AP English Literature and Composition

This class was created by Brainscape user Irina Soloshenko. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (175)

Reading Fiction Responsively
Ask questions 1,
Make notations 2,
Trust your own style of annotation 3
13  cards
Vocabulary: Syntax and Diction
Syntax sentence structure 1,
Diction word choice 2,
Be sure to characterize how the a...
10  cards
Exploring Plot
Plot structure 1,
Exposition background information 2,
Inciting incident 3
15  cards
"Three Girls" by Joyce Carol Oates
Exposition 1,
Inciting incident 2,
Rising action 3
13  cards
"A Rose for Emily" - Vocabulary
Cupola 1,
August 2,
Perpetuity 3
20  cards
"A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner
A the story is extremely climacti...,
B much of the rising action chron...,
C homer s death is not the climax 3
16  cards
Exploring Character
Round character 1,
Flat character 2,
Foil flat character 3
12  cards
"Saving Sourdi" by May-Lee Chai
Protagonist 1,
Nea is headstrong 2,
Nea is a round character 3
17  cards
"A&P" - Vocabulary
Nubble 1,
Varicose veins 2,
Wax 3
7  cards
"A&P" by John Updike
Sammy is judgmental 1,
Sammy is stubborn 2,
Sammy is reflective 3
10  cards
Unit 1 Review
What is important to consider whe...,
What characteristic of syntax wou...,
Inciting incident 3
11  cards
Exploring Setting
Setting where when and how the sc...,
Note 2,
What impacts does setting have on...
9  cards
"Soldier's Home" - Vocabulary
Atrocity 1,
Apocryphal 2,
Intrigue 3
6  cards
"Soldier's Home" by Ernest Hemingway
Setting 1,
Incongruous juxtaposition of the ...,
Theme 3
11  cards
"Christmas 1910" by Robert Butler
Setting 1,
Why did butler put the protagonis...,
Whjy is 1910 so important that it...
9  cards
"Christmas 1910" - Discussion
Story occurs in a small rural are...,
Christmas 2,
This feeling is part of the setti...
16  cards
Revisiting "A Rose for Emily"
A consider the effect of the foll...,
Setting is 2,
What social custom of the south e...
9  cards
"A Rose for Emily" - Setting
A emily can only keep her secrets...,
B the southern culture as an impo...,
C 3
6  cards
Exploring Point of View
1st person 1,
3rd person limited 2,
3rd person omniscient 3
9  cards
"The Lady with the Pet Dog" - Vocabulary
Esplanade 1,
Irresolute 2,
Provincial 3
12  cards
"The Lady with the Pet Dog" by Anton Chekhov
Point of view 1,
Gurov 2,
3rd person limited through the ey...
10  cards
"Roselily" by Alice Walker
Stream of consciousness 1,
Note 2,
Roselily uses stream of conscious...
8  cards
"Roselily" - Discussion
A 1,
B 2,
Pov 3
11  cards
Unit 2 Review
What is the setting of soldier s ...,
Answers 2,
Tension of the story is built up ...
7  cards
Exploring Symbolism
1 1,
2 use tips for finding symbolism 2,
What setting does the author use ...
10  cards
"Clothes" by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Play the association game 1
1  cards
"Clothes" - Discussion
Symbolism 1,
What does sumita s father buy her...,
Sumita calms herself on the plane...
4  cards
"The Hand" by Colette
Note 1
1  cards
"The Hand" - Discussion
Consider 1,
Significance of setting 2,
Which best describes the shift in...
10  cards
Exploring Theme
Didactic stories are 1,
Thematic statement should be 2,
Dichotomy readers should evaluate 3
15  cards
Revisiting "A&P" for Theme
What textual evidence about power...,
What is the author saying about p...,
Thematic statement ex 3
9  cards
Exploring Style, Tone, Irony
Style the author s particular mod...,
Tone the author s attitude toward...,
Irony the contrast between our fa...
5  cards
"Popular Mechanics" by Raymond Carver
Watch for the following elements ...
