This class was created by Brainscape user Sam McGee. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (163)

Topic 1 Definitions
What is atp 1,
What are amino acids 2,
What is benedict s test used for 3
39  cards
1.1 Introduction to Biological molecules
The different types of biological molecules The difference between monomers and polymers The difference between condensation and hydrolysis reactions
17  cards
1.2 Carbohydrates: Introduction
The elements that carbohydrates contain The role of carbohydrates in living organisms The different types of carbohydrates
14  cards
1.3 Carbohydrates: Monosaccharides & Disaccharides
The different types of monosaccharides The difference between alpha and beta glucose The different types of disaccharides The reactions which form and break down disaccharides
20  cards
1.4 Carbohydrate: Polysaccharides
The different types of polysaccharides: starch, glycogen, and cellulose How their structures relate to their functions
30  cards
1.5 Carbohydrates: Tests
The difference between reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars How to test for reducing sugars (Benedict's reagent) How to test for non-reducing sugars How to test for starch (iodine)
14  cards
1.6 Lipids: Introduction
The roles of lipids in living organisms The difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids How to test for lipids
15  cards
1.7 Lipids: Triglycerides & Phospholipids
The structure and function of triglycerides The synthesis and breakdown of triglycerides The structure and function of phospholipids The similarities and differences between triglycerides and phospholipids
22  cards
1.8 Proteins: Amino Acids
The roles of proteins in living organisms The structure of amino acids The synthesis and breakdown of peptide bonds How to test for proteins
14  cards
1.9 Proteins: Structures
The primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures of proteins The different types of bonds found within each structure
9  cards
1.10 Enyzme Action
The role of enzymes in living organisms How enzymes speed up reactions The lock and key model of enzyme action The induced-fit model of enzyme action
8  cards
1.11 Factors Affecting Enzyme Action
What happens when an enzyme is denatured The effects of temperature and pH on enzyme-catalysed reactions The effects of enzyme and substrate concentration on enzyme-catalysed reactions
9  cards
1.12 Enzyme Inhibition
The different types of inhibitors How competitive inhibitors affect enzyme action How non-competitive inhibitors affect enzyme action
10  cards
2.1 - Nucleic Acids: DNA & RNA
The structure of nucleotides The reactions that synthesise and breakdown nucleic acids The role and structures of DNA and RNA The similarities and differences between DNA and RNA
25  cards
2.2 - DNA Replication
The process of DNA replication The Meselson-Stahl experiment
11  cards
2.3 - ATP
The role and structure of ATP The reactions which form and break down ATP How the properties of ATP relate to its function The uses of ATP in the body
10  cards
2.4 - Water
The structure of water Hydrogen bonding in water The role of water in living organisms How the properties of water relate to its function
20  cards
2.5 - Inorganic Ions
The definition of an inorganic ion The role of cations in living organisms The role of anions in living organisms
15  cards
Topic 2 Definitions
What is active immunity 1,
What is active transport 2,
What is agglutination 3
40  cards
3.1 - Eukaryotic Cell Structure: Animal Cells
The difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes The structure of animal cells The functions of their cell parts
33  cards
3.2 - Eukaryotic Cell Structure: Plant, Algal & Fungal Cells
The structure of plant cells The functions of their cell parts The structure of algal and fungal cells
19  cards
3.3 - Cell Specialisation & Organisation
The organisation of cells into tissues, organs, and organ systems Examples of the structures and functions of different tissues
28  cards
3.4 - Prokaryotic Cells
The structure of prokaryotic cells The functions of their cell parts The similarities and differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes
24  cards
3.5 - Viruses
The structure of viruses How viruses replicate
12  cards
3.6 - Magnification Calculations & Resolution
The definitions of magnification and resolution How to calculate magnification
6  cards
3.7 - Light Microscopes
How a light microscope works How to prepare and view a microscope sample The rules for biological drawings
18  cards
3.8 - Electron Microscopes
How a transmission electron microscope works How a scanning electron microscope works The differences between light and electron microscopes
22  cards
3.9 - Cell Fractionation
The purpose and process of cell fractionation The steps of cell fractionation
