biology 242- genomes and evolution

This class was created by Brainscape user Arianna Anderson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

Intro Module Ch1,25
What is biology,
What properties does life depend on,
What is coevolution
71  cards
Module 1 Ch 1,22
What was the first type of photos...,
What is scientific theory,
1 what were early biologists focu...
42  cards
Module 2 Ch2,4,5,16
Blending inheritance,
Particulate inheritance,
45  cards
Intro quiz review
What keeps bacteria from diffusin...,
Example of order,
Exmaple of evolutionary adaptation
15  cards
Functional Groups
What are the seven functional gro...,
Is hydroxyl group polar or non polar,
What bonds does hydroxyl group fo...
28  cards
Module 2C
What forms when monomers combine ...,
37  cards
Module 2D
Which elements of chnops pull on ...,
R groups rich in methyl or carbon...,
Are polar side chains hydrophobic...
30  cards
Module 2E
Nucleic acids,
What is each polynucleotide made of,
Examples of nucleic acids
32  cards
Module 3A and some 3B
What is coat color detrmined by,
Syntheis of pigments is controlle...,
Wildtype produces whihc type of m...
39  cards
Module 3B
Trasnfer rna trna,
29  cards
module 4A
How does the ribosome recognize a...,
What can ribosome detect,
What is a conformational change a...
44  cards
macromolecules and their elements
Carbohydates monomer,
Carbohydrates polyer,
Carbohydrates function
16  cards
4B slides
What are characteristics of proka...,
What do prokaryotes drive,
61  cards
4c slides
What is a peptidoglycan,
Is a nuclear envolope present in ...,
Is membrane encolsed organelles p...
62  cards
4d slides
What does interphase include,
What subphases can intephase be d...,
During which phase are chromosome...
46  cards
4f slides
Where does mitosis occur,
52  cards
5a slides
What do prokaryotes and eukaryote...,
In multicellular eukaryotes what ...,
47  cards
review for exam 2
Define transcription factor,
Mitosis results in _ identical ce...,
What do activators bind to
4  cards
5b slides
Why are inducible operons associa...,
Lactose metabolism,
Why is gene reglation important i...
39  cards
5c slides
What are general trasncription fa...,
Specific transcription factors re...,
Example of specific trascription ...
16  cards
5d slides
What precedes determination,
30  cards
you should know for exam 2
How does an embryo develop axes,
How is gene regulation responsibl...,
Role of hox genes in animal devel...
21  cards
exam 2 review
What does every organism require ...,
Every organism requires what for ...
166  cards
module 6
What are the two options for repr...,
Characteristics of asexual reprod...,
20  cards
7a slides
What is the endosymbiont theory,
Why do prokaryotes and eukaryotes...,
In multicellular eukaryotes what ...
31  cards
7b slides
What is evolution at its finest l...,
What are the three main mehcnaism...,
What is the only thing that cause...
43  cards
module 8
Speciation forms what,
What is an example of macroevolut...,
28  cards
module 9 slides
What is eoclogy,
What environments are included in...
34  cards
final exam study guide
Disruptive selection,
Directional selection,
Stabilizing selection
84  cards
exam 2 sample q's
Transcription factor,
33  cards
exam 1 sample questions
Central dogma,
Review functional group study deck
18  cards
intro quiz q's
True flaseall organisms have an o...,
True flase,
Order the 7 major life history ev...
11  cards
functional group ws
Is hydroxyl group polar,
What are compounds containing hyd...,
What functional group acts as an ...
6  cards
exam 1 test
If 15 of the bases in dna molecul...,
Which of the mutations wouod you ...,
Tertary stricture can be stabiliz...
13  cards
exam 2 test
A bacterium found on hydrothermal...,
What happens if a cell igbores th...,
Why do muscle cells differ form n...
17  cards

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biology 242- genomes and evolution

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