AP Music Theory

This class was created by Brainscape user Irina Soloshenko. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (118)

Essential Music Theory Skills
Tempo 1,
Dynamics 2,
Realization of chord progression 3
5  cards
What to Expect
What to know 1,
Cadence 2,
Inversion 3
4  cards
Sight-Reading Practice
Sight singing 1,
How to practice sight reading 2,
Solfege 3
3  cards
Dictation Practice
Dictation 1,
Rhythmic 2,
Melodic 3
7  cards
Ear Training Practice
Big idea 1,
How to practice ear training 2,
Ear training 3
3  cards
Essentials - Reminders
Little things to learn 1
1  cards
The Musical Alphabet
Big idea 1,
Intro to pitch 2,
Pitch classes 3
4  cards
The Chromatic Alphabet
Big idea 1,
How to make 12 sounds with 7 lett...,
Step 3
11  cards
Staff and Clef Signs
Big idea 1,
Reading music on a stagg 2,
Treble clef or g clef 3
5  cards
Meter: Rhythmic Values and Beat Units
Big idea 1,
Beat 2,
The meter 3
6  cards
Meter: Time Signatures and Conducting Patterns
Big idea 1,
How to understand time signatures 2,
Conducting patterns 3
9  cards
Meter: Counting Systems and Metric Hierarchy
Big idea 1,
What to know when counting rhythms 2,
Counting systems 3
8  cards
Registers and Ledger Lines
Big idea 1,
Note registers 2,
Grand staff 3
9  cards
Dynamic and Tempo Markings
Big idea 1,
How to read dynamics 2,
Tempo 3
8  cards
Listening: Texture Examples
Texture 1,
Monophonic 2,
Polyphonic 3
9  cards
Rhythm: Dots, Ties, and Slurs
Dots 1,
Ties 2,
Slurs 3
3  cards
Rhythm: Syncopation and Hemiola
Syncopation 1,
Hemiola 2,
Syncopation is defined as off bea...
5  cards
Anacrusis Notation: Pick-ups
Anacrusis 1,
What is the definition of the ter...,
An anacrusis begins on a strong b...
4  cards
Pitch Collections: Chromatic and Diatonic
Pitch collection 1,
Diatonic 2,
Chromatic 3
10  cards
Scales: Ordered Pitch-Class Collections
Interval patterns 1,
Scales and solfege 2,
Tonic 3
5  cards
Spelling scales 1,
Interval pattern 2,
Tetrachord system 3
7  cards
Key Signature
Key signature 1,
Flat keys 2,
Sharpkeys 3
12  cards
Key Signatures: Scale Degree Names
List of scale degree names 1,
Application signature 2
2  cards
Meter Identification - Duple, Triple, Quadruple
Meters 1,
Duple meter 2,
Triple meter 3
9  cards
Introduction: Compound Meter
Components 1,
Different meter signatures 2,
Compound meter 3
5  cards
Syncopation and Hemiola
Big idea 1,
Hemiola in compond meter 2
2  cards
Metrical Accents
Big idea 1,
Mixing subdivision in simple 2,
Mixing meter in compound time sig...
12  cards
Minor Scales: Parallel and Relative
Parallel 1,
Relative 2,
Parallel keys 3
8  cards
Forms of Minor
Natural 1,
Harminoc 2,
Melodic 3
10  cards
Identifying Major/Minor Keys
What to look for 1,
Key signature indicators 2,
Accidentals 3
4  cards
Modes 1,
Modes in the key of c 2,
Parallel method 3
8  cards
Binary and Ternary Forms
Forms 1,
Binary form 2,
Ternary form 3
8  cards
Vocal Forms
Vocal forms 1,
Strophic 2,
Through compose 3
10  cards
Combining Pitches
Intervals 1,
Melodic intervals 2,
Harmonic intervals 3
10  cards
Interval Qualities
Different interval qualities 1,
Interval inversion 2,
From the smallest to the largest ...
5  cards
Augmented and Diminished Intervals
Augmented intervals 1,
Diminished intervals 2,
Tritone 3
7  cards
Consonant/Dissonant Intervals
Consonant intervals 1,
Dissonant intervals 2,
Including the unison the consonan...
7  cards
Chords and Triads above the Scale
Chord 1,
Triads 2,
Triads are two sets of stacked 3r...
6  cards
Triad Qualities
Major chords 1,
Minor triads 2,
Triad qualities in minor keys 3
7  cards
Spelling Triads
Three ways to quickly spell triad 1,
White key method 2,
Spelling triads from key signatur...
9  cards
Scale-Degree Triads - Roman Numerals
Big idea 1,
Roman numerals 2,
Like triads roman numerals indica...
5  cards
Figured Bass and Triad Inversions
Big idea 1,
Process of inversion 2,
Fingered bass 3
7  cards
Seventh Chords in Major and Minor Keys
Seventh chords 1,
Mm7 2,
Mm7 3
13  cards
Seventh Chord Inversions
Seventh chord inversions 1,
Seventh chords are dissonant due ...,
A seventh chord in root position ...