19  cards
3.10 - Cell Cycle
The phases of the cell cycle The processes that take place during interphase
8  cards
3.11 - Chromosomes
What chromosomes and chromatids are What homologous chromosomes are The structure of chromosomes after replication The terms haploid and diploid
23  cards
3.12 - Mitosis
The importance of mitosis in living organisms The stages of mitosis The process of cytokinesis How uncontrolled cell division can lead to cancer
17  cards
3.13 - Binary Fission
The process of binary fission in prokaryotic cells How to calculate the growth rate of bacterial populations The conditions required for optimal bacterial growth
11  cards
4.1 - Structure of the Cell Membrane
The role of cell membranes in living organisms The fluid-mosaic model of cell membranes The structure and function of cell membrane components
21  cards
4.2 - Diffusion
The process of simple diffusion The process of facilitated diffusion How different factors affect the rate of diffusion
20  cards
4.3 - Osmosis
The definition of water potential The process of osmosis Factors affecting the rate of osmosis
20  cards
4.4 - Active Transport
The process of active transport How different factors affect the rate of active transport
11  cards
4.5 - Co-transport of Glucose in the Ileum
The process of co-transport How co-transport is used in the absorption of glucose and amino acids
16  cards
5.1 - Defence Mechanisms
The different types of pathogen The difference between non-specific and specific defence mechanisms The physical and chemical barriers to pathogens What antigens are
19  cards
5.2 - Phagocytosis
The role of phagocytes in the immune response The process of phagocytosis
12  cards
5.3 - T Lymphocytes & Cell-mediated Immunity
The different types of lymphocytes The different types of T cells The role of T cells in the cellular response
15  cards
5.4 - B Lymphocytes & Humoral Immunity
The different types of cells involved in the humoral response The role of B cells in the humoral response The differences between the primary and secondary immune response
27  cards
5.5 - Antibodies
The structure of antibodies The function of antibodies
12  cards
5.6 - Monoclonal Antibodies
What monoclonal antibodies are The uses of monoclonal antibodies in medicine The use of antibodies in the ELISA test
17  cards
5.7 - Vaccination
The differences between active, passive, natural and artificial immunity How vaccination works to protect against disease The concept of herd immunity
17  cards
5.8 - HIV
The structure of HIV The stages of HIV replication How HIV causes the symptoms of AIDS
18  cards
5.9 - Antibiotics
How antibiotics work against bacteria Why antibiotics are ineffective against viruses The consequences of antibiotic resistance
9  cards
Topic 3 Definitions
What are alveoli 1,
What are amylases 2,
What is an antiporter 3
52  cards
6.1 - Surface Area to Volume Ratio
Why organisms need exchange How surface area to volume ratio affects exchange
10  cards
6.2 - Specialised Exchange Surfaces
Why multicellular organisms need specialised exchange surfaces The key features of specialised exchange surfaces
8  cards
6.3 - Gas Exchange in Insects
Why insects need gas exchange systems Structural and functional compromises in insect gas exchange The structures involved in insect gas exchange How gas exchange occurs in insects Additional ventilation mechanisms in insects
16  cards
6.4 - Gas Exchange in Fish
The challenges bony fish face in extracting oxygen from water The structure and function of fish gills for gas exchange The countercurrent exchange system in fish gills
11  cards
6.5 - Gas Exchange in Plants
Leaf structure and adaptions for gas exchange How plants limit water loss What xerophytes are and their adaptations to reduce water loss
14  cards
6.6 - Human Gas Exchange System
An introduction to the gas exchange system The structure and function of the ciliated epithelium The structure and adaptations of the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles The structure and adaptations of the alveoli
21  cards
6.7 - Ventilation
What ventilation is The muscles involved in breathing The process of inspiration The process of expiration
15  cards
6.8 - Digestion
Physical and chemical digestion The structure of the human digestive system
15  cards
6.9 - Digestive Enzymes
What digestive enzymes are The roles of enzymes in digesting carbohydrates The roles of enzymes in digesting lipids The roles of enzymes in digesting proteins
20  cards
6.10 - Absorption
The structure and adaptations of the ileum Absorption of amino acids and monosaccharides Absorption of triglycerides
12  cards
7.1 Haemoglobin
What carries oxygen in red blood ...,
How many haem groups does haemogl...,
Where does oxygen bind to haemogl...
