This class was created by Brainscape user Kriss G. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (148)

Module 2: Foundations in Biology
0  cards
Chapter 2: Basic components of living systems
0  cards
2.1 Microscopy
What does the cell theory state 1,
What are the benefits of light mi...,
How does a compound light microsc...
25  cards
2.1 Summary Questions
Outline the basic concepts of the...,
Explain why staining is used in m...,
Compound microscopes led to new d...
5  cards
2.2 Magnification and calibration
What is magnification 1,
What do you use to adjust magnifi...,
Why is magnification not enough w...
11  cards
2.2 Summary Questions
Suggest why you should put all me...,
Calculate how many nanometres are...,
Explain how diffraction limits re...
4  cards
2.3 More microscopy
What is the limiting factor in li...,
Define electron microscopy 2,
Electron microscopy what is used ...
22  cards
2.3 Summary Questions
Explain why you would see more de...,
Define the term artefact with ref...,
Explain why artefacts are more li...
7  cards
2.4 Eukaryotic cell structure
What are the 2 basic types of cel...,
What does metabolism involve 2,
Describe the properties and funct...
38  cards
2.4 Summary Questions
What is a lysosome and why is the...,
Explain why cells need to be comp...,
Compare the structure and functio...
5  cards
2.5 Ultrastructure of plant cells
Explain what the cellulose cell w...,
Explain what the vacuole is 2,
What is the tonoplast 3
10  cards
2.5 Summary Questions
Many different organisms have cel...,
Give three functions of plant cel...,
Describe the similarities and dif...
3  cards
2.6 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
What is the cell wall in prokaryo...,
Compare the nucleus of prokaryote...,
Compare the dna of prokaryotes an...
12  cards
2.6 Summary Questions
Lost 3 structural differences bet...,
Suggest why the lack of membrane ...,
Some antibiotics kill bacteria by...
3  cards
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0  cards
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0  cards
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0  cards
Chapter 3: Biological molecules
0  cards
3.1 Biological elements
What are cells composed of 1,
What are the 4 key elements that ...,
What s the symbol for calcium ion...
22  cards
3.1 Summary Questions
0  cards
3.2 Water
When do covalent bonds occur 1,
What does polar molecules have in...,
What is a hydroxyl group what is ...
19  cards
3.2 Summary Questions
0  cards
3.3 Carbohydrates
What elements do carbohydrates co...,
What s another term for a carbohy...,
What is a single sugar unit called 3
52  cards
3.3 Summary Questions
0  cards
3.4 Testing for Carbohydrates
What does reduction involve 1,
What saccharides are reducing sug...,
What test is used to test for red...
19  cards
3.4 Summary Questions
0  cards
3.5 Lipids
What is a lipid 1,
What are the 2 types of lipids wh...,
What is a triglyceride made up of 3
34  cards
3.5 Summary Questions
0  cards
3.6 Structure of proteins
What are peptides 1,
What do proteins consist of 2,
What elements do proteins contain 3
25  cards
3.6 Summary Questions
H 1
1  cards
3.7 Types of proteins
What are the characteristics of g...,
What roles is a globular protein ...,
What type of protein is insulin 3
28  cards
3.7 Summary Questions
0  cards
3.8 Nucleic Acids
Where were nucleic acids discover...,
What are the 2 types of nucleic a...,
What is the function of nucleic a...
34  cards
3.8 DNA extraction
Describe the procedure to extract...
1  cards
3.8 Summary Questions
0  cards
3.9 DNA replication and genetic code
Why do cells divide 1,
After cell division what characte...,
When a cell prepares to divide wh...
12  cards
3.9 Summary Questions
0  cards
3.10 Protein synthesis
Describe where dna is in a eukary...,
What does the nuclear envelope pr...,
What problem occurs with protein ...
15  cards
3.10 Summary Questions
0  cards
3.11 ATP
Give examples of processes that r...,
What are the 3 main types of acti...,
What supplies energy in cells 3
20  cards
3.11 Summary Questions
0  cards
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0  cards
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0  cards
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0  cards
Chapter 4: Enzymes
0  cards
4.1 Enzyme Action
What are enzymes what do they do 1,
What is metabolism 2,
What factors affect the rate of c...
