ACEM Primary Written

This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Meiklejohn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (150)

Fundamentals: Anatomy - Anatomicomedical terminology
Describe the anatomical position 1,
List the five types of anatomical...,
Define the median plane 3
48  cards
Fundamentals: Anatomy - Fascial compartments, bursae and potential spaces
What is the superficial fascia 1,
What is the deep fascia composed ...,
Outline 5 different extensions an...
12  cards
Fundamentals: Anatomy - Glossary of bone markings and formations
Body 1,
Capitulum 2,
Condyle 3
22  cards
Fundamentals: Pharmacology - Introduction to pharmacology
Define drug 1,
Define agonist 2,
Define antagonist 3
77  cards
Fundamentals: Pharmacology - Pharmacodynamics
Define pharmacodynamics 1,
Define agonist 2,
Define antagonist 3
39  cards
Fundamentals: Physiology - Cellular physiology
Define moles 1,
Define osmole 2,
Define equivalents 3
71  cards
Fundamentals: Physiology - General principles of medical physiology
Describe the average body composi...,
What of body weight is the total ...,
Describe the differences in fluid...
166  cards
Fundamentals: Pathology - Cellular adaptations, injury and death
Define reversible cell injury 1,
Define irreversible cell injury 2,
What are the two hallmarks of irr...
35  cards
Cardiovascular: Anatomy - Coronary arteries
Five branches of the rca 1,
Sinoatrial nodal branch rca vs lca 2,
R conus artery supply 3
18  cards
Cardiovascular: Physiology - Cardiac excitation
List the structures making up the...,
Where is the sa node located 2,
How does conduction occur between...
4  cards
Respiratory: Anatomy - Mediastinum
What are the anatomical borders o...,
How does the mediastinum change w...,
Describe the mediastinal subdivis...
9  cards
Cardiovascular: Anatomy - Pericardium
What is the pericardium 1,
Layers of the pericardium 2,
Describe the histology of the ser...
10  cards
Endocrinology: Pathology - Pituitary adenoma
Pituitary microadenoma 1,
Pituitary macroadenoma 2,
Most common pituitary adenoma 3
32  cards
Endocrinology: Pathology - Pituitary disorders
Structure of pituitary 1,
Two components of pituitary 2,
Major component of pituitary 3
15  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Overview of the skeletal system
What bones make up the axial skel...,
What bones make up the appendicul...,
What is cartilage 3
42  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Overview of the muscular system
What characteristics are used to ...,
Compare and contrast the three di...,
List the 7 different shape classi...
25  cards
Neurology: Anatomy - Introduction to the nervous system
How can the nervous system be div...,
What are the two main cell types ...,
Give 4 examples of neuroglia in t...
9  cards
Neurology: Anatomy - Central nervous system
What are the components of the cns 1,
What is the function of the cns 2,
What are the two types of matter ...
6  cards
Neurology: Anatomy - Peripheral nervous system
What are the components of the pe...,
What are the three components of ...,
What are the three layers of conn...
11  cards
Neurology: Anatomy - Somatic nervous system
What are the two different types ...
1  cards
Neurology: Anatomy - Autonomic nervous system
What is the role of the autonomic...,
What are the two types of viscera...,
What are the three divisions of t...
8  cards
Cardiovascular: Anatomy - Vascular circuits
Describe the course and role of t...,
Describe the course and role of t...
2  cards
Cardiovascular: Anatomy - Blood vessels
What are the three layers of bloo...,
Compare and contrast the composit...,
What is the general difference in...
19  cards
Radiology: Anatomy - Medical imaging techniques
Outline the most to least radiopa...,
How does conventional radiography...,
How does ct work 3
14  cards
Dermatology: Anatomy - The integumentary system
List 5 functions of the skin 1,
What are the three layers of the ...,
Compare and contrast the composit...
24  cards
Fundamentals: Pathology - Acute and chronic inflammation
Describe the sequence of events i...,
Describe the mechanisms of increa...,
Describe the steps involved in le...
89  cards
Fundamentals: Anatomy - Overview of the skeletal system
What is cartilage 1,
Describe the three types of carti...,
What is the most common form of c...
