This class was created by Brainscape user Emma Wilkinson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

1. Introduction
What is organic chemistry,
How many covalent bonds is carbon...,
Why are there so many carbon comp...
127  cards
2. Alkanes
What is petroleum another name for,
What is crude oil a mixture of,
What needs to be done to crude oi...
146  cards
3. Halogenoalkanes
What is a nucleophile,
What are nucleophiles attracted to,
What are the common nucleophiles ...
84  cards
4. Alkenes
Are alkenes saturated or unsaturated,
Do alkenes contain a double bond,
What is the arrangement of atoms ...
87  cards
5. Alcohols
General formula for alcohols,
Are alcohols saturated or unsatur...,
What is the functional group in a...
105  cards
6. Organic Analysis
What is the test for an alkene,
What is the result for when bromi...,
What is the test for an aldehyde
46  cards
7. Optical Isomerism
What is structural isomerism,
What is stereoisomerism,
What can structural isomerism be ...
32  cards
8. Aldehydes and Ketones
What is the carbonyl group,
How are aldehydes named,
How are ketones named
36  cards
9. Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives
What is the functional group of c...,
Are carboxylic acids weak or stro...,
Why do carboxylic acids not fully...
131  cards
10. Aromatic Chemistry
What structure are arenes based on,
How many carbons and hydrogens do...,
How was the bonding in a benzene ...
91  cards
11. Amines
What are amines,
What are amines derived from,
What is a primary amine
76  cards
12. Polymers
Are polymers saturated,
What are monomers,
What happens in addition polymeri...
54  cards
13. Amino acids, Proteins and DNA
What category do amino acids come...,
What groups do amino acids have,
Do amino acids always only have o...
122  cards
14. Organic Synthesis
0  cards
15. NMR
0  cards
16. Chromatography
0  cards

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aqa a level organic chemistry

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