
3  cards
The Male Reproductive System Makes Sperm
What are sperm,
Where s sperm made,
What does sperm mix with a liquid...
12  cards
The Female Reproductive System Makes Ova (Eggs)
What are ova,
How often is an ovum egg produced,
What does the egg then do
14  cards
Hormones Promote Sexual Characteristics at Puberty
What happens at puberty,
What is the sex hormone in men,
What is the sex hormone in women
5  cards
The Menstrual Cycle has Four Stages
Stage 1,
Stage 2,
Stage 3
4  cards
Oestrogen and Progesterone Control the Menstrual Cycle
Where are the two hormones produced,
What does oestrogen do,
What does progesterone do
4  cards
The Embryo Develops During Pregnancy
What happens once an ovum has bee...,
What is the embryo called in late...,
What happens once the embryo has ...
7  cards
Alleles are Different Versions of the Same Gene
What do you have most of the time,
What happens if the alleys are di...,
What is the version of characteri...
12  cards
Genetic Diagrams show the Possible Alleles in the a Offspring
What genotype must a crazy hamste...,
What genotype does the normal ham...
8  cards
There’s Another Way to Draw Genetic Diagrams
You can draw a type of genetic di...,
What is the first step in filling...,
What is the second step in fillin...
3  cards
You Can Draw Genetic Diagrams for Codominant Inheritance too
What might you need to work out t...,
Look in book page 60
2  cards
You Need to Understand Family Pedigrees
Why does knowing how inheritance ...,
What is cystic fibrosis,
What kind of allele is the allele...
8  cards
Your Chromosomes Control Whether You’re Male or Female
How many matched pairs of chromos...,
What is the 23rd pair labelled,
What do these two chromosomes decide
9  cards
There’s an Equal Chance of Having a Boy or a Girl...
Look page 61 for genetic diagram,
What does the diagram show,
What do we need to remember about...
3  cards
Genetic Variation is Caused by Genes
Why are all animals bound to be s...,
What do genes control,
What are the exceptions to this r...
3  cards
Most Variation in Animals is Due to Genes AND Environment
What is most variation in animals...,
What is almost every single aspec...,
What factors aren t affected in a...
9  cards
Environmental Variation in Plants is Much Greater
What 4 things are plants strongly...,
Why might plants grow twice as bi...,
What do farmers and gardeners use...
3  cards
Make Sure You Know the Theory of Evolution
Definition theory of evolution,
How long does the whole process o...,
Example of how evolution is still...
3  cards
Natural Selection Means the ‘Survival of the Fittest’
Natural selection is one of the k...,
1 what do all living things show,
2 why must individuals compete fo...
8  cards
The Best Genes for a Particular Environment Tend to Survive
Individuals who are less likely t...,
What does this result in over time,
What are variations caused by
4  cards
Mutations are Changes to the Genetic Code
Occasionally a gene may,
What is a mutation,
Who do mutations do
13  cards
Bacteria can Evolve and Become Antibiotic-Resistant
What can bacteria sometimes develop,
What can this lead to,
Sometime they mean that a bacteri...
8  cards
0  cards
You Need to Learn Some Definitions to get you started
4  cards
You Can Estimate Population Sizes in Different Areas Using a Quadrat
What is a quadrat,
What do you do with it,
What do you do first
5  cards
Two Important Points About This Kind of Counting Method
The sample may not be,
What does the sample size affect,
The bigger your sample
4  cards
You Can Use Quadrats to Investigate the Distribution of Organisms too
What can you use quadrats to help...,
The quadrats are laid out along a...,
What do you do first
4  cards
Food Chains Show What’s Eaten by What in an Ecosystem
What do food chains always start ...,
How do producers make their own food,
What are producers eaten by
8  cards
You Need to Understand Pyramids of Numbers
What does each bar on a pyramid o...,
If there were 5000 dandelions and...,
Why would the dandelions go at th...
5  cards
You Have to Understand Pyramids of Biomass too
What does each bar on a pyramid o...,
Biomass pyramids are practically ...,
Look at diagram page 67
4  cards
Pyramids of Energy Transfer Are Always Pyramid-Shaped
What do pyramids of energy show,
Pyramids of energy transfer are a...
2  cards
Energy is Transferred Along a Food Chain
What is energy from the sun the s...,
What do plants use light energy f...,
What does this energy work it s w...
10  cards
Food Webs Show How Food Chains are Linked
What does it mean when there are ...,
What can you draw to show them,
What are all the species in a foo...