14  cards
Haematology: Anatomy - Lymphoid system
What areas of the body do not con...,
What are the 6 main components of...,
What are lymphatic plexuses 3
13  cards
Cardiovascular: Pharmacology - Adrenoceptors
How were adrenoceptors initially ...,
Adrenoceptors are what type of re...,
Outline the subunit and mechanism...
59  cards
Neurology: Pharmacology - Drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system
List four types of cholinergic ne...,
Outline the steps involved in cho...,
List three drugs affecting cholin...
40  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Elbow and forearm
In what direction do the fibres o...,
Which is the longer of the two fo...,
What palpable aspect of the forea...
28  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Shoulder and arm
What is the pectoral girdle 1,
When in anatomical position at wh...,
When in anatomical position at wh...
66  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Wrist and hand
List the bones of the carpus coun...,
Which carpal bones have tubercles 2,
What are the defining features of...
22  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Brachial plexus and myotomes
Describe the course of brachial p...,
Draw and label the brachial plexus 2,
Name the supraclavicular branches...
28  cards
Cardiovascular: Pharmacology - Antihypertensives
Outline 6 main classes of antihyp...,
Outline five classes of anti angi...,
What is the formula for bp what i...
117  cards
Cardiovascular: Pharmacology - Heart failure
List 7 classes of treatments used...,
List 6 classes of treatments used...,
What is the effect of b agonists ...
43  cards
Cardiovascular: Pharmacology - Antiarrhythmics
Describe the vaughan williams cla...,
Name four other antiarrhythmic dr...,
Describe the subclasses of class ...
60  cards
Haematology: Pathology - Haematopoietic system
Two broad causes of neutropenia 1,
Four causes of decreased or ineff...,
Three causes of increase neutroph...
95  cards
Haematology: Pathology - Anaemia
Three broad causes of anaemia 1,
Eight broad causes of haemolysis ...,
Nine broad causes of haemolysis a...
54  cards
Haematology: Pathology - Polycythaemia
Explain the difference between re...,
What is the difference between pr...,
What is the most common cause of ...
4  cards
Haematology: Pathology - Bleeding disorders
What does pt measure 1,
Prolonged pt is caused by deficie...,
What does ptt measure 3
45  cards
Renal: Physiology - Renal function and micturition
What structures make up the nephr...,
How many nephrons are in the huma...,
What is bowman s capsule 3
180  cards
Renal: Physiology - The bladder
How is the smooth muscle of the b...,
What prevents reflux of urine fro...,
What is the circular muscle of th...
16  cards
Renal: Pathology - Glomerular disease
Describe the 4 stages of renal fa...,
Outline the systemic manifestatio...,
What is the mechanism underlying ...
32  cards
Renal: Pathology - Renal tubular and interstitial disease
What are the causes of acute tubu...,
Three causes of ischaemia which m...,
Four types of toxins which can ca...
32  cards
Urology: Pathology - Urinary tract obstruction
Nine causes of urinary tract obst...,
What is the difference in morphol...,
Describe the clinical presentatio...
19  cards
Renal: Physiology - Regulation of extracellular fluid composition, volume and acid-base balance
What is the normal plasma osmolal...,
At what osmolality is vasopressin...,
What happens to vasopressin secre...
152  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Bones of lower limb
Components of the pelvic girdle 1,
Function of the pelvic girdle 2,
How are the femurs directed what ...
80  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Development of lower limb
Six major regions of the lower li...,
When do lower limb buds emerge wh...,
What is the initial orientation o...
3  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Fascia, veins, lymphatics, efferent vessels, and cutaneous nerves of lower limb
Superior boundaries of the fascia...,
Inferior boundaries of the fascia...,
What forms the iliotibial tract 3
47  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Anterior and medial regions of thigh
List the four muscles of the ante...,
Proximal and distal attachment in...,
Proximal and distal attachment in...
57  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Posture and gait
What are the two stages of walkin...,
What are the three components of ...,
What are the two components of th...
9  cards
Haematology and immunology: Pharmacology - Histamine, serotonin and ergot alkaloids
What are autocoids 1,
Four subtypes of autocoids 2,
Where is histamine found and what...
