This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy Day. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

1A Biological molecules
Name 4 carbon based molecules,
What is a carbohydrate,
What is a lipid
177  cards
1A Biological molecules key words
Metabolic reaction,
17  cards
1B More Biological Molecules
What is a hereditary molecule,
How many base pairs is in the dna...,
Is dna a stable molecule
149  cards
2A Cell Structure and Division
What is the formula for magnifica...,
Convert 4 mm to um,
What is magnification what is it ...
159  cards
2B Cell Membranes
Give 5 roles of a membrane,
What is the main constituent of t...,
What is the structure of phosphol...
88  cards
2C Cells and the Immune System
Why is hiv so deadly,
What is an antigen,
What are antigens controlled by
142  cards
3A Exchange and Transport Systems
What are the 5 common traits of e...,
Name two animal exchange surfaces,
Name one plant exchange surface
114  cards
3B More Exchange and Transport Systems
How is food broken down in the body,
Why do large biological molecules...,
When large biological molecules a...
225  cards
4A DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis
What is nondisjunction,
What can nondisjunction be due to,
What happens if a gamete with the...
99  cards
4B Diversity, Classification and Variation
How is dna passed on from one gen...,
What are gametes,
What is a zygote
116  cards
5A Photosynthesis and Respiration
Why do plants need energy,
Why do animals need energy,
What does photosynthesis do
203  cards
5B Energy Transfer and Nutrient Cycles
How do plants produce biomass,
What is an ecosystem,
What are producers
102  cards
6A Stimuli and Responses
How do animals responding to thei...,
What do receptors do,
What do effectors do
123  cards
6B Nervous Coordination
What is the charge like in a neur...,
What is the resting potential acr...,
How is the resting potential main...
94  cards
6C Homeostasis
Give two factors that can change ...,
Why must blood glucose concetrati...,
What is the normal blood glucose ...
125  cards
7A Genetics
What is a gene,
What is an allele,
What is a genotype
66  cards
7B Populations and Evolution
What do members of a population s...,
What is a species defined as,
What is a population
56  cards
7C Populations in Ecosystems
What is a habitat,
What is a population,
What is a community
49  cards
8A Mutations and Gene Expression
How can hypomethylation lead to c...,
Which type of tumourc an metastatise,
Give an example of where you may ...
122  cards
8B Genome Projects and Gene Technologies
What is the genome,
What did the 2003 human genome pr...,
How do you sequence an entire genome
41  cards

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biology a-level

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