This class was created by Brainscape user Erin Hunt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Indian removal act,
Indian trade intercourse act,
When was early settlement
23  cards
Wounded Knee Masacre
When was wounded knee massacre,
What was the vision,
What would disappear
9  cards
Little Big Horn
When was battle of little big horn,
Who won,
How many warriors did the indians...
9  cards
Great Sioux War
When was the great sioux war,
What triggered the war
2  cards
Lincoln County War
When was the lincoln county war,
Why was the conflict sparked,
Who murdered john
4  cards
Changes In cattle Industry
When did civil war cause problems,
Why did the civil war cause problems,
When did cowboys take cattle on l...
12  cards
Problems Faced With Homesteaders
What hazards did they face,
How did they overcome the problems,
What did john deere invent
4  cards
Oklahoma Land Rush
When was it,
What happened in 1889,
What was the land separated into
7  cards
Exoduster Movement
When was it,
Why did black americans move west,
Who was the slave that led the mo...
13  cards
Tackling Law And Order Problems
When could a territory apply to b...,
Who were the territories under co...,
What did the federal government d...
22  cards
Problems with Lawlessness
What are the key reasons of lawle...,
When did lawlessness show itself
2  cards
Tension Between Settlers And Plains Indians
How did the settlers affect the l...,
What did the settlers bring with ...,
When did smallpox spread
3  cards
White Settlement Farming
What problems did white settlers ...,
How did the problems they faced a...
2  cards
Donner Party
Who led the donner party,
Where did they set off from,
When did they set off
12  cards
Mormon Migration To Salt Lake
Who was the leader of the mormon ...,
How many mormons did he take to s...,
When did tthe migration begin
17  cards
President Grant's Peace Policy
When was it,
What did grant try to do,
What was grants aim
7  cards
Indian Trade And Intervourse Act
When was it,
What did it do
2  cards
Indian Appropriations Act
When was the indian appropriation...,
What did the indian appropriation...,
What was happening in the early 1...
6  cards
Indian removal act
When was early settlement of the ...,
When was the indian removal act,
What did tthe indian removal act do
7  cards

More about
american west

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Erin Hunt's American West flashcards for their St Robert of newminster class now!

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