6  cards
Uncommon Seventh Chords
Big idea 1,
Construction of some other seven ...,
Common rhythmic patterns for seve...
8  cards
Spelling Seventh Chords
Spelling major seventh chords 1,
Spelling minor seventh chords 2,
Spelling half diminished seventh ...
9  cards
Connecting Melodic Intervals
Counterpoint 1,
Cantus firmus 2,
First species 3
13  cards
Labeling Harmonic Intervals
Labels for harmonic intervals 1,
Contrary motion c 2,
Parallel motion p 3
9  cards
Harmonic Intervals - Consonant and Dissonant
Big idea 1,
Consonant intervals 2,
Counterpoint avoidance 3
8  cards
Note-to-Note Counterpoint in Strict Style
What to use as the beginning or e...,
Counterpoint line 2,
If the cantus is in the bass it s...
6  cards
Invertible Counterpoint
What notes can i use correctly 1,
Invertible counterpoint 2,
A matrix is helpful in selecting ...
7  cards
Motives and Ground Bass
Motive 1,
Ground bass 2,
A motive or motif is the same as ...
7  cards
Second-Species Counterpoint - Non-Chord Tones
Second species 1,
Passing tones 2,
Neighboring tones 3
9  cards
Writing Second-Species Counterpoint
Opening statement 1,
Closing statement 2,
Closing patterns 3
9  cards
Third-Species Counterpoint
Third species counterpoint 1,
Things to remember when writing i...,
Embellishments to prolong resolut...
8  cards
Fourth and Fifth Species Counterpoint
Displacement or fourth species co...,
The different types of suuspensio...,
Fifth species counterpoint 3
8  cards
Listening: Rondo Form
Rondo 1,
Types of rondos 2,
Rondo form is an extension of 3
7  cards
18th Century Counterpoint: Contrapuntal Motion
18th century counterpoint 1,
Writing in 18th century counterpo...,
New with 18th century counterpoint 3
10  cards
Chordal Dissonance
Chordal dissonance 1,
The seventh chord structure and r...,
Dominant seventh chords v7 are bu...
6  cards
Bass and Melodic Lines
Bass line 1,
Three note closing statements typ...,
Beginning of phrases 3
7  cards
Writing with a Given Line
Steps to writing the lines 1,
When writing with a given line th...,
______ ______ is when two voices ...
5  cards
Non-Chord Tones - Embellishments
Unaccented dissonant passing tone 1,
Accented dissonant passing tone 2,
Unaccented consonant passing tone 3
8  cards
Four-Part Harmony - SATB and Keyboard
Four part writing 1,
When writing satb music there are...,
Notation 3
13  cards
Basic Phrase
Phrase 1,
A complete phrase have at least t...,
Phrases continued 3
8  cards
Tonic and Cadential Areas
Types of cadence 1,
Cadential areas in music are best...,
The three main types of cadences ...
4  cards
Connecting Dominant and Tonic Areas
Connecting correctly 1,
Several rules for part writing th...,
Remember the following when conne...
6  cards
Harmonizing Folk Songs
Steps to harmonizing a melody cor...,
Background variance 2,
Texture 3
9  cards
V7 Inversions
Considerations 1,
Motion into perfect intervals mus...,
Continue to watch out for these p...
6  cards
Expanding the Phrase
Expanding the phrase review 1,
Expanding using ii and iv 2,
Using scale degree names what are...
6  cards
Realizing Figured Bass
Big idea 1,
Considerations you will need to k...,
Process 3
7  cards
Harmonizing Melodies: Process
Some helpers that you should use 1,
Writing with a given line 2,
Note 3
8  cards
Harmonizing Melodies: Example
Process 1,
When writing or harmonizing a lin...,
When harmonizing a line you must ...
5  cards
Using Six-Four Chords
Big idea 1,
Four types of second inversions t...,
The different ways that it is not...
7  cards
Neighboring Six-Four
Neighboring six four pedal 1,
A neighboring or pedal 6 4 embell...,
Always double the ______ of a 6 4...
5  cards
Arpeggiating and Passing Six-Four
Arpeggiating six four 1,
Passing six four 2,
The arpeggiating 6 4 can extend a...
6  cards
Extending the Tonic
Extending the tonic 1,
When the subdominant chord in any...,
If a progression is 4 measures lo...
5  cards
Introducing the Submediant
The submediant 1,
The submediant triad vi vi in min...,
The submediant chord of a tonic e...
5  cards
Additional Cadences
Deceptive cadence v vi or v vi 1,
Plagal cadence iv i or iv i 2,
Phrygian half cadence iv6 v 3
9  cards
Root Progressions
Three primary motions of root mov...,
Moving between areas of the phrase 2,
Progressions motions by descendin...
8  cards
Motion by Descending Third
Motion by descending third 1,
Although descending thirds are mo...,
Complete the descending third cyc...