23  cards
7.2 Overview of the Circulatory System
Why do multicellular organisms ne...,
What type of circulatory system d...,
What does a closed circulatory sy...
11  cards
7.3 - Heart Structure
The chambers of the heart The valves of the heart The blood vessels associated with the heart How the structure of the heart relates to its function
20  cards
7.4 Cardiac Cycle
The stages of the cardiac cycle How to calculate cardiac output
9  cards
7.5 Blood Vessels
The main types of blood vessel The structure and function of arteries and arterioles The structure and function of capillaries The structure and function of veins and venules
23  cards
7.6 - Blood, Tissue Fluid & Lymph
The composition and functions of blood How tissue fluid forms from plasma The composition and role of lymph
15  cards
7.7 - Xylem & Phloem
Why plants need transport systems Functions and adaptations of xylem tissue Functions and adaptations of phloem tissue
7  cards
7.8 - Water Transport in Plants
How water moves through a plant The cohesion-tension theory How transpiration relates to gas exchange How to use a potometer to estimate transpiration rate
18  cards
7.9 Mass Flow Hypothesis
What translocation is The mass flow hypothesis Experiments that investigate translocation
7  cards
Topic 4 Definitions
What is an adaptation 1,
What is an allele 2,
What is an anticodon 3
66  cards
8.1 - Genes & Genetic Code
How DNA is organised into chromosomes How DNA is stored in eukaryotes and prokaryotes The difference between introns and exons The features of the genetic code
19  cards
8.2 - Structure of mRNA & tRNA
The structure of mRNA The structure of tRNA The similarities and differences between mRNA and tRNA
11  cards
8.3 - Protein Synthesis: Transcription
The process of transcription A comparison of transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
16  cards
8.4 - Protein Synthesis: Translation
Where translation takes place The process of translation
11  cards
9.1 - Gene & Chromosome Mutations
What a gene mutation is The different types of gene mutations How gene mutations affect protein structure What a chromosome mutation is
12  cards
9.2 - Meiosis
What 'meiosis' is The stages of meiosis The differences between meiosis and mitosis
25  cards
9.3 - Meiosis & Genetic Variation
The importance of meiosis in living organisms The processes of crossing over and independent segregation (or random assortment) How crossing over and independent segregation (or random assortment) cause variation
14  cards
9.4 - Natural Selection
The steps involved in natural selection An example of natural selection in bacteria Directional and stabilising selection
11  cards
9.5 - Adaptations
What adaptations are The differences between anatomical, behavioural, and physiological adaptations
8  cards
10.1 - Classification & Taxonomy
The purpose of classification The hierarchical taxonomic system Binomial nomenclature
11  cards
10.2 - Phylogeny
Courtship behaviours Using phylogenetics to study evolutionary histories Limitations of classification and evidence for phylogeny
12  cards
10.3 - Biodiversity: Species Diversity
Key biodiversity terminology and the different levels of biodiversity Interspecific and intraspecific variation Species richness and species evenness
14  cards
10.4 - Index of Diversity
The index of diversity A worked example on calculating the index of diversity
5  cards
10.5 - Human Impact on Biodiversity
How human population growth reduces biodiversity How agricultural practices can decrease biodiversity The effects of climate change on global biodiversity
6  cards
10.6 - Biodiversity: Genetic Diversity
How to compare genetic diversity Using observable characteristics to measure genetic diversity Using comparative biochemistry to measure genetic diversity
7  cards
10.7 - Measuring Variation
Random sampling Mean, median, and mode Standard deviation and error bars
13  cards
Topic 5 Definitions
What is acetyl coenzyme a 1,
What is atp 2,
What is aerobic respiration 3
69  cards
11.1 - Introduction to Photosynthesis
The relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration The adaptations of plant leaves for photosynthesis The key stages of photosynthesis
6  cards
11.2 - Chloroplast Structure
The function of chloroplasts The structure of chloroplasts
11  cards
11.3 - Light-dependent Reaction
Adaptations of thylakoids for the light-dependent reaction Stages of the light-dependent reaction
7  cards
