ap european history princeton review flashcards

This class was created by Brainscape user Eric Frankel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Who coined the term renaissance w...,
What happened during the renaissance,
What was individualism
41  cards
The Reformation
What was the protestant reformation,
What was the catholic reformation,
How was the reformation a reflect...
46  cards
Overseas Empires
Why did portugal have an advantag...,
Who sailed around the cape of goo...,
Who first reached the coast of india
13  cards
The Development of Monarchial States and the Holy Wars
What were the new powers of a mon...,
What was the best example of this...,
What was an example of this power...
45  cards
Monarchial States
How did henry iv strengthen the g...,
How was louis xiii able to rise t...,
How was louis xiv able to come to...
53  cards
Economic and Social Life in Early Modern Europe
What defined the end of the fifte...,
What was the price revolution,
What were the effects of the pric...
17  cards
The Scientific Revolution
Why was the scientific revolution...,
What were some of the reasons why...,
How did the discovery of the new ...
23  cards
The Enlightenment
Who were philosophes,
Where were philosophes found at,
What was the republic of letters
24  cards
European Powers in the Age of Enlightenment
What were the changes the 18th ce...,
What were enlightened absolutists,
What are examples of enlightened ...
34  cards
The French Revolution
How did louis xvis personal life ...,
What economic problem was facing ...,
How did this problem bring louis ...
52  cards
How was napoleon a product of the...,
What was napoleons military caree...,
How did napoleon overthrow the di...
24  cards
Restoration and Revolution: An Age of Competing Ideologies
What were strategies countries us...,
How did countries develop larger ...,
How did countries attack the lega...
23  cards
Political Restoration and Reform: France
What does the term restoration re...,
What was louis xviiis constitutio...,
Who came to the throne after loui...
6  cards
Political Restoration and Reform: Revolutionary Movements
What was the spanish political sy...,
How did rebellion begin in spain ...,
Which city state in italy saw a r...
16  cards
Revolutions of 1848
What were the main themes of the ...,
Did the revolution of 1830 bring ...,
How did unrest develop against th...
29  cards
The Industrial Revolution
What economic system did the indu...,
What occurred during the industri...,
What were reasons that contribute...
30  cards
The Age of National Unification
Why was the crimean war important...,
What led to the outbreak of hosti...,
What occurred during the crimean war
68  cards
The Second Industrial Revoution
Who introduced new methods of cre...,
What was another discovery that h...,
What were effects of electricity ...
31  cards
Social and Cultural Developments in the Late Nineteenth Century
What occurred with regards to rel...,
How did catholicism reemerge in e...,
What did pope pius ix issue in re...
43  cards
Arts During the Second Industrial Revolution
What was romanticism,
Who inspired romanticism,
What were traits of romanticist a...
29  cards
The New Imperialism: Colonization of Africa and Asia
What was new imperialism,
What were advances in technology ...,
What were motivating factors that...
24  cards
World War I
What were the causes of the war,
What were political tensions with...,
What were political and social te...
44  cards
The Russian Revolution
How was the russian revolution st...,
What was the march revolution of ...,
What was a trend that undercut th...
9  cards
The Interwar Governments: The Weimar Republic and the Soviet Experiment
What are the two events that are ...,
What were problems that initially...,
How was stability established who...
18  cards
The Great Depression and the Rise of Facism
Why did the great depression occur,
How was the perception of the 192...,
How did the great depression unfold
30  cards
Western Democracies in Crisis
How was wilsons vision of worldwi...,
How did british politics change a...,
What were political tensions that...
10  cards
World War II and the Postwar years
How did hitler actively try to ov...,
How did hitler take territory in ...,
How did hitler take territory in ...
35  cards
The Beginning of the Cold War
What are the three major schools ...,
What were the ideas of the tradit...,
What were the ideas of the revisi...
28  cards
The End of Imperialism
Who influenced britains gradual d...,
How did israel become an independ...,
How did egypt become an independe...
8  cards
The Creation of A European Union
What were factors that contribute...,
What was the first stage of the c...,
When was the stage of development...
7  cards
Post-WWII Developments in Western European States
Who initiated the development of ...,
What were economic and social ref...,
What industries did attlee nation...
36  cards
The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Modern Russia and Yugoslavia
What was the warsaw pact,
What was comecon,
What occurred in hungary that sho...
27  cards
Things I Learned From Learnerator
Who was phillip of hesse,
What did charles v do,
Who was thomas more
28  cards

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ap european history princeton review flashcards

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