biology 6th form

This class was created by Brainscape user Robbie Lloyd. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

2.1.1 Cell Structure
Attaches to mrna in protein synth...
46  cards
Biochem - Nucleic Acids
What bond forms when nucleotides ...,
Trna anticodon sequence is the sa...,
46  cards
The Different Atoms Present In Biological Molecules
What are the most common biologic...,
Calcium ions,
Sodium ion
11  cards
Biochem Water
Polarity of water molecules,
How does the polarity of water af...,
How strong are hydrogen bonds
22  cards
What type is hexose sugar is glucose,
What sugar is in a dna nucleotide,
What sugar is in a dna nucleotide
37  cards
Biochem Amino Acids And Lipids
What type of molecules are lipids,
How much energy do lipids store r...,
Functions of lipids
44  cards
Membranes and Osmosis
What is the purpose of intracellu...,
Explain the meaning of the fluid ...,
What is ch3
51  cards
Module 3: Plant Transport Systems
What is transpiration,
What is the transpiration stream,
Structure of xylem
42  cards
Cell Organisation
Guard cells,
What are organs,
What are tissues
16  cards
Meiosis and Mitosis
Meiosis 1 summary,
What does the indefinite shufflin...,
Chromosome assortment in metaphas...
12  cards
Cell Cycle
What happens during interphase,
What are the 3 stages of interphase,
What happens in g1 of interphase
14  cards
Stem cells are ________,
Why does stem cell activity have ...,
A stem cell s ability to differen...
13  cards
Module 4:Communicable Diseases
What is a communicable disease,
Can i delete cards,
Why are pathogenic bacteria harmful
90  cards
Module 4: Biodiversity + classifications
Species richness,
Species evenness,
Genetic biodiversity
109  cards
Module 5: Neuronal Communication
What stage of the cell cycle are ...,
What are is the structure of a ty...,
What are is the structure of a ty...
108  cards
Module 6: Mutations + Hox Genes
What is an operon,
Give one example of apoptosis in ...,
Name all the kingdoms that use ho...
65  cards
Module 6: Variation
Homologous chromosomes,
63  cards
Module 5: Hormonal Communication
What is a hormone,
Major endocrine glands
92  cards
Excretion as an example of homeostatic Control: (Liver)
Nitrogenous waste in reptiles and...,
Nitrogenous waste in aquatic animals,
Nitrogenous waste in mammals
24  cards
What is the primary type of metho...
24  cards
Kidneys, Urine and diagnosis:
How to tell the difference betwee...,
What are the two main functions o...,
What are the plectrum shaped regi...
79  cards
Chapter 16: Plant Responses
Commercial use of ethene,
How is ripening controlled commer...,
Why is ripening controlled
41  cards
Chapter 22: Cloning and Biotechnology
4 types of natural cloning in plants,
Natural cloning bulbs,
Natural cloning runners
97  cards
Module 5: Energy for biological processes (Photosynthesis)
Compensation point,
What is meant by photosynthesis a...,
82  cards
Module 6: Populations and Sustainability:
Population growth curve phase 1,
Population growth curve phase 2,
Population growth curve phase 3
84  cards
Module 5: Respiration
Where does respiration occur in e...,
Where does respiration occur in p...,
Where does anaerobic respiration ...
77  cards
Module 6: Ecosystems
Primary succession,
Secondary succession,
What is succession
44  cards

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biology 6th form

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