This class was created by Brainscape user Orla Vennard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Branches level of the celiac trunk,
4 main veins draining the stomach,
What veins join to form the
23  cards
MSK cadavers upper limb
What is the common flexor origin ...,
What is the innervation of the su...
56  cards
MSK cadavers lower limb
Label the pelvis diagram,
Venous drainage of the lower limb,
What does the greater and
91  cards
MSK lower limb 2
What type of joint is the proxima...,
What inserts into this groove,
What are the two division of1 the...
53  cards
cadaver pictures
6  cards
muscles insertion, origin etc
Where does the long head of bicep...,
What nerves insert onto the pesan...,
9  cards
Label the fascia linging the kidney,
From which em,
What does the ureter develop from
53  cards
What kind of epithelium lines the...,
What organ is this showing,
Destuinguish the cortex vs the me...
49  cards
24  cards
Label this diagram,
Label the diagram,
What therefore would the resultan...
35  cards
MSK upper limb 1
Complete the diagram,
Which ligament holds the ulnr,
Which muscles cause flexion of th...
120  cards
What is the caudate nuceli,
52  cards
Pelvis and perineum
What are the anterior and lateral...,
Which parts of the pelvis are ter...
43  cards
Pelvis & perineum
Name and label the 3 ligaments of...,
What is the pevlic diaphragm floo...,
Name the 3 components of levator ani
10  cards
Male repro organs
What is the name of the canal tha...,
Name the fascial layers of the te...
37  cards
Female repro organs
What three structures constitute ...,
What are the 3 layers of the uterus
61  cards
Pelvis & perineum WB4
What bony landmarks create bounda...,
A thin sheet of deep fascia stret...,
Function of the external anal sph...
52  cards
STIs self learning package
Gonorrhoea is caused by,
Symptoms of gonorrhoea in men,
Symptoms of gonorrhoea in women
44  cards
Drugs in pregnancy
Describe the effects of alcohol s...,
What does pharmocokinetics mean,
What does pharmocodynamics mean
22  cards
Pharmacology of pregnancy
How is the absorption of a drug a...,
How is absorption of a drug intra...,
How is absoprtion of an inhaled d...
24  cards
Pharmacology in breast feeding
Describe some advantages of breas...,
List some benefits of breast feed...,
What are some maternal factors th...
16  cards
Epithelium of fallopian tube,
Epithelium of vagina,
What type of tissue is this be sp...
39  cards
Repro nerves
What is the innervation of the pe...,
What is the innervation of the ex...,
What nerve has voluntary somatic ...
33  cards
Repro lymphatics
Lymphatic drainage of pelvic visc...,
Lymphatic drainage of the gluteal...,
Lymphatic drainage of the postero...
17  cards
Repro vesicles
What two branches of the aorta pr...,
Arterial supply of the bladder in...,
Arterial supply of the cervix vag...
52  cards
Epithelium Qus
What is the epithelium of the ure...,
What is the endothelium of the en...,
What is the epithelium of the ect...
18  cards
Embryology Qus
What does the mesonephric duct be...,
In males what does the paramesone...,
In females what does the parameso...
16  cards
Cadaver Qus
57  cards
Repro radiology
What type of imaging view is this...,
Complete labels what is the yello...
52  cards
Clinical repro anatomy
What is the function of the testes,
What is the function of the epidy...,
What is the function of the ductu...
28  cards

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