biology - year 2 (eduqas)

This class was created by Brainscape user Charlie m. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Chapter 14 - Immunology and Disease.
What bacterium causes cholera and...,
What does endemic mean,
How do people become infected wit...
54  cards
Chapter 6 - Human impact on the environment.
What is the main cause of species...,
Why do species become endangered ...,
What are the different ways habit...
28  cards
Chapter 5 - Population Size & Ecosystems.
What is a populations size determ...,
What are the 4 phases of a growth...,
Why cant the rate of increase in ...
42  cards
Chapter 4 - Microbiology.
What is a gram stain,
What is a gram s cell wall made o...,
What does a gram s cell wall have...
9  cards
Chapter 1 - Importance of ATP.
Atp is suited to its role because,
What is chemiosmosis
2  cards
Chapter 2 - Photosynthesis.
Name a cell where chloroplast wou...,
What are the 2 stages in photosyn...,
What is photophosphorylation
26  cards
Chapter 3 - Respiration.
What are the two types of phospho...,
What are the four stages in aerob...,
What is decarboxylation and what ...
14  cards
Chapter 7 - Sexual Reproduction in Humans.
What does the male reproductive s...,
What happens in the seminiferous ...,
What do the seminal vesicles do
41  cards
Chapter 8 - Sexual Reproduction in Plants.
What is the general name for the ...,
What is the general name for the ...,
What are the features of insect p...
29  cards
Chapter 9 - Inheritance.
What is a gene,
What is an allele,
What is the locus of a gene
37  cards
Chapter 10 - Variation and Evolution.
Why do organisms differ in their ...,
What does it mean if a characteri...,
How does sexual reproduction gene...
36  cards
Chapter 11 - Application of Reproduction and Genetics.
What were the aims of the human g...,
What were the findings of the hum...,
What are the applications of the ...
67  cards
Chapter 12 - Homeostasis and the Kidney.
What is homeostasis,
What is a negative feedback mecha...,
What is excretion
33  cards
Chapter 13 - The Nervous System.
What are the 2 main parts of the ...,
What is a stimulus and what does ...,
What are the elements of a reflex...
20  cards

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biology - year 2 (eduqas)

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