
This class was created by Brainscape user Chrissa Constantinides. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

phylogeny & cladistics
34  cards
animal diversity
Diplontic life cycle,
Radial symmetry
231  cards
animal form & function
34  cards
digestion & waste
Essential nutrient,
101  cards
circulation & gas exchange
Bulk flow,
Gastrovascular cavity
76  cards
animal reproduction & development
Sexual reproduction,
Asexual reproduction,
105  cards
animal control systems
Autocrine system
210  cards
animal behaviour
What are 2 basic approaches to en...,
What are types of behaviours,
What is meant by innate behaviour...
21  cards
Bacteria & Fungi
61  cards
Topic 10: Diversity of Bacteria & Fungi (Part 1) Lecture 19
125  cards
Lecture 20 - Fungi (part 2) & Protists
How are fungi key decomposers wit...,
74  cards
Lecture 21 - Plant Diversity (Part 1)
Describe the greening of earth,
Describe the earliest evidence of...,
Describe how plants are part of a...
76  cards
Lecture 22 - Plant Diversity (part 2)
Further life on land is possible ...,
Seed plants have a set of adaptat...,
Describe the reduced gametophytes...
75  cards
Lecture 23 - Plant Reproduction
What are the 3 fs for angiosperms,
What are the 4 whorls of floral o...,
70  cards
Lecture 24 - Plant Growth & Development (part 1)
What are plants composed of,
What is a shoot system,
What are stems composed of within...
87  cards
Lecture 25 - Plant Growth & Development (part 2)
What does secondary growth do,
Secondary growth,
Where does secondary growth occur in
73  cards
Lecture 26 - Plant Nutrition (part 1)
What did plant evolution result from,
What are the 2 systems that land ...,
Above ground shoot system
116  cards
Lecture 27 - Plant Nutrition (part 2)
Sugars travel from,
Bulk flow within xylem is,
97  cards
Lecture 28 - Plant Control Systems (part 1)
Unlike animals which respond by m...,
What is response in plants carrie...,
What is etiolation
63  cards
Lecture 29 - Plant Control Systems (part 2)
What does photomorphogenesis allow,
Action spectra
80  cards
Lecture 30 - Ecology (part 1)
Organismal ecology,
Population ecology
68  cards
Lecture 31 - Ecology (part 2)
What do populations have the pote...,
What is population size determine...,
If we ignore immigration emigrati...
83  cards
Lecture 32 - Ecology (part 3)
What do community interactions re...,
Species diversity,
Relative abundance
77  cards
Lecture 33 - Conservation Biology (part 1)
Conservation biology,
What are the 3 ways we can classi...,
Genetic diversity
75  cards
Lecture 34 - Conservation Biology (part 2)
Biodiversity is sustained with,
Conservation efforts lately have ...,
Biodiversity of a landscape is re...
51  cards

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