This class was created by Brainscape user hbomb simpson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Plants transport
What substance is vitally importa...,
What do plants use light energy t...,
What must plants have to allow wa...
20  cards
Humans transport
What does blood do,
What 4 components make up blood,
Where is oxygen carried from and to
18  cards
Energy In Ecosystems- life on earth
What is a biotic factor,
What is an abiotic factor,
When does competition occur
32  cards
Biodiversity And Distribution Of life-life on earth
What is a niche,
What does biodiversity mean,
How does grazing affect the biodi...
9  cards
Life On Earth- Agriculture And Indicators
What is monoculture,
Name 5 advances in agriculture,
What are 2 advantages of monoculture
30  cards
Evolution Of Species- Life On Earth
What is an organism called if it ...,
What is a mutation,
Name the 2 mutagenic agents
20  cards
Sampling-life On Earth
Give 2 reasons why it s impossibl...,
What does sampling allow you to do,
Name 4 sampling techniques
15  cards
Cell Structure
The function of the mitochondria,
How do you calculate the field view,
What do plant cells have that ani...
10  cards
Cell Division
What is another more biological w...,
What is the mnemonic for remember...,
Name stage 1 and describes what h...
11  cards
Transport Across Cell Membranes
Why is the cell membrane structur...,
What is the cell membrane made up of,
What molecule can form a pore
16  cards
What shape is dna,
What are the complementary base p...,
What does dna do
16  cards
Enzymes And Protiens
What does pepsin turn protein into,
What does the enzyme amylase do,
What enzyme turns fats into fatty...
21  cards
What is yeast,
What two industries is yeast used in,
What makes the dough rise
16  cards
Genetic Engineering
What is a host cell,
When can genetic information be t...,
What is a bacterial plasmid
11  cards
Variation And Inheritance
Describe discrete variation,
Name the two types of variation,
Describe continuous variation
13  cards
What is the equation for photosyn...,
What colour of plant is photosynt...,
What is the glucose converted int...
12  cards
What is respiration controlled by,
What is respiration,
What is the energy generated from...
14  cards
Specilised Cells
What could stem cells potentially...,
Where do the best stem cells come...,
What is special about egg and spe...
9  cards
Organs And Tissues
What is an organ,
What is a tissue,
What can organs be arranged into
6  cards
Hormonal Control
What do endocrine glands produce,
What does the endocrine system co...,
Why does hormones control have a ...
17  cards
The Nervous System
What does cns stand for,
What is the nervous system made u...,
What is the cns made up of
19  cards
Reproduction In Plants
What is an advantage of asexual r...,
Name the 3 types of asexual repro...,
What is a disadvantage of asexual...
13  cards
Human Reproduction
Where is an egg produced,
Where is sperm produced,
How does the sperm swim
16  cards
Where are the meristems located,
What are meristems,
What does the root cap do
4  cards
Life Style Choices
What does regular exercise improve,
What is atherosclerosis,
What can cause obesity
9  cards
Gas Exchange/ Digestion
What are villi,
What is peristalsis,
How does air enter the body
11  cards
The Heart
Is the left side oxygenated or de...,
Is the right side of the hard oxy...,
The tricuspid valve is located at...
11  cards
S5 Ultrastructures
How can unicellular organisms exi...,
What are all living things made u...,
What are metabolites
49  cards

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biology n5

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