This class was created by Brainscape user Thomas Duinhoven. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (39)

What is a business?
What is a business,
What is revenue,
What is a good
11  cards
Functions of a Business
What are the 4 main functional de...,
What does finance do,
What does marketing do
5  cards
1.2 Types of organisations
Private sector,
Public sector,
Reasons for public sector busines...
33  cards
1.1 Introduction to business management
What is the role of businesses,
What are the main functions of a ...,
Human resources
23  cards
1.3 Organisational objectives
Vision statement,
Mission statement,
What are the main differences bet...
37  cards
1.4 Stakeholders
What is a stakeholder,
Examples of stakeholders,
What is arbitration
9  cards
1.5 External environment
What are the external influences,
What are social influences,
What are technological influences
8  cards
1.6 Growth and evolution
What is internal growth,
What is external growth,
Examples of a merger
11  cards
4.2 Marketing planning
What is a marketing plan,
What does the typical marketing p...,
What are the benefits and limitat...
31  cards
Types of business ownership
What are the 3 types of business ...,
Sole trader,
Advantages of a sole trader
16  cards
E - commerce
E commerce,
M commerce,
7  cards
Marketing mix
Marketing mix,
7 ps,
Changing the marketing mix
9  cards
Niche vs Mass markets
Mass market,
Niche market,
3  cards
5.1 The role of operations management
What is meant by operations manag...,
What is the relationship between ...,
How does operations management ap...
23  cards
2.1 Functions and evolution of human resource management
Human resource management,
Roles of hrm,
How can hr add value to the output
73  cards
2.2 - Organisational structure
Levels of hierarchy,
Line managers,
Staff manager
42  cards
2.3 Leadership and management
Key functions of a manger accordi...,
Managers have 3 major tasks roles
25  cards
2.4 Motivation
Extrinsic motivation,
Intrinsic motivation
47  cards
Case study key words
Board of trustees
68  cards
Break even analysis - 3.3
Break even,
What is the equation for total co...,
What is the equation for contribu...
15  cards
3.5. Profitability and Liquidity Ratio Analysis
Purpose of profitability and liqu...,
Ratio comparison can be between,
Profitability ratios
30  cards
3.7. Cash Flow
What does it mean when there is g...,
What does it mean when there is g...,
What does it mean when there is p...
18  cards
The role of Marketing - 3.1
What management function does mar...,
Marketing relationship with finance
42  cards
3.4 Final Accounts
Final accounts,
Current assets definition,
Current assets formula
20  cards
4.2 Marketing planning
Marketing planning,
What are the main elements of a m...,
Role of marketing planning
34  cards
1.3 Organisational objectives
Mission statement,
Vision statement,
Reasons for vision and mission st...
62  cards
1.5 External environment
Steeple analysis,
What does steeple stand for,
20  cards
1.2 Types of organisations
Public sector,
Private sector,
Mixed economy
49  cards
1.4 Stakeholders
Stakeholder concept,
Internal stakeholders,
External stakeholders
13  cards
1.6 Growth and evolution
Economies of scale,
Scale of operation,
5 cost benefits from economies of...
55  cards
4.4 Market research
Market research,
Why do organisations carry out ma...,
What can market research find out
25  cards
4.5 The four Ps - product, price, promotion and place
Consumer durables,
Product life cycle
115  cards
Unit 1 - Business Nature and environment - Peacewick potential questions
1 explain why pu is classified as...,
2 which of pu s functional depart...,
3 what is the legal structure of ...
36  cards
Unit 2 - Peacewick potential questions
1 outline 2 types of leadership s...,
2 outline 2 types of training,
3 explain two advantages of part ...
26  cards
Unit 3 - Peacewick potential questions
1 evaluate the strategies peacewi...,
2 sources of finance used to fund...,
3 identify and explain two potent...
7  cards
Unit 4 - Peacewick potential questions
1 explain a suitable promotional ...,
3 outline one advantage and one d...,
4 explain the external factors re...
6  cards
5.1 The role of operations management COPY
What is meant by operations manag...,
What is the relationship between ...,
How does operations management ap...
5  cards
5.2 Production methods
What is job production what are i...,
What is batch production what are...,
What is mass production
7  cards
5.4 Location
What is meant by the location dec...,
Why might a location decision be ...,
What are the quantitative factors...
8  cards

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business ib

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