11.4 - Light-independent Reaction
An overview of the light-independent reaction The stages of the light-independent reaction The uses of triose phosphate
10  cards
11.5 - Limiting Factors
Requirements for photosynthesis and its limiting factors How light intensity affects photosynthesis How carbon dioxide concentration affects photosynthesis How temperature affects photosynthesis
13  cards
12.1 - Introduction to Respiration
The role of respiration in synthesising ATP Aerobic and anaerobic respiration The four stages of aerobic respiration
22  cards
12.2 - Glycolysis
Where glycolysis occurs The main steps in glycolysis The reactants and products of glycolysis
14  cards
12.3 - Link Reaction
Where the link reaction occurs The main steps of the link reaction The reactants and products of the link reaction
11  cards
12.4 - Krebs Cycle
Where the Krebs cycle occurs The main steps of the Krebs cycle The role of coenzymes like NAD and FAD The importance of the Krebs cycle
8  cards
12.5 - Mitochondrion Structure
An overview of the structure of mitochondria How the structure of mitochondria relates to their functions
15  cards
12.6 - Oxidative Phosphorylation
Where oxidative phosphorylation occurs The reactants and products of the oxidative phosphorylation The main steps of oxidative phosphorylation Calculating the total ATP yield from aerobic respiration
13  cards
12.7 - Respiratory Substrates
The respiration of lipids and proteins Comparing the energy values of respiratory substrates Calculating and interpreting respiratory quotients
12  cards
12.8 - Anaerobic Respiration
Differences between anaerobic and aerobic respiration Alcohol fermentation and lactate fermentation
13  cards
13.1 - Energy Transfer & Productivity
Trophic levels, food chains, and food webs Measuring the energy stored in biomass with colorimetry Gross and net primary productivity Energy losses between trophic levels in a food chain Calculating net production of consumers Calculating ecological efficiency
20  cards
13.2 - Nitrogen Cycle
The steps of the nitrogen cycle The importance of the nitrogen cycle
14  cards
13.3 - Phosphorus Cycle
Why phosphorus is important The movement of phosphorus through ecosystems The role of mycorrhizae in ion uptake
10  cards
13.4 - Fertilisers
How harvesting crops removes nutrients from soils How fertilisers can replace lost nutrients Artificial and natural fertilisers Environmental impacts of fertiliser use Eutrophication
12  cards
Topic 6 Definitions
Blank 1,
What is acetylcholine 2,
What is actin 3
138  cards
14.1 - Stimuli & Responses
How stimuli and responses aid survival Taxes for directional responses Kineses for non-directional responses Tropisms for plant growth movements
21  cards
14.2 - Plant Hormones
What plant growth factors are The stimuli that trigger plant responses The role of IAA in phototropism and gravitropism How IAA controls growth by elongation
13  cards
14.3 - Nervous Organisation
The structural organisation of the nervous system The functional organisation of the nervous system The divisions of the autonomic nervous system
13  cards
14.4 - Reflexes
What a reflex arc is The stages of a reflex arc The importance of reflex arcs
12  cards
14.5 - Pacinian Corpuscles
How receptor cells detect specific stimuli Examples of different types of receptor cell How receptor cells work The structure and function of Pacinian corpuscles
14  cards
14.6 - Photoreceptors
How light enters the eye and reaches the photoreceptors How light is converted into an electrical signal by photoreceptors The key features of rods and cones
21  cards
14.7 - Control of Heart Rate
How the heart beat is controlled The external control of heart rate by the nervous system
18  cards
15.1 - Neurones
The structure and function of neurones Myelinated neurones Sensory, relay, and motor neurones
14  cards
15.2 - Nervous Impulse
Setting up the resting potential Generation of an action potential The all-or-nothing principle
16  cards
15.3 - Passage of Action Potentials
The refractory period How action potentials travel as waves of depolarisation Factors affecting the speed of transmission of an action potential
9  cards
15.4 - Structure & Function of Synapses
The functions of synapses The structure of synapses Excitatory and inhibitory synapses Spatial and temporal summation at synapses
17  cards
15.5 - Transmission Across a Synapse
The steps involved in synaptic transmission Cholinergic synapses and the role of acetylcholine