1  cards
"Popular Mechanics" - Discussion
Style 1,
How dies it make you feel 2,
The writing style parallels the e...
9  cards
"Story of an Hour" - Vocabulary
Forestall 1,
Abandonment 2,
Crying his wares 3
16  cards
"Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin
Situational irony 1,
Verbal irony 2,
Dramatic irony 3
7  cards
"Everyday Use" by Alice Walker
Think about how 1
1  cards
"Everyday Use" - Putting the Elements Together
Exposition 1,
Rising arction 2,
Climax 3
11  cards
Unit 3
What role does the plot play in c...,
What is the effect of the lack of...,
Why is mr mallard carrying a grip...
5  cards
Fiction - Prompt Diagnosis
Claim 1,
Data 2,
Warrant 3
9  cards
Fiction - Element Selection
Tips 1,
Answers 2
2  cards
Fiction Analysis - Introduction
Beginning 1,
Middle 2,
Thesis 3
6  cards
Fiction Analysis - Body Paragraph
Claim provide the specific direct...,
Data 2,
Warrant elaborate analyze and dis...
15  cards
Fiction Analysis - Conclusions
Conclusion 1,
What aspect of a short fiction an...,
Which of the following shouldn t ...
6  cards
Organization - Chronological
Chronological at least 2 1,
Answers 2
2  cards
Organization - Topical
Topical by technique discuss lite...
1  cards
Fiction Analysis - "The Street"
Step 1 1,
Step 2 diagnose the prompt 2,
Step 3 3
10  cards
Reading "Kiss of the Fur Queen"
Prompt 1,
After diagnosing the prompt 2,
Task 3
9  cards
Fiction Analysis - "Kiss of the Fur Queen"
Step 1 1,
Step 2 diagnose the prompt 2,
Step 3 3
10  cards
Reading "The Other Paris"
The other paris 1,
Two major types of characterizati...,
What literary techniques are you ...
9  cards
Fiction Analysis - "The Other Paris"
Step 1 1,
Step 2 diagnose the prompt 2,
Step 3 3
5  cards
Unit 4
What should be included 1,
Purpose of the middle of the intr...,
He acknowledges that not just that 3
12  cards
Reading Poetry Responsively
Tips on reading 1,
Whose work should you mark up 2,
What should not be on a list of w...
5  cards
Poetry Terms to Know
Allusion 1,
Assonance 2,
Blank verse 3
26  cards
TP-CASTT: Device for Analysis
T title 1,
P paraphrase 2,
C connotation 3
11  cards
Exploring Word Choice, Word Order, and Tone
Word choice 1,
Word order 2,
Tone 3
9  cards
"Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden
Stanza one 1,
Stanza two 2,
Stanza three 3
7  cards
"Mountain Graveyard" by Robert Morgan
Prose 1,
Notes 2,
Tales 3
27  cards
"A Narrow Fellow in the Grass" - Introduction
One element of this poem that can...,
What does his notice sudden is me...,
But when a boy and barefoot 3
5  cards
"a narrow fellow..." by Emily Dickinson
Fellow 1,
Occasionally rides 2,
Divides as with a comb 3
15  cards
Unit 5
Clank rattle sounds of sadness 1,
Tp castt method 2,
Using tp castt what do you analyz...
14  cards
"To the Virgins..." - Introduction
That age is best which is the fir...,
And while ye may go marry 2,
Tone 3
3  cards
"To the Virgins..." by Robert Herrick
Tone 1,
Rosebuds flowers 2,
Dying 3
9  cards
"To His Coy Mistress" - Introduction
Which element in this piece shoul...,
In this poem we learn that the to...,
You should if you please refuse t...
5  cards
"To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell
Paraphrase 1,
Evaluate organization 2,
Determine tone 3
10  cards
"London" - Introduction
This poetry piece has a lot of da...,
Tone 2,
I wandered through each chartered...
3  cards
"London" - by William Blake
Tone 1,
Inverted word order 2,
Theme all roads lead to theme 3
8  cards
"Root Cellar" by Theodore Roethke
Tone 1,
Example of theme life 2,
Which line best supports the them...
