alex's genetics

This class was created by Brainscape user Alex Dixey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

Lecture 1a
What were robert hooke s achievem...,
What did robert hooke look at und...,
Did hooke know that all living th...
40  cards
Lecture 2a
What were the candidates for gene...,
Why were protein dna and rna the ...,
What was proposed to the be the p...
57  cards
Lecture 3a
During transcription what side of...,
What adds nucleotides to the rna ...,
What is a gene
41  cards
Lecture 3b
What is the synthesis phase or th...,
How long does the s phase usually...,
What do the chromosomes look like...
84  cards
Lecture 4a
When does crossing over occur,
If we crossover homologous chromo...,
If we crossover daughter chromoso...
67  cards
Lecture 4b
What is the easiest way to delete...,
What are operons,
What is the product of the operon
40  cards
Lecture 5a
When we are using crispr cas9 as ...,
When we are using crispr cas9 as ...,
If we are modifying the genome wh...
70  cards
Lecture 5b
What codes for proteins,
How can we copy rna into dna,
What is reverse transcriptase wha...
71  cards
Lecture 6a
Who invented pcr,
What did kary mullis win the nobe...,
What is meant when we say pcr is ...
59  cards
Lecture 6b
How do we obtain transgenic animals,
Once we have several independentl...,
What is the b lactoglobulin promoter
46  cards
Lecture 8a
In e coli what is the origin of r...,
What direction does synthesis of ...,
Where do the replication forks ev...
39  cards
Lecture 8b
What cells make antibodies,
What is another term for antibodies,
What are antibodies
45  cards
Lecture 9a
What are homologous genes,
What is different about homologou...,
What are paralogs
49  cards
Lecture 9b
What is simple mendelian inherita...,
Around how many mendelian single ...,
What are 3 things that can influe...
49  cards
Lecture 10b
What does each b cell produce,
Do most antibodies encounter an a...,
When an antibody binds an antigen...
36  cards
Lecture 11a
What cells prevent us from attack...,
What are dendritic cells,
What is important about the dentr...
38  cards
Lecture 11b
What is the start codon what amin...,
What are the stop codons what do ...,
What type of bond connects the co...
50  cards
Lecture 12a
For the nucleotides used in dna r...,
How do the nucleotides in dna rep...,
What happens to the bond between ...
41  cards
Lecture 12b
What is the n end of the protein,
What is the n end of the protein ...,
What is the c end of the protein
66  cards
Lecture 14a
What do regulatory transcription ...,
What is transcriptional regulation,
In both bacteria and eukaryotes h...
52  cards
Lecture 14b
In regards to posttranslation reg...,
Is covalent modification of prote...,
What is proteolytic processing is...
46  cards
Lecture 15a
When is transcription above basal...,
When is transcription below basal...,
T f when a silencer is used rna p...
49  cards
Lecture 15b
T f bacteria have a lot of chromatin,
T f the 3d packing of chromatin i...,
T f chromatin is a static structure
62  cards
Lecture 16a
What is the germ line,
What types of engineering or muta...,
What do somatic cell lineages do ...
44  cards
Lecture 16b
Describe 3 aspects of unique or n...,
Describe 2 aspects of moderately ...,
Describe 3 aspects of highly repe...
56  cards
Lecture 17a
___ ___________ is a feature that...,
T f dna in euchromatin or yeast i...,
Where does heterochromatin tend t...
59  cards
Lecture 17b
When is the agouti gene more high...,
What does the erv near the agouti...,
What does the agouti gene produce
32  cards
Lecture 18a
There are at least 5 families of ...,
What do chromatin remodeling comp...,
What is an example of a swi snf c...
76  cards
Lecture 18b
Define cancer,
How many different types of cance...,
What is transformation
64  cards
Lecture 20a
What are the 2 types of cancer ce...,
Where is individual cell migratio...,
What are the type types of indivi...
54  cards
Lecture 20b
What is locus heterogeneity,
What is an example of a disease t...,
T f blood clotting only involves ...
46  cards
Lecture 21a
At first it appeared that drosoph...,
What do the homologs between dros...,
What is the first stage in drosop...
50  cards
Lecture 21b
What is the null allele for the a...,
A gain of function mutation that ...,
What does the ubx gene specify
29  cards
Lecture 22a
As animals go mice are relatively...,
What is a main advantage to using...,
T f the mouse cycle is long for a...
34  cards
Lecture 22b
What is lineage tracing,
What is the identification of all...,
What is fate mapping
48  cards
Lecture 23a
What is a population bottleneck,
How do population bottlenecks aff...,
What is an example of population ...
44  cards
Lecture 23b
What are discontinuous traits,
The alleles that govern these tra...,
What are quantitative traits
34  cards
Lecture 24a
What is emergent complexity or em...,
Why did the emergent complexity o...,
In terms of emergent complexity h...
64  cards

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alex's genetics

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