This class was created by Brainscape user KJ Hall. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Experimental Method
What is an experimental method,
What is the research aim,
What is independent variables
18  cards
Control of Variables
Why do you control extraneous var...,
What is an extraneous variable,
What are four types of extraneous...
18  cards
Experimental Design
What is experimental designs,
What are the three experimental d...,
Describe the independent measure
14  cards
Types of Experiment
What are four types of experiments,
What is a laboratory experiment,
What do experiments allow us to do
15  cards
What is a population,
What is a sample,
What should a sample be
25  cards
Ethical Issues and Ways of Dealing with Them
What does the bps stand for,
Who are the bps,
What does the apa stand for
19  cards
Pilot Studies
What is a pilot study,
Why is a pilot study conducted,
When can a pilot study be use
7  cards
Observational Techniques
What are observations,
Why observations usually used,
What are observational methods
25  cards
Observational Designs
What are the three main observati...,
What is a behavioural categories,
What is behavioural categories si...
10  cards
Self-Report Techniques
What are the two types of self re...,
What is a questionnaire,
Why can questionnaires be used as...
14  cards
Self-Report Design
What should you avoid to make goo...,
What is a closed question,
Strength of closed question
12  cards
What is a correlation,
What is a scattergram,
What are the three types of corre...
9  cards
Data Analysis: Kinds of Data
What are four different types of ...,
What is quantitative data,
Strength of quantitative data
18  cards
Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics
What is central tendency,
What is the mean,
Strength of the mean
21  cards
Data Analysis: Graphs
What are the types of ways to pre...,
What is a table,
What is a bar chart
19  cards
Mathematical Content
What does percentage mean,
How to convert a percentage to a ...,
What is a decimal place
18  cards
Calculating the Sign Test
When would you use the sign test,
How to calculate the sign test,
For a sign test to be significant...
3  cards
Peer Review and Psychology and the Economy
What is peer review,
What should the people who are re...,
What are the aims of a peer review
8  cards
Case Studies and Content Analysis
What is a case study,
What kind of data does case study...,
How do researchers construct case...
22  cards
What is reliability,
What is a measuring device reliable,
What is test retest reliability
15  cards
Types of Validity
What does validity mean,
What are the two broad categories...,
What does mundane realism refer to
20  cards
Choosing a Statistical Test
What is levels of measurement,
What is statistical tests,
Which statistical test should be ...
19  cards
Probability and Significance
What does probability mean,
What does significance mean,
What does a significant result mean
10  cards
Reporting Psychological Investigations
What does an abstract contain,
What does an introduction contain,
What does a method contain
9  cards
Features of Science
What does paradigm mean,
What is meant by a paradigm shift,
What is meant by objectivity
7  cards

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aqa psychology - research methods

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