10  cards
"Cavalry Crossing a Ford" - Introduction
Author 1,
Hard to the musical clank 2,
Does not have a strict 3
10  cards
"Cavalry Crossing a Ford" by Walt Whitman
Diction 1,
Structure 2,
Theme ex 3
11  cards
"To Autumn" - Introduction
Diction 1,
Voice addressing the reader 2,
Author 3
10  cards
"To Autumn" by John Keats
Diction 1,
Chunk 2,
Apostrophe 3
9  cards
Unit 6
Chuck the message of each of the ...,
Overall tone to the virgins 2,
Patient love tone to his coy mist...
43  cards
Devices: Figurative Language
How does it enhance the understan...,
Similes and metaphors are example...,
Simile 3
4  cards
"You Fit into Me" by Margret Atwood
Stanza one 1,
Stanza two 2,
Simile 3
10  cards
"The Author to Her Book" - Introduction
Conceit 1,
But nought save home spun cloth i...,
I wash d thy face but more defect...
4  cards
"The Author to Her Book" by Anne Bradstreet
Apostrophe 1,
If the book is a child the author...,
Finding theme 3
9  cards
Symbol, Allegory, and Irony
Symbolism 1,
Allegory 2,
Irony 3
8  cards
"Acquainted with the Night" by Robert Frost
Acquainted 1,
But not to call me back or say go...,
One luminary clock against the sky 3
9  cards
"The Haunted Palace" - Introduction
Pleasant tone 1,
Theme 2,
Tone shift 3
6  cards
"The Haunted Palace" by Edgar Allan Poe
Reared its head in the monarch th...,
Banners yellow glorious golden 2,
Two luminous windows 3
11  cards
"Richard Cory" - Introduction
Irony 1,
He was rich yes richer than a king 2,
Author s word choice in a piece o...
3  cards
"Richard Cory" by Edwin Arlington Robinson
Stanza one the people on the pave...,
Stanza two ironically even though...,
What emotions or human experience...
10  cards
Rhyme Scheme
Tips to finding regular rhyme 1,
Ex 2,
Ex slant rhyme 3
11  cards
Types of Meter
Metrical feet 1,
Iamb u 2,
Anapest u u 3
15  cards
Revisiting "Richard Cory"
Rhyme scheme 1,
Meter 2
2  cards
Revisiting "Acquainted with the Night"
Rhyme scheme 1,
Meter 2,
Night 3
8  cards
Unit 7
Metaphor 1,
Shift 2,
Figurative language 3
17  cards
Poetic Forms
Narrative poetry 1,
Shakespearean sonnet 2,
Italian sonnet 3
11  cards
Sonnet: "The World Is Too Much..."
How many lines 1,
Rhyme scheme 2,
Theme 3
8  cards
"The World Is Too Much..." - by William Wordsworth
Poetic analysis 1,
Meters 2,
True about italian sonnets 3
12  cards
"Do Not Go Gentle into That..." by Dylan Thomas
Poetic form 1,
Rhyme scheme 2,
Meter 3
9  cards
Epigram: "Theology"
Epigram 1,
Rhyme scheme 2,
Tone 3
8  cards
"Theology" by Paul Laurence Dunbar
Poem 1,
Exposing poem 2,
Flaw of this speaker 3
3  cards
"Elegy for My Fahter..." by Andrew Hudgins
Elegy 1,
Theme 2,
Relationship between father and s...