10  cards
15.6 - Structure of Skeletal Muscle
The different types of muscle How skeletal muscles act in antagonistic pairs The structure of skeletal muscle fibres The components within muscle fibres that allow contraction The difference between fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibres
22  cards
15.7 - Neuromuscular Junctions
What a neuromuscular junction is The role of motor units in determining contraction force How neuromuscular junctions trigger muscle contraction The breakdown of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction The role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle contraction
10  cards
15.8 - Sliding Filament Mechanism
The structure of myosin and actin Changes in the sarcomere during muscle contraction The sliding filament theory Muscle relaxation The ATP-creatine phosphate system for providing energy
10  cards
16.1 - Homeostasis
The role of receptors and effectors in maintaining homeostasis What negative feedback systems are What positive feedback systems are
16  cards
16.2 - Principles of Coordination
The role of the endocrine system How hormones act as chemical messengers Steroid and non-steroid hormones A comparison of hormonal and neuronal communication
21  cards
16.3 - Second Messenger Model
The second messenger model
7  cards
16.4 - Regulation of Blood Glucose Concentration
The role of the pancreas as an endocrine gland The regulation of blood glucose levels by insulin and glucagon
12  cards
16.6 - Structure of Mammalian Kidney
The anatomy of the kidney The structure and function of nephrons
21  cards
16.7 - Ultrafiltration
Ultrafiltration in the glomerulus Movement of substances from blood into the glomerular filtrate
10  cards
16.8 - Reabsorption by the Proximal Convoluted Tubule
The structure and function of the proximal convoluted tubule Reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule The role of the distal convoluted tubule
11  cards
16.9 - Loop of Henle
The structure and function of the loop of Henle How the loop of Henle concentrates urine The counter-current multiplier mechanism
13  cards
16.10 - Role of Hormones in Osmoregulation
The role of the kidney in osmoregulation How ADH controls water reabsorption in the kidney Negative feedback control of ADH release
11  cards
Topic 7 Definitions
What are abiotic factors 1,
What is an adaptation 2,
What is an allele 3
62  cards
17.1 - Monohybrid Inheritance
Essential genetics vocabulary Monohybrid crosses in genetic diagrams and Punnett squares
15  cards
17.2 - Dihybrid Inheritance
What a dihybrid cross is An example of dihybrid inheritance in pea plants Reasons for deviations from expected ratios
12  cards
17.3 - Codominance
What codominance is How codominance is represented in genetics An example of codominance in flower colour
7  cards
17.4 - Multiple Alleles
What multiple alleles are The ABO blood group system as an example of multiple alleles Inheritance of the ABO blood group
12  cards
17.5 - Sex Linkage
The inheritance of sex in humans What sex linkage means How to interpret pedigree charts
20  cards
17.6 - Autosomal Linkage
How autosomal linkage affects inheritance patterns An example of autosomal linkage in fruit flies How crossing over can affect linked genes
12  cards
17.7 - Epistasis
What epistasis is An example of epistasis in coat colour genes in mice Biochemical pathways demonstrating epistasis Dominant and recessive epistasis
14  cards
17.8 - Chi-squared Test
How chi-squared tests can be used to analyse genetic crosses The key steps in the chi-squared test How to calculate the chi-squared statistic How to compare chi-squared values to critical values
10  cards
18.1 - Hardy-Weinberg Principle
The assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg principle The Hardy-Weinberg equation Applying the principle to calculate allele frequencies
11  cards
18.2 - Variation in Phenotype
The causes of variation
10  cards
18.3 - Student's T-test
How the student's t-test can be used to compare means between two datasets
15  cards
18.4 - Pearson's Correlation Coefficient
What correlation is Calculating and interpreting Pearson's correlation coefficient
16  cards
18.5 - Types of Selection
Selection pressures Directional, stabilising, and disruptive selection The effects of these types of selection on populations
17  cards
18.6 - Speciation
