brain and behaviour year 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Sarah-Louise Watson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

What does a cell body of a neuron...,
Where in the neurone is the site ...,
What does the cell body of the pr...
62  cards
What is dopamine made out of,
Which disorders is dopmaine invol...,
What 5 things does dopaminergic t...
83  cards
What is 5ht,
What are the hallucinogenic effec...,
What molecules is 5ht made out of
98  cards
What is drug dependence,
What happens to chronic exposure ...,
What is drug withdrawl
125  cards
Anatomy Practical
What are the two divisions of the...,
Name the bones of the cranium,
Name the facial bones
147  cards
Anatomy Practical 2
What is the function of air sinuses,
What is the function of basal gan...,
What is the function of blood sin...
89  cards
Anatomy Practical 3
How many layers does the scalp co...,
Name the 5 layers of the skull,
Describe the 5 layers of the skull
65  cards
Introduction to BB
What are the functions of the ner...,
Describe the divisions of the ner...,
Name the subdivisions of the cent...
28  cards
Basal Ganglia
What is the basal ganglia,
What are the neural structures of...,
What do the caudate and putamen n...
53  cards
Pharmacology of Movement
What does parkinsons disease hist...,
How can you monitor the loss of d...,
What are the motor features of pa...
35  cards
Motor System II
What regions of the cortex are in...,
What broadmann area is the primar...,
Where is the primary motor cortex
78  cards
Learning and Conditioning
What is learning,
What are the five major learning ...,
Describe the five major learning ...
27  cards
What cranial fossa is the cerebel...,
What does the cerebellum do that ...,
What does the midline of the cere...
47  cards
Anatomy and Physiology of Pain
Name the 4 steps that are involve...,
Describe the 4 steps that are inv...,
Describe the definition of pain
58  cards
Pharmacology of Pain
Describe the different time facto...,
What are the different types of pain,
What areas of the brain are key i...
46  cards
What are seizures,
What is epileptogensis,
What is epilepsy
48  cards
Pain Mechanism and Management
Define acute pain,
What can pain be influenced by,
Name two theories of pain
27  cards
Blood Supply to the Brain
How much of body weight does the ...,
What amount of cardiac output tot...,
What is the average brain blood flow
66  cards
Vestibular System
What is the main function of the ...,
What are the 3 receptor systems t...,
What is the inner ear made out of
29  cards
Headaches and Migraine
When is headache most likely to e...,
Name the 3 questions which can pr...,
How do you diagnose primary heada...
44  cards
Depression and Antidepressants
Define depression,
Name 4 types of depression from t...,
Name the difference types of depr...
49  cards
What is the definition of addiction,
Addiction is,
Name some types of addiction
26  cards
Drug Dependence
What is addiction,
Define drug abuse,
Define drug dependence
45  cards
Deep Brain Stimulation
What is the procedure for deep br...,
How much does deep brain stimulat...,
What is currently nice approved f...
27  cards
Limbic system
The limbic system is,
Describe the anatomy of the limbi...,
What lobes is the limbic system f...
58  cards
What is the histological changes ...,
Name the warning signs of dementia,
What is the definition of dementia
57  cards
Memory and Amnesia
What are the two main types of lo...,
What are the two types of declara...,
What is a type of non declarative...
22  cards
What is the definition of schizop...,
What is the onset of schizophrenia,
What are the three types of sympt...
41  cards
Symptoms of the Mind
What is the difference between ne...,
What is mental health defined as,
What is important in history taki...
22  cards
Persistent vegetative state
Define consciousness,
Define wakefulness,
Define awareness
56  cards
Head Injury
Why is traumatic brain injury a p...,
Describe the epidemiology of trau...,
The principles determinate of lon...
30  cards
Name some of the clinical uses of...,
What controls the sleep wake cycl...,
What happens to the scn in the li...
63  cards
Sleep and Arousal
How is consciousness tested clini...,
What is consciousness,
Consciousness is not a
64  cards
Definition of a stroke,
What are the types of stroke,
Describe some epidemiology of stroke
36  cards
Multiple Sclerosis
What is multiple sclerosis,
How do you recognise ms,
What is an episode of multiple sc...
36  cards
Before the Exam
What happens when there is damage...,
What does damage to the posterior...,
What causes oculomotor apraxia
141  cards

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brain and behaviour year 2

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