6  cards
Motion by Second
Commonly connects functional area...,
Motion by second 2,
Root movement by second is more c...
7  cards
Mediant Triads and Parallel Six-Three Chords
Mediant triads 1,
A big reason why the mediant iii ...,
Most of the time if you think you...
6  cards
Listening: Fugue
Fugue 1,
How many voices does the typical ...,
The first thing we hear in a fugu...
5  cards
Embellishing Tones: Passing and Neighbor
Big idea 1,
Embellishments 2,
Passing tones 3
8  cards
More about Suspensions
Three part process 1,
How it is used 2,
Suspensions 3
7  cards
Incomplete and Double Neighbor Tones
Incomplete neighbor tones 1,
Double neighbor tone 2,
No matter the type of neighbor to...
6  cards
Other Embellishments
Embellishment 1,
In music a scale over a static ch...,
Neighbor tones don t usually chan...
5  cards
Non Chord Tones: Summary
The different embellishments 1,
A passing tone is left by step in...,
A neighbor tone is left by step i...
5  cards
The viio6 - Doubling and Resolving
The viio chord 1,
Regardless of inversion the quali...,
The most common way we see the vi...
6  cards
The viio7 and viiø7 - Doubling and Resolving
The viio7 chord 1,
What determines whether a vii7 ch...,
In a major key the vii7 chord wil...
5  cards
The viio6, viio7 and viiø7 - Chords in Context
The viio6 viio7 and viio7 1,
One of the most common uses for v...,
Since vii chords share a few note...
6  cards
Neighboring and Passing Four-Two Chords
Neighboring and passing four two 1,
Neighboring and passing four two ...,
Labeling the chords four two chor...
6  cards
Phrase Analysis
Form analysis 1,
The study of musical phrases and ...,
A collection of musical phrases i...
6  cards
Smaller Segments of Phrases
Segments of a phrase 1,
A smaller phrase embedded in a la...,
The smallest unit of musical thou...
5  cards
Parallel and Contrasting Periods
Parallel and contrasting periods 1,
When musical phrases work togethe...,
When two musical periods very clo...
6  cards
Extended Periods
Three phase period 1,
Double period 2,
Musical periods can be constructe...
7  cards
Phrase Rhythmic - Structure and Hypermeter
Rhythmic patterns in phrases 1,
_________ is when a phrase or phr...,
We must think musically and not g...
6  cards
Sequences 1,
Types of sequences 2,
How to analyze and identify seque...
9  cards
Descending-Fifth Sequences
Descending fifth sequences 1,
Bass line 2,
Most sequences are based on motiv...
10  cards
Descending-Third Sequences
Descending third sequences 1,
How to avoid parallel fifths 2,
A descending thirds sequence usua...
7  cards
Sequences Based on Seconds
Sequences based on second 1,
Parallelsthe game of avoidance 2,
Unlike the other sequences sequen...
7  cards
Sequences in Musical Context
Sequences 1,
Offer a wide opportunity for use 2,
When analyzing keep these things ...
8  cards
Intensifying the Dominant
We have already done this 1,
Secondary dominant chords v v 2,
A secondary dominant is 3
8  cards
Modulation and Tonicization
Tonicization 1,
How does the v v function in the ...,
Other uses 3
8  cards
Writing and Resolving V/V to V
Review 1,
Resolutions 2,
Ii to v v 3
8  cards
Secondary Leading Tones to V
Secondary leading tones to v 1,
The process is the same 2,
Resolutions 3
7  cards
Secondary Chords in Dominant Expansions
How to use to expand the dominant...,
Both the v v and the viio v can b...,
When an instrument plays a note a...
6  cards
Secondary Chords in Basic Phrases
Big idea 1,
Other secondary possibilities 2,
Primary role 3
10  cards
Secondary Chords in Musical Contexts
Big idea 1,
Why 2,
Intensifying a harmony 3
12  cards
Spelling Secondary Chords
Secondary chords 1,
Again the most important thing to...,
In theory secondary chords can be...
6  cards
Resolving Secondary Chords
Things to remember 1,
Leading tones resolve 2,
When resolving a v7 chord to any ...
6  cards
Big idea 1,
Tale tell signs of modulations are 2,
Finding out the pivot chords 3
9  cards
Modulations - Examples
Big idea 1,
Examples 2,
Modulations are a common occurren...
6  cards
Section I, Part A
Big idea 1,
The exam 2,
Section i part a 3
6  cards
Section I, Part B
Section i part b 1
1  cards
Section II, Part A (Aural Stimulus)
Section ii part a 1,
In any sort of aural dictation it...
2  cards
Section II, Part A (No Aural Stimulus)
Section ii part a no aural stimul...,
Examples of questions 2
2  cards
Section II, Part B (Sight-Singing)
Section ii part b 1,
Ap exam tips 2,
It is completely natural and norm...
7  cards

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AP Music Theory

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