What defines a species How new species evolve from existing species Prezygotic and postzygotic barriers that cause reproductive isolation Allopatric and sympatric speciation
14  cards
19.1 - Populations & Ecosystems
Defining key ecology terms Exploring how abiotic factors influence ecosystems
14  cards
19.2 - Factors Affecting Populations
Characteristics of population growth curves The concept of carrying capacity Limiting factors that constrain population growth
6  cards
19.3 - Competition & Predation
Types of competition between organisms Interspecific competition and the competitive exclusion principle Stages of intraspecific competition Predator-prey relationships
12  cards
19.4 - Random Sampling
What random sampling is How to prevent sampling bias and reduce the effects of chance Random sampling techniques for plants and animals
8  cards
19.5 - Non-random Sampling
Differences between random and non-random sampling Non-random sampling techniques Measuring abiotic factors
10  cards
19.6 - Sampling Animal Populations
Why quadrats have limitations for measuring animal abundance The steps involved in the mark-release-recapture technique Assumptions made when using the mark-release-recapture technique
6  cards
19.7 - Succession
What succession is The stages of succession The difference between primary and secondary succession The features of communities at each stage of succession
14  cards
19.8 - Maintaining Biodiversity
What conservation is Reasons for conservation Managing succession to conserve habitats
10  cards
Topic 8 Definitions
What is acetylation 1,
What is addition gene mutation 2,
What does benign mean tumour 3
73  cards
20.1 - Gene Mutations
Gene mutations in body cells and gametes Causes of mutations Substitution mutations and their effects Other types of gene mutations
13  cards
20.2 - Stem Cells
What 'stem cells' are The different types of stem cells Where stem cells are found in living organisms How stem cells can be used in research and medicine
19  cards
20.3 - Regulation of Transcription & Translation
What transcription factors are Hormonal control of transcription
4  cards
20.4 - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression
How epigenetic changes can control gene expression Methods of epigenetic control and their effects on genes Inheritance of epigenetic changes The role of epigenetics in disease and potential drug therapies The effect of RNA interference on gene expression
13  cards
20.5 - Gene Expression & Cancer
The differences between benign and malignant tumours Differences between tumour cells and normal cells How mutations can cause uncontrolled cell growth The role of abnormal methylation in cancer How oestrogen may contribute to some breast cancers
17  cards
20.6 - Sequencing Projects
Computational biology, bioinformatics, and genomics Analysing genomes to study human health and disease Studying evolutionary relationships through genome comparison The relationship between genomics and proteomics
10  cards
21.1 - Producing DNA Fragments
How DNA fragments can be transferred between organisms How reverse transcriptase can produce DNA fragments How restriction enzymes can produce DNA fragments How to synthesise custom DNA fragments
12  cards
21.2 - In Vivo Cloning
Inserting a DNA fragment into a vector Using vectors to transfer DNA into host cells Identifying transformed host cells The need for promoter and terminator regions
14  cards
21.3 - In Vitro Cloning
What the polymerase chain reaction is The key components needed to perform the polymerase chain reaction The three main stages of the polymerase chain reaction The advantages of the polymerase chain reaction
12  cards
21.4 - Genetically Modified Organisms
Creating genetically modified crops Creating genetically modified animals Creating genetically modified microorganisms Ethical issues surrounding patents in genetic engineering
10  cards
21.5 - DNA Probes & Genetic Screening
Using DNA probes and microarrays Applications of DNA probes Genetic counselling Personalised medicine Gene therapy
13  cards
21.6 - Gel Electrophoresis
What gel electrophoresis is Running electrophoresis on DNA samples Visualising and analysing results from gel electrophoresis
7  cards
21.7 - Genetic Fingerprinting
What genetic fingerprinting is The process of creating a genetic fingerprint Applications of genetic fingerprinting
12  cards

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Biology AQA A-level

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