This class was created by Brainscape user Fanvergent Duck. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1. Brain Basics
Two functions of spinal cord,
What distinguishes the human nerv...,
3 types of neurons
83  cards
2. Senses and Perception
Vision involves __ of the cerebra...,
Animals used to study vision,
Process of light entering eye and...
57  cards
3. Movement
Skeletal muscles,
24  cards
4. Learning, Memory, and Emotions
Declarative memory,
Semantic memory
41  cards
5. Thinking, Planning, Language
How does the brain understand per...,
How does the brain work around it...,
Semantic memory
32  cards
6A. The Developing Brain
3 layers that form during embryon...,
Nerve tissue arises from,
Fate of a developing cell is dete...
35  cards
6B. Infant, Child, and Adolescent Brain
Average brain weight of newborn baby,
Average weight of adult brain,
Growth rate of brain immediately ...
20  cards
6C. Adult and Aging Brain
Changes in grey and white matter ...,
When does the rate of pruning beg...,
When does white matter volume peak
28  cards
7. Brain States
Brain activity during sleep is im...,
Sleep deprived people are at incr...,
38  cards
8. Body in Balance
Example of bodys internal clock,
How are daily rhythms coordinated
34  cards
10. Neural Networks and Artificial Brains
If we tried to build a brain usin...,
What percent of the total energy ...,
Compared to speed of computers sp...
5  cards
13A. Kinds of Research
When were we first able to observ...,
When and how was it discovered th...
24  cards
13B. Solving Human Problems
Brain machine interface,
Deep brain stimulation
16  cards
9A. Childhood Disorders
What percentage of people with au...,
By which two criteria is autism d...,
How many times more boys are diag...
55  cards

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brain bee

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