27  cards
4.2 Factors affecting enzyme activity
What 2 things must happen for an ...,
What happens when the the tempera...,
What is the effect of increasing ...
22  cards
4.3 Enzyme inhibitors
What can be used to activate an e...,
What can be used to inactivate an...,
What are inhibitors 3
11  cards
4.4 Cofactors, coenzymes and prosthetic groups
Define what cofactors are 1,
What does amylase catalyse the br...,
What is a prosthetic group 3
7  cards
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0  cards
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0  cards
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0  cards
Chapter 5: Plasma membrane
0  cards
5.1 Structure and function of membranes
What is the function of the membr...,
What are membranes formed from 2,
Describe the structure of the pho...
23  cards
5.2 Factors Affecting Membrane Structure
What do membranes control what ha...,
What are phospholipids in plasma ...,
What happens to phospholipids whe...
13  cards
5.2 Factors affecting membrane structure
How does temperature affect plasm...,
Why is it easier for molecules to...,
In relation to proteins how else ...
4  cards
5.3 Diffusion
Define passive transport 1,
Define diffusion 2,
Why is diffusion fast at short di...
12  cards
5.4 Active transport
Define active transport 1,
What are the 6 steps of active tr...,
Define bulk transport 3
7  cards
5.5 Osmosis
Define osmosis 1,
Define water potential 2,
What s the highest possible water...
10  cards
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0  cards
free for use
0  cards
free for use
0  cards
Chapter 6: Cell division
0  cards
6.1 Cell Cycle
What is the cell cycle 1,
What are the 2 phases in the euka...,
What is interphase 3
26  cards
6.2 Mitosis
When is mitosis used 1,
What organisms require mitosis 2,
What happens to dna before mitosis 3
17  cards
6.3 Meiosis
What is a diploid 1,
Define haploid 2,
What is a gamete 3
15  cards
6.4 Specialisation of cells
Define specialised 1,
What is the summary for organisat...,
What does differentiated mean 3
20  cards
6.4 Tissues
What is the definition of tissue 1,
What are the 4 main types of tiss...,
What is the squamous epithelium m...
32  cards
6.4 Organs
What is an organ 1,
What is an organ system 2,
What are 3 examples of organ syst...
6  cards
6.5 Stem cells
Define differentiation 1,
Define undifferentiated 2,
Define stem cells 3
40  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Module 3: Exchange and transport
Exchange and transport
0  cards
Chapter 7: Exchange surfaces and breathing
0  cards
7.1 Specialised Exchange Surfaces
What is an amoeba 1,
Why don t amoeba need specialised...,
What are the 2 reasons why diffus...
10  cards
7.2 Mammalian Gaseous Exchange System
Why do mammals need effective gas...,
What s the consequence of mammals...,
What are the 3 features of the na...
40  cards
7.2 Asthma
Name 4 common asthma triggers 1,
What happens during an asthma att...,
What change do histamines cause d...
5  cards
7.3 Measuring the process
What is a peak flow meter 1,
What can a peak flow meter be use...,
1 how does a vitalograph work 3
18  cards
7.4 Ventilation and gas exchange in other organisms
Why do insects need gaseous excha...,
How has the gaseous exchange syst...,
What and where are spiracles 3
30  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Chapter 8: Transport in animals
0  cards
8.1 Transport systems in multicellular animals
What 5 processes in prokaryotes s...,
What happens to the distance betw...,
Why are specialised transport sys...
43  cards
8.2 Blood vessels
What are the 5 components of an a...,
What are elastic fibres how do th...,
What does smooth muscle do in blo...
45  cards
8.3 Blood, tissue fluid and lymph
Blood percentages what makes up m...,
Blood percentages what makes up t...,
What is the yellow liquid that bl...
32  cards
8.4 Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood
Why is the biconcave shape of an ...,
In adults where are erythrocytes ...,
Fill in the blanks by the time ma...
23  cards
8.5 Heart
Huge 1
1  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Chapter 9: Transport in plants
0  cards
9.1 Transport systems in dicotyledonous plants
How much pressure is in the phloem 1,
What is the first reason for why ...,
What are perennials 3
20  cards
9.2 Water transport in multicellular plants
What are the 2 reasons water is i...,
What are the other 3 reasons not ...,
What is the exchange surface whic...