7  cards
Ode: Revisiting "To Autumn"
Ode 1,
Tone 2,
Speaker looks at autumn _____ 3
5  cards
"Mending Wall" - Introduction
Meaning of the title 1,
Wall is symbolic of 2,
Darkness refers to 3
9  cards
"Mending Wall" by Robert Frost
Title 1,
Paraphrase 2,
Connotation 3
15  cards
"Shall I compare thee ..." - Introduction
What is being compared 1,
Shakespearran sonnet 2,
Rhyme scheme 3
7  cards
"Shall I compare thee..." by William Shakespeare
Theme 1,
Summer 2,
Sonnet 3
17  cards
"Traveling Through the Dark" by William Stafford
Author s message 1,
Word choice creates imagery that ...,
Symbolism 3
12  cards
Abigail envy of john marsh 1
1  cards
Poetry - Prompt Diagnosis
Important terms in poetry 1,
Introduction 2,
Warning 3
15  cards
Poetry - Element Selection
When looking for literary devices...,
Most important aspect about a dev...,
If students cannot think of any d...
6  cards
Poetry Analysis - Introduction
Critical components 1,
Introduction pointers 2,
Cheat sheet to writing good intro 3
3  cards
Poetry Analysis - Body Paragraph
Elements of a body paragraph 1,
Data 2,
Warrant 3
8  cards
Poetry Analysis - Conclusions
Elements of good conclusion 1,
Most important part of poetry ana...,
Note 3
3  cards
Poetry Organization - Chronology
Outline 1,
Note 2
2  cards
Poetry Organization - Topical
Topical 1,
Paragraph 1 2,
Choosing to use a topical by devi...
3  cards
Poetry Organization - Compare/Contrast
1 a block layer cake style 1 1,
1 b block layer cake style 2 2,
2 device by device marble cake 3
8  cards
Block v Point-by-Point -- Sample
1 a block layer cake style 1 1,
1 b block layer cake style 2 2,
2 device by device marble cake 3
11  cards
Reading "Century Quilt"
Intro 1,
Warning 2,
Claim 3
6  cards
"Centry Quilt" - Poetry Analysis
Step 1 1,
Step 2 diagnose prompt 2,
Step 3 3
11  cards
Reading "An Echo Sonnet"
Intro 1,
Claim 2,
Warrant 3
4  cards
"An Echo Sonnet" - Poetry Analysis
Step 1 1,
Step 2 diagnose the prompt 2,
Step 3 3
8  cards
Compare & Contrast: Reading
Why author s purpose 1,
Literary devices 2,
Intro 3
12  cards
Compare & Contrast: Poetry Analysis
Step 1 1,
Step 2 diagnose prompt 2,
Step 3 3
6  cards
Unit 9
Note 1,
Most important 2
2  cards
Drama Analysis
Drama 1,
Purpose of stage directions 2,
What to do to find theme in drama 3
9  cards
A Raisin in the Sun: Act I - Introduction
Setting 1
1  cards
A Raisin in the Sun: Act II - Introduction
Note 1
1  cards
A Raisin in the Sun: Act III - Introduction
Plot 1
1  cards
A Raisin in the Sun - Setting
Why is it important that the plot...,
Note 2,
Answers 3
3  cards
A Raisin in the Sun - Plot
Inciting incident 1,
Exposition 2,
Climax 3
9  cards
A Raisin in the Sun - Characters
Protagonist walter 1,
Momma 2,
Ruth 3
7  cards
A Raisin in the Sun - Symbols
Note 1,
Answers 2
2  cards
A Raisin in the Sun - Theme
Dreams 1,
Hope 2,
Poverty 3
7  cards
Unit 10
Note 1
1  cards
Hamlet - Introduction
Studying shakespeare 1,
Drama 2,
Hamlet is relevant today 3
7  cards
Hamlet: Act I
Setting 1,
First scene 2,
Hamlet s royal status 3
6  cards
Hamlet: Act II
Note 1,
Answers 2
2  cards
Hamlet: Act III
Note 1,
Answers 2
2  cards
Hamlet: Act IV
Note 1,
Answers 2
2  cards
Hamlet: Act V
Note 1,
Answers 2
2  cards
Hamlet - Setting
Physical setting 1,
Tension in setting 2,
Answers 3
3  cards
Hamlet - Plot
Inciting incident 1,
Rising action not in order 2,
Possible climax 3
4  cards
