This class was created by Brainscape user lola onalaja. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

What is sociology,
What is the importance of sociology,
What is the importance of sociology
8  cards
What is structuralism,
How structuralists see society
2  cards
What is interpretivism,
How do interpretivists see society
2  cards
What is positivism,
Concept of positivism interpretiv...,
Characteristics of positivism
3  cards
What is a sampling,
Types of sampling,
Random sampling
15  cards
Data & Statistics
What is data,
What are the two types of data,
What is primary data
10  cards
Pilot study
What is pilot study,
Importances of pilot study
2  cards
Feminism, Marxism, Functionalism
7  cards
Questionnaires & Social Surveys
What is a questionnaire,
What is a social survey,
Aspects in questionnaires and soc...
5  cards
What is an interview,
Types of interviews
2  cards
What is family,
Types of family,
What is the nuclear family
28  cards
Social Inequality
What is social stratification,
What is social class,
What is age
16  cards
Ascribed and Achieved Status
What is ascribed status,
What is ageism,
What is
6  cards
Life Chances
What are life chances,
Life chances include,
What is life expectancy
3  cards
Wealth and Income
What is wealth,
What are the most important forms...,
What is income
7  cards
What is poverty,
What is the cycle of poverty,
What is the poverty trap
16  cards
What is education,
What are the types of education,
Formal education
18  cards
Characteristics Of living Organisms (Biology)
Basic characteristics,
Basic characteristics,
10  cards
Classification of Organisms
How are organisms classified,
What is the binomial system,
The sequence of classifications
7  cards
Movement in and out of cells
What is diffusion,
What are cell membranes,
What effects the rate of diffusio...
10  cards
Magnification (Biology)
What is magnification,
Formula for magnification
2  cards
What is carbohydrates,
Types of carbohydrates,
14  cards
What are proteins,
Classification of proteins,
Classification of amino acids
7  cards
What are vitamins,
Vitamins are classifed into what,
Vitamin a
24  cards
Mineral Elements
Calcium ca,
Iron fe
2  cards
Terms used in F&N
What is food,
8  cards
Firms, Costs , Revenue
29  cards

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