This class was created by Brainscape user rakesh durai. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

29.5.2013 (radiology) 21
Gold standard for diagnosis of le...,
Common sources of leptomeningeal ...,
Dural tumor showing contrast enha...
38  cards
30.5.2013(obstetrics,skin) 22
Time between delivery of umbilicu...,
Timing of episiotomy in breech,
Methods of delivery of after comi...
92  cards
3.6.2013(anesthesia) 26
Mechanism of action of etomidate,
Etomidate causes endocrine suppre...,
Steroid inhibitors
80  cards
Mutation in dent disease,
Mode of inheritance of dent disease,
Diseases caused by clcn5 defect
39  cards
11.6.2013(pediatrics) 34
Most common type of jia,
Types of juvenile idiopathic arth...,
Oligoarticular arthritis associat...
48  cards
12.6.2013(pediatrics) 35
Poor prognosis in all systemic fe...,
Good prognosis in all age and gender,
Good prognosis in all cytogenetics
68  cards
13.6.2013(pediatrics) 36
Drug causing bronchiolitis oblite...,
Causes of bronchiolitis obliterans,
Connective tissue disorders causi...
85  cards
Contraindications to typhoid vaccine,
Most common cause of persistent p...,
Bcg vaccination
105  cards
Epilepsy in autism,
Mental retardation in children wi...,
Onset of autism
45  cards
Ductal vasoconstrictors,
Benedict s test can detect,
Ductus closure
19  cards
Infraclavicular lesion of chronic...,
Marker of naive t cells,
Ghon complex
89  cards
Most common form of localised amy...,
Highly sensitive biopsy site for ...,
Most common form of systemic amyl...
71  cards
27.6.2013(pathology) 50
Mode of inheritance of cgd,
Most potent stimulator of naive t...,
Autoimmune disorders common in cgd
71  cards

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