This class was created by Brainscape user Toyosi Oyabambi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

1.1Biopsyc Intro
What is the black box brain,
What does it mean to open the bla...,
What did hippocrates believe
20  cards
1.2motor And sensory system
List the classification of movement,
What is responsible for the contr...,
What is the name given to pathway...
24  cards
What is introspections,
What is encoding,
What is the serial position effect
29  cards
1.3Membrane Potential
16  cards
1.4Brain Disease
Symptoms of parkinson s disease,
Peak age of parkinson s disease,
What part of the brain does parki...
20  cards
What is sensation,
What is perception,
How does light enter the eye
25  cards
What is language,
What is syntax,
What is language
19  cards
Language Production
Example of anticipation,
22  cards
Social Psy Intro
What is social psy,
What are 3 themes in social psy,
What is social thinking
15  cards
What is a group,
What is an individualistic group,
Collectivist group
14  cards
List traits of a good leader,
List traits of a bad leader,
What is the great person theory
15  cards
Health Psychology
Define health,
More recent definition of health,
Why is it important to define health
37  cards
Indiv Differences + Psychopathology
What is psychopathology,
What is abnormal,
What diagnostic classification sy...
28  cards
What are psychological interventions,
What are 3 aspects that intervent...,
Different formats of therapy
4  cards
Premature Birth
Why do we study premature birth,
What is preterm birth,
What do we classify a baby born a...
19  cards
2.3thinking + problem solving
What is thinking,
What is a problem,
Stage of problem solving
33  cards
4.1infant development nature v nurture
What is the critical period,
What is the sensitive period,
Example of critical periods
32  cards
How was autism described,
What did kanner think caused auti...,
Whatwas his view shift to
5  cards
4.2Cognitive And Social Development
What di paiget do,
What is a schemata,
What is assimilation
25  cards
What is adhd according to dsm5,
What age does adhd symptoms need ...,
Example of symptoms of inattention
24  cards
4.4 Attraction
What is affiliation behaviour,
What s the consequence of long te...,
What does langlois say about attr...
22  cards
Trait theory,
Great person theory
2  cards
Role of right supramarginal gyrus
4  cards

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