8  cards
The Water Cycle Means Water is Endlessly Recycled
The water here on the plant earth...,
What does hear from the sun do to...,
What is transpiration
8  cards
The Carbon Cycle Shows How Carbon is Recycled
What is carbon an important eleme...,
There s only a fixed amount of ca...,
What is the whole carbon cycled p...
11  cards
Nitrogen is Also Recycled in the Nitrogen Cycle
How much nitrogen gas does the at...,
What is nitrogen needed for,
Where do plants get their nitroge...
15  cards
Carbon Monoxide is Poisonous
Why happens when fossil fuels are...,
What is carbon monoxide,
What happens if carbon monoxide c...
6  cards
Acid Rain is Caused by Sulfur Dioxide
What does burning fossil fuels do,
Where does sulfur dioxide and nit...,
What happens when sulfur dioxide ...
5  cards
Acid Rain Kills Fish and Trees
What can acid rain cause a lake t...,
What are many organisms sensitive to,
Why do many plants and animals di...
5  cards
Greenhouse Gases Trap Heat from the Sun
What is a temperature of the eart...,
What do gases in the atmosphere a...,
What would happen if this didn t ...
9  cards
Human Activity Produces Lots of Greenhouse Gases
What do humans release into the a...,
How do humans release carbon dioxide,
What are people doing to forests ...
10  cards
Fertilisers can Leach into Water and Cause Eutrophication
When does fertiliser cause big pr...,
What are put onto fields as miner...,
What happens if too much fertilis...
12  cards
Deforestation Affects the Soil, Water Cycle and Carbon Cycle
Leaching how do trees take up nut...,
Leaching why do they need to take...,
Leaching when do they return the ...
15  cards
0  cards
You Can Artificially Create the Ideal Conditions for Photosynthesis
How can photosynthesis be helped ...,
What does keeping plants enclosed...,
Why do commercial farmers often s...
9  cards
Fertilisers Are Used to Ensure the Crops Have Enough Nutrients
Why do plants need certain elements,
What are some of the certain elem...,
What happens if plants don t get ...
5  cards
Pest Control Stops Pests Eating Crops
What do pests include,
How are pests that feed on variou...,
How does pest control increase cr...
12  cards
Bacteria Ferment Milk to Produce Yoghurt
What is fermentation,
What is yoghurt basically,
1 why is the equipment sterilised
11  cards
Microorganisms are Grown in Fermenters
What can microorganisms like bact...,
What happens in industry,
What is the fermenter full of
15  cards
We Use Yeast for Brewing Beer
1 what do you need to do first,
1 what is beer made from,
1 what are the barley grains allo...
18  cards
The Respiration Rate of Yeast Depends on Its Conditions
What can you do experiments to in...,
1 what do you do first,
2 what do you do second
8  cards
Selective Breeding is Mating the Best Organisms to Get Good Offspring
Why are organisms selectively bred,
What are best features things like,
What happens first in selective b...
6  cards
Selective Breeding is Very Useful
What 3 things can selective breed...,
What 2 characteristics of cows ar...,
What 2 characteristics of sheep a...
4  cards
Fish Can be Farmed In Cages In The Sea
1 why are the fish kept in cages ...,
2 what does the cage protect them...,
3 what diet are they fed and why
11  cards
Fish Can Be Farmed In Tanks Too
Freshwater fish can be farmed in ...,
What is this especially useful fo...,
1 what can the water be monitored...
7  cards
Enzymes Can Be Used To Cut Up DNA or Join DNA Pieces Together
What do restriction enzymes recog...,
What do ligase enzymes do,
What is recombinant dna
3  cards
Vectors Can Be Used to Insert DNA Into Other Organisms
What is a vector,
What are the two types of vector,
What are plasmids
13  cards
Genetically Modified Plants Can Improve Food Production
1 what can can be genetically mod...,
1 what is one way you can do this,
2 what does making crops insect r...
7  cards
Micro propagation is Used to Clone Plants
How can plants be cloned from exi...,
1 what is taken from the planted ...,
2 what is done to the explants an...
9  cards
Cloning an Adult Mammal is Done by Transplanting a Cell Nucleus
What was the first mammal to be s...,
1 what did they do first removed,
2 what was done second inserted
6  cards
There Are Advantages and Disadvantages to Cloning
What could animals that have orga...,
What are the main benefits of clo...,
What have researched managed to d...
5  cards

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