anth1014: introduction to biological anthropology

This class was created by Brainscape user Hayley Page. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

1.1: Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection
Which biological fields does the ...,
28  cards
1.2: Genetics and Heredity
What is dna,
How many chromosomes and base pai...,
Coding dna
39  cards
1.3: Sex and Sexual Selection
Asexual reproduction gynogenesis,
Why is asexual reproduction more ...,
Give three reasons why sexual rep...
29  cards
1.4: Culture and human uniqueness
Are humans more closely related t...,
List 5 anatomical differences bet...
27  cards
1.5: Human biological diversity
Does diversity reduce or increase...,
How is language diversity distrib...,
How many languages are there in p...
26  cards
1.6: What is a primate?
What is primatology,
Where do primates mostly live,
What are the main primate groups ...
46  cards
1.7: Primate socio-ecology
Socio ecological model,
How does the environment shape so...,
How does the environment shape fe...
40  cards
1.8: Cooperation and competition
According to evolutionary theory ...,
If evolutionary theory is right h...,
True altruism
16  cards
1.9: Homosexuality – a paradox to evolutionary biology?
According to kinsey what is the f...,
What number of the human populati...,
Why is the kinsey scale problematic
22  cards
2.1: Introduction to human ecology
Human ecology,
Give an example of a human ecolog...,
What are the three objectives of ...
29  cards
2.2: Nutrition
Describe the yalcoba cancun yucut...,
At a global scale how much of the...,
What do humans need for energy
61  cards
2.3: Health inequalities
What are the 3 major conclusions ...,
List 3 types of environmental str...,
List the 3 impacts of environment...
40  cards
2.4: Infectious disease
Describe the 5 aspects of singer ...,
What are the 3 components of the ...,
What are the 7 human influences o...
40  cards

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anth1014: introduction to biological anthropology

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