14  cards
9.3 Transpiration
Gob 1
1  cards
9.4 Translocation
A 1
1  cards
9.5 Plant adaptations to water availability
Ba 1
1  cards
0  cards
0  cards
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0  cards
Module 4: Biodiversity, evolution and disease
0  cards
10.1 Classification and evolution
Why do scientist classify organis...,
What are the taxonomic groups in ...,
How is the taxonomic groups order...
14  cards
10.1 Classification
What is classification 1,
What is taxonomy 2,
Define taxonomic groups 3
3  cards
10.2 The five kingdoms
What are the 5 types of kingdoms 1,
What are the general features of ...,
What are the general features of ...
6  cards
10.3 Phylogeny
What is phylogeny 1,
What are phylogenetics 2,
What do phylogenetics tell us 3
8  cards
10.4 Evidence for evolution
What is the theory of evolution 1,
How do scientist do to study the ...,
How are fossils formed 3
19  cards
10.5 Types of variation
What is a variation 1,
What does inter specific variation 2,
What are the 2 causes of variation 3
11  cards
10.6 Representing variation graphically
Do urself 1
1  cards
10.7 Adaptations
Do urself 1
1  cards
10.8 Changing population characteristics
Do urself 1
1  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Chapter 11: Biodiversity
0  cards
11.1 Biodiversity
Define biodiversity 1,
Why is biodiversity important 2,
Where is biodiversity the stronge...
13  cards
11.2 Sampling
What is sampling 1,
What can sampling be used for 2,
What is abundance of an organism 3
13  cards
11.3 Sampling techniques
Do urself 1
1  cards
11.4 Calculating biodiversity
Do urself 1
1  cards
11.5 Calculating genetic biodiversity
Do urself 1
1  cards
11.6 Factors affecting biodiversity
Do urself 1
1  cards
11.7 Reasons for maintaining biodiversity
Do urself 1
1  cards
11.8 Methods for maintaining biodiversity
Do urself 1
1  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Chapter 12: Communicable diseases
0  cards
12.1 Animal and Plant Pathogens
What causes communicable diseases 1,
Define what a pathogen is 2,
What are the 4 types of pathogens 3
47  cards
12.2 Animal and Plant Diseases
What are the 4 common plant disea...,
What is ring rot 2,
What damage does ring rot cause 3
64  cards
12.3 Transmission of communicable diseases
What are the 2 main types of tran...,
How is the pathogen spread in dir...,
What are the 3 ways in which dise...
28  cards
12.4 Plant defences against pathogens
What are the common barriers plan...,
What do plants do with diseased t...,
How do plants recognise an attack 3
14  cards
12.5 Non-specific Animal Defences against Pathogens
What are the 3 basic non specific...,
How does skin act as a barrier to...,
How do body tracts act as barrier...
35  cards
12.6 The Specific Immune System
Introduction to the specific immu...,
What do antigens do 2,
How does the specific immune syst...
55  cards
12.7 Preventing and Treating Diseases
Can non communicable diseases be ...,
Give examples of non communicable...,
How are communicable diseases spr...
30  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
4.1 QR
Define the active site 1,
What is the lock and key hyopthes...,
What is the enzyme substrate comp...
11  cards
4.2 QR
How does temperature affect enzym...,
How do increasing temperatures de...,
What does it mean when an enzyme ...
4  cards
4.3 QR
What is an inhibitor 1,
How does competitive inhibition w...,
What is a competitive inhibitor 3
4  cards
6.1 QR cell cycle
What is interphase what stages do...,
What happens during interphase 5 ...,
What happens during g1 3
11  cards
6.2 QR mitosis
What happens during prophase 5 po...,
What happens during metaphase 2,
What happens during anaphase 3
5  cards
7.4 Discontinuous gas exchange cycles in insects
0  cards
7.4 Respiratory Systems in Fish
0  cards
3.2 Water
What does it mean when a molecule...,
What is a hydroxyl group 2,
How are hydrogen bonds formed 3
11  cards

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Biology AS

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