bms 248 - neural circuits

This class was created by Brainscape user Karla Littleford. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Modern methods in neuroscience I
What is magnetic resonance imagin...,
Why is mri safer than x rays and ...,
What does mri scanning use to get...
57  cards
Modern methods in neuroscience II
What did cajal and golgi develop,
What was the difference between l...,
With golgi labelling what can be ...
31  cards
Visual system
What 3 stimuli the visual system ...,
What defines how the visual syste...,
What is the morphology of a senso...
87  cards
Chemical senses
What are the chemical senses,
What is olfaction,
What 2 ways can sound be described
70  cards
Overview of the auditory system
Describe the development of sensi...,
What is important about the evolu...,
What is sound frequency what is i...
91  cards
Stimulus recognition
What projects to the lateral geni...,
How many layers are there in the lgn,
How many layers of the lgn receiv...
64  cards
Stimulus localisation and processing of motion
How are processing of motion and ...,
What are 4 examples of object loc...,
What does the orienting reflex ha...
36  cards
Motor control
How is the motor system arranged,
What is the highest level of the ...,
What is the middle level of the m...
70  cards
Sound localisation and sensory system interaction
What are 3 reasons why sound loca...,
How is a perception in auditory s...,
What are 2 benefits of sound loca...
63  cards
Learning and memory I
What are the 2 ways to describe m...,
What is declarative memory,
What is non declarative memory
52  cards
Learning and memory II
What did donald hebb propose,
Where was hebbs hypothesis tested...,
What 2 things can change the hipp...
69  cards
Modern questions in learning and memory
What does memory allow us to do h...,
How can flies be conditioned with...,
What 2 ways can odours be processed
51  cards
Linking sense and behaviour to memory
Why is the world like a code,
What is the drift diffusion model...,
Describe the drift diffusion model
23  cards
What 4 things does the nervous sy...,
Why does the nervous system need ...,
How does the nervous system react
29  cards
Fixing faulty neural circuits
What is channelrhodopsin selectiv...,
What happens when channelrhodopsi...,
How is channelrhodopsin activated...
43  cards
Sensory systems and sensory input
What 4 things does a visual neuro...,
What is contrast,
What is visual system interested ...
29  cards

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bms 248 - neural circuits

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