43  cards
Haematology and immunology: Pharmacology - Vasoactive peptides
List 5 vasoconstrictor vasoactive...,
List 7 vasodilatory vasoactive pe...,
What are kinins 3
17  cards
Haematology and immunology: Pharmacology - Eicosanoids
Tell me about the arachadonic aci...,
What are eicosanoids what is the ...,
Describe the pathways of arachido...
20  cards
Cardiovascular: Pharmacology - Intravenous fluid solutions
Describe the ph osmolality and co...,
Describe the ph osmolality and co...,
Describe the three main subtypes ...
8  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Gluteal and posterior thigh regions
Describe the gluteal ligaments 1,
How are the greater and lesser sc...,
Which muscle fills most of the gr...
48  cards
Haematology and immunology: Pathology - Hypersensitivity reactions
Four types of hypersensitivity re...,
Briefly describe the immune mecha...,
Briefly describe the immune mecha...
44  cards
Gastrointestinal: Physiology - Digestion and absorption
What are the only types of polysa...,
What is the most common type of d...,
Optimal ph for salivary a amylase 3
154  cards
Gastroenterology: Pharmacology - Anti-ulcer medications
What of peptic ulcers are caused ...,
Two classes of agents used in tre...,
Explain how acid is secreted in t...
51  cards
Gastroenterology: Pharmacology - Prokinetics
Describe the effects of 5ht motil...,
Pharmacodynamics of bethanechol 2,
Clinical uses of neostigmine in g...
12  cards
Gastroenterology: Pharmacology - Laxatives
7 classes of laxatives with examp...,
Mechanism of action of bulk formi...,
Adverse effect of bulk forming la...
22  cards
Gastroenterology: Pharmacology - Antispasmodics
Mechanism of action of dicyclomin...,
Mechanism of action of alosetron 2,
Role of 5ht 3 receptors within th...
4  cards
Gastroenterology: Pharmacology - Antiemetics
Four afferent inputs to vomiting ...,
Mechanism of action of ondansetron 2,
Mechanism of antiemetic effect of...
10  cards
Gastroenterology: Pharmacology - Drugs used to treat IBD
Pharmacodynamics of 5 aminosalicy...,
Clinical uses of 5 asa 2,
Adverse effects of 5 asa 3
12  cards
Gastroenterology: Pharmacology - Other
At what of pancreatic enzyme secr...,
Mechanism of action of ursodiol 2,
Three classes of drugs used in ma...
3  cards
Haematology and immunology: Pathology - General features of the immune system
Define innate vs adaptive immunity 1,
Five components of innate immune ...,
Two types of adaptive immunity an...
34  cards
Respiratory: Physiology - Anatomy, structure and functional interface of the respiratory system
By what process does o2 and co2 e...,
What is the thickness and total s...,
What is the volume of the anatomi...
14  cards
Respiratory: Physiology - Ventilation
Normal tidal volume 1,
Normal minute ventilation assume ...,
Normal volume of anatomic dead sp...
27  cards
Respiratory: Physiology - Gas diffusion
Fick s law equation 1,
Describe fick s law 2,
Is co diffusion or perfusion limi...
16  cards
Respiratory: Physiology - Pulmonary blood flow and metabolism
Ra pressure 1,
Rv systolic and diastolic pressur...,
Pulmonary artery pressure systoli...
38  cards
Respiratory: Pharmacology - Sympathomimetics in respiratory disease
Time to maximal bronchodilation w...,
What is ephedrine what is it used...,
What is isoproterenol why is it n...
13  cards
Respiratory: Pharmacology - Methylxanthines
Clinical uses of methylxanthines 1,
Pharmacokinetics of theophylline 2,
Describe the three molecular mech...
7  cards
Respiratory: Pharmacology - Muscarinic antagonists, steroids, disodium cromoglycate and other agents in respiratory disease
Describe the pharmacokinetics of ...,
Describe the pharmacodynamics of ...,
Describe the pharmacodynamics of ...
22  cards
Respiratory: Physiology - Mechanisms of breathing
Two chief muscles of inspiration 1,
Three accessory muscles of inspir...,
Five muscles of active expiration 3
52  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Overview of the thoracic wall
Orientation of fibres external vs...,
Attachments innervations and acti...,
Attachments innervations and acti...
25  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Muscles and fascia of the anterolateral abdominal wall
Attachments innervation and actio...,
Attachments innervation and actio...,
Attachments innervation and actio...