Hamlet - Characters I
Hamlet 1,
Claudius 2,
Gertrude 3
4  cards
Hamlet - Characters II
Laertes 1,
Ophelia 2,
Polonius 3
8  cards
Hamlet - Symbols
The skull and crossbones piracy 1,
Skull death 2,
Hamlet s black clothes 3
6  cards
Hamlet - Theme
Revenge 1,
Madness insanity 2,
Perception 3
4  cards
Unit 11
Soliloquoy 1,
Polonius as comedic relief 2,
Different revenge 3
5  cards
As I Lay Dying - Setting
Setting 1,
Note 2
2  cards
As I Lay Dying - Plot
Exposition 1,
Inciting incident 2,
Rising action 3
5  cards
As I Lay Dying - Characters I
Cash 1,
Darl 2,
Jewel 3
6  cards
As I Lay Dying - Characters II
Anse 1,
Addie 2,
Toll 3
5  cards
As I Lay Dying - Symbols
Fish 1,
Cows 2,
Horse 3
6  cards
As I Lay Dying - Theme
Familial love 1,
Existence 2,
Understandings 3
4  cards
Unit 12
Note 1
1  cards
Huck Finn: Chapters I-VII
Footprints outside of huck s wind...,
Answers 2,
Jim 3
3  cards
Huck Finn: Chapters VIII-XXXI
Duke and the dauphin can best be ...,
Causes huck to get separated from...,
I begun to worry about the men 3
5  cards
Huck Finn: Chapters XXXII-End
Note 1
1  cards
Huck Finn - Setting
Setting river vs land 1,
Setting before the civil war 2,
Note 3
3  cards
Huck Finn - Plot
Education 1,
Religion 2,
Senseless violence 3
8  cards
Huck Finn - Characters
Huck finn 1,
Jim 2,
The duke and the king dauphin 3
5  cards
Huck Finn - Symbols
River freedom hope 1,
Water universal symbol of purity ...,
Raft aimless a representation of ...
6  cards
Huck Finn - Theme
Legality vs morality 1,
Society 2,
Religion 3
6  cards
Unit 13
Note 1,
They swarmed up towards sherburn ...,
Well he says you needn t be afeard 3
8  cards
Open Response - Diagnosing Prompt
Characteristics of open response 1,
Diagnosing prompt 2,
Writing vocab 3
5  cards
Open Response - Selecting Works
Consider these guidelines 1,
Tips 2,
Note 3
3  cards
Open Response - Organizing
Organize 1,
Note 2
2  cards
Open Response - Introduction
Beginning 1,
Middle 2,
Thesis 3
3  cards
Open Response - The Body
Body paragraph i 1,
Body paragraph ii 2,
Tips 3
4  cards
Open Response - The Conclusion
Guidelines 1,
Note 2
2  cards
Order of Writing Essay Responses
Tips 1,
Note 2
2  cards
Unit 14
When you are writing for an open ...,
How is the open ended response di...,
Why is it important that students...
3  cards
Multiple Choice - Main Idea
Main idea content questions poetr...,
Where is krebs from 2,
Note 3
3  cards
Multiple Choice - Inference
Inference questions poetry and pr...,
Note 2
2  cards
Multiple Choice - Rhetorical Questions
Rhetorical questions poetry and p...,
She could see in the open square 2,
She s one of these cash 3
6  cards
Multiple Choice - Diction
Diction poetry and prose 1,
I lured ma 2,
Note 3
4  cards
Multiple Choice - Language
Figurative language literary devi...,
The scenery invariably impressed ...,
The methodical pleasure of a stra...
10  cards
Multiple Choice - Grammar
Grammar questions 1,
Note 2,
Isolated 3
7  cards
Multiple Choice - Structure
Structure questions 1,
14 lines iambic pentameter abbaab...,
7 lines long no uniform meter no ...
7  cards
Multiple Choice - Meter
Structure questions poetry 1,
Note 2,
Trochee 3
4  cards
Multiple Choice - Strategies
Tips 1
1  cards
Multiple Choice - Passage Order
Tips 1
1  cards

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AP English Literature and Composition

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