astronomy 101

This class was created by Brainscape user Peter Spoerri. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Quiz 1
What did karl popper say a statem...,
Occams razor,
What did some ancient groups thin...
47  cards
Chapter 4
How much of the universe is helium,
How much of the universe is hydrogen,
Who began the study of chemistry
79  cards
Midterm 1 Key Facts
What do lightyears mean about how...,
What is a light year,
What is an astronomical unit au
16  cards
Chapter 5
How are stars formed,
How cold are the gas clouds,
How hot is the suns surface
64  cards
Chapter 6
How can space and time be related,
What is meant by t 0,
What are initial conditions
25  cards
Chapter 8
What is geometry,
What are the 5 axioms of geometry,
What does euclidean geometry desc...
24  cards
Chapter 9
What is the swartzchilds radius,
What is the event horizon of a bl...,
How large does a star have to be ...
46  cards
Chapter 10
What is spectroscopy,
What can the emission absorption ...,
What characteristics can be obser...
66  cards
Chapter 11
Why was the newtonian view of the...,
How could newtons theory work,
What is escape velocity
34  cards
Chapter 12
How was the conclusion reached th...,
What was predicted by gamow,
What does the fusion of two heliu...
50  cards
Chapter 14
Who were the people who inadverte...,
When they first heard the consist...,
What can a radio signal such as c...
28  cards
Chapter 15
What is an irregular cluster,
What is a regular cluster,
What is a cluster of galaxy clust...
14  cards
Class Notes
How do you calculate the hubble time,
What happens to the size of the o...,
What is cosmological redshift
81  cards
Final Stretch 1 (50% of Final)
What does the size of the univers...,
What happens to the size of the o...,
What happens to the wavelength of...
85  cards
Final Stretch 2 (50% of Final)
What does an explosion suggest ab...,
What does an expansion suggest ab...,
Was the big bang an explosion or ...
59  cards

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astronomy 101

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Peter Spoerri's Astronomy 101 flashcards for their Northwestern University class now!

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