This class was created by Brainscape user Claire Austen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What can the inner lining of bloo...,
How are microinsults repaired,
What is the process of atheroscle...
15  cards
What happens to the primary denti...,
Developmental factors that result...,
First stage of a dental cavity
15  cards
What is left sided heart failure ...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What happens if the artery is com...
18  cards
What is peripheral artery disease,
What is peripheral artery disease...,
How would peripheral artery disea...
9  cards
What is asthma,
What happens to the airways durin...
20  cards
digestive system
What is gord,
What can gord cause,
What are symptoms of gord
28  cards
red blood cells
What is anemia,
When is anemia considered severe,
How does anemia occur
26  cards
white blood cells
What is leukemia,
What occurs in acute lymphoid leu...,
What is acute myeloid leukemia
21  cards
When does cancer occur,
Are tumors always cancerous,
What is a tumor
13  cards
What is penicillin,
What is the clinical use for penc...,
Adverse effects of broad spectrum...
6  cards
asthma medication
How are sympathomimetics used,
How is oxygen used,
3 examples of sympathomimetics
11  cards
proton pump inhibitors
What are protein pump inhibitors ...,
Types of protein pump inhibitors,
Unwanted effects of protein pump ...
3  cards
beta blockers
What do beta blockers do,
Examples of beta blockers,
What do beta blockers do
3  cards
calcium channel blockers
What are calcium channel blockers,
Unwanted effects of calcium chann...
3  cards
questiona from LT all topics
Outline the cardiovascular change...,
Describe at least two 2 changes t...,
List and describe the stages of t...
12  cards

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