This class was created by Brainscape user Niamh Steadman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

1 - Nature and Variety of living organisms
What is the criteria to determine...,
What is nutrition,
What nutrition occours in plants
34  cards
2.1 - Levels of organisms
What are cells,
What are the difference between u...,
What do specialised cells develop...
4  cards
2.2 - 2.6 - Cell structure
What separates a cell from it sur...,
What is located inside the cell m...,
What organelles are present in a ...
18  cards
2.7 - 2.14B - Biological molecules
What are the 3 major molecules an...,
What are the structures of carboh...,
What is the structure of fats
18  cards
2.15 - 2.17 Movement of substance in an out of cells
What is diffusion,
How does diffusion occour in livi...,
What organ and organ systems does...
11  cards
2.18-2.33B - Nutrition
What is the definition of photosy...,
What occours in the process of ph...,
What do pants do
45  cards
2.34-2.39 - Respriation
What is respiration,
What is atp,
What are the conditions for the d...
10  cards
2.40B -2.50 - Gas Exhange
What is diffusion,
What process does gas exchange oc...,
What process happens in gills for...
29  cards
2.51 - 2.69 - Transport systems
What is the role of the phloem,
What is the structure and functio...,
What are root hair cells
33  cards
2.7-2.79- Excretion
What waste products or substances...,
What can cause oxygen to be in ex...,
What can cause carbon dioxide to ...
27  cards
2.8- 2.95B - Coordination and response
What is homeostasis,
What are physiological factors th...,
What are the 2 communication syst...
49  cards
3.1-3.7 Reproduction part 1
What is sexual reproduction,
What is a gamete,
Why do gametes differ from normal...
33  cards
3.8-3.13 Reproduction part 2
Name all the male reproductive st...,
Name all the female reproductive ...,
What is a gamete
20  cards
3.14 - Inheritance part 1
What is a genome,
What do genes contain,
What are alleles
38  cards
3.28-3.39 inheritance part 2
What is mitosis,
Why does mitosis happen,
What is a diploid
42  cards
4.1 - 4.5 - The organisms in the environment
What is a population,
What is a community,
What is interdependence
18  cards
4.6 - 4.9 - Feeding relationships
What are trophic levels,
What are the different trophic le...,
What does a food chain show
17  cards
4.10 - 4.11 - Cycles within Ecosystems
What is the carbon cycle,
What is the nitrogen cycle
2  cards
4.12 - 4.18B - Human influences on the Environment
What air the sources of air pollu...,
What is a greenhouse gas,
What human activities contribute ...
11  cards
5.1 - Food production
What are the limiting factors of ...,
How do glasshouses help to increa...,
What are the problem with glass h...
22  cards
5.2 - Selective Breeding
What characteristics are plants s...,
What are the problems with select...,
What does selective breeding mean
5  cards
5.3 - Genetic modification
What are restriction enzymes,
What are vectors,
Why is insulin manufactured
11  cards
5.4 - Cloning
What is micropropagation,
How are plants micro propagated i...,
What are the advantages of microp...
10  cards
Core Practicals
Explain practical factors that in...,
What are results for diffusion pr...,
Explain the practical factors inf...
5  cards

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biology igcse

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