This class was created by Brainscape user Kelly Becker. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Ch.2.1 : Functional Neuroanatomy: The Cells and Structures of the Nervous System
What is this,
Name the three classifications of...,
What part of the neuron is a
65  cards
Ch. 2.2 The Nervous System Consists of Central and Peripheral Divisions
What is the somatic nervous system,
What is the autonomic nervous system,
Label the following systems
103  cards
Ch. 2.3 The Brain Shows Regional Specialization of Functions
What does bilaterally symmetrical...,
Is the brain bilaterally symmetrical,
Which side of the brain controls ...
32  cards
Ch. 8.1 Sensory Receptor Organs Detect Energy or Substances
What is a sensory receptor organ,
What is an event that affects the...,
What is an example of a stimulus
47  cards
Ch. 8.2 Skin is a Complex Organ that Contains a Variety of Sensory Receptors
What is the epidermis,
What is the dermis,
What is the hypodermis
16  cards
Ch. 10.1 The Retina Transduces Light into Neuronal Activity
What is visible light,
What is a wavelength,
What is a cornea
25  cards
Ch. 10.2 Properties of the Retinα Shape Many Aspects of Our Vision
How does the visual system deal w...,
What is photoreceptor adaptation,
What is range fractionation
12  cards
Ch. 10.3 Neural Signals Travel from the Retina to Several Brain Regions
What is the optic chiasm,
In humans where do the axons from...,
What axons make up the optic nerv...
13  cards
Ch. 10.4 Neurons at Different Levels of the Visual System Have Very Different Receptive Fields
What is a receptive field,
At their resting potentials both ...,
What effect does light have on ph...
23  cards
Ch. 10.5 Color Vision Depends on Special Channels from the Retinal Cones through Cortical Area V4
What is hue,
Hues appear different for differe...,
What is the trichromatic hypothesis
9  cards
Ch. 14.1 Many Animals Show Daily Rhythms in Activity
What are circadian rhythms,
What is diurnal,
What is nocturnal
12  cards
Ch.14.2 The Hypothalamus Houses a Circadian Clock
What is the suprachiasmatic nucleus,
What area is responsible for the ...,
Lesions confined to the scn porti...
17  cards
Ch.14.3 Human Sleep Exhibits Different Stages
What is the free run sleep wake c...,
What is an electroencephalography...,
What is an electrooculography
24  cards
Ch. 15.1 Theories of Emotion Integrate Physiological and Behavioral Processes
What is emotion,
What is the sympathetic nervous s...,
What is the parasympathetic nervo...
11  cards
Ch. 15.2 Did a Core Set of Emotions Evolve in Humans and Other Animals?
What do you know about expression...,
What is evolutionary psychology,
Proponents of evolutionary psycho...
4  cards

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behavioral neuroscience

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