5  cards
Respiratory: Anatomy - Diaphragm
Describe the structure of the dia...,
What is the effect of paralysis o...,
Describe the peripheral attachmen...
12  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Muscles of back and neck
Attachments innervation and actio...,
Attachments innervation and actio...,
Attachments innervation and actio...
4  cards
Infectious diseases: Pharmacology - Principles of antimicrobial action
6 mechanisms of antimicrobial act...,
Bacteriostatic vs bactericidal ac...,
Mechanisms of resistance 3
3  cards
Infectious diseases: Pharmacology - Beta lactams
Five types of beta lactams and ex...,
Mechanism of action of penicillins 2,
Four mechanisms of resistance to ...
48  cards
Infectious diseases: Pharmacology - Aminoglycosides
Four examples of aminoglycosides 1,
Mechanism of action of aminoglyco...,
Coverage of aminoglycosides 3
14  cards
Infectious diseases: Pharmacology - Vancomycin
Mechanism of action of vancomycin 1,
Vancomycin class 2,
Coverage of vancomycin 3
6  cards
Infectious diseases: Pharmacology - Tetracyclines
Bacteriostatic or bactericidal 1,
Mechanism of action of tetracycli...,
Examples of tetracyclines 3
11  cards
Infectious diseases: Pharmacology - Macrolides
Four examples of macrolides 1,
Mechanism of action of macrolides 2,
Macrolides bacteriostatic or bact...
9  cards
Infectious diseases: Pharmacology - Lincosamides
Two examples of lincosamides 1,
Mechanism of action of lincosamid...,
Are lincosamides bacteriostatic o...
4  cards
Infectious diseases: Pharmacology - Other antimicrobials
Mechanism of action of chloramphe...,
Chloramphenicol bacteriostatic or...,
Coverage of chloramphenicol what ...
5  cards
Endocrinology: Physiology - Thyroid gland
Two thyroid gland functions 1,
Describe the anatomy of the thyro...,
Describe the difference in struct...
65  cards
Endocrinology: Physiology - Calcium homeostasis
Which three hormones regulate cal...,
How much calcium in grams is in t...,
What is the normal plasma level o...
61  cards
Endocrinology: Physiology - The adrenal medulla and adrenal cortex
Describe in brief the structure a...,
Describe the structure and functi...,
Describe the blood flow of the ad...
37  cards
Anaesthesia: Pharmacology - NSAIDs and paracetamol
Are nsaids acid or base what is t...,
What is the main mechanism of act...,
Seven effects of aspirin 3
48  cards
Rheumatology: Pharmacology - Anti-gout agents
What is gout list some of the cli...,
List seven classes of drugs used ...,
Describe the pathophysiology of g...
23  cards
Respiratory: Anatomy - Overview of the thorax
Three major spaces of the thoraci...,
What are the three main component...,
Three types of ribs 3
38  cards
Respiratory: Anatomy - Overview of the mediastinum
Describe the divisions of the med...,
Describe the contents of the supe...,
At what landmark do the internal ...
56  cards
Cardiovascular: Anatomy - Cardiac chambers and valves
Six features of the ra 1,
Seven features of the rv 2,
Five features of the la 3
10  cards
Respiratory: Anatomy - Pleurae, lungs and tracheobronchial tree
Four parts of the parietal pleura 1,
Three pleural reflections 2,
Describe the course of the sterna...
24  cards
Respiratory: Pathology - Atelectasis, pulmonary oedema and congestion
Describe the layers of the alveol...,
Describe each of the three types ...,
How is pulmonary oedema classifie...
24  cards
Respiratory: Pathology - Obstructive airways disease
What is the difference between ob...,
Give four examples of obstructive...,
What is emphysema 3
40  cards
Respiratory: Pathology - Diseases of vascular origin
What of pulmonary emboli arise fr...,
Which three conditions predispose...,
How common are large vs medium vs...
5  cards
Respiratory: Pathology - Pulmonary infections
Five common and one uncommon caus...,
Three causative pathogens of atyp...,
Which viruses can cause atypical ...
34  cards
Respiratory: Pathology - Pleural pathology
Five broad causes of pleural effu...,
How much pleural fluid is produce...,
Describe the different types and ...
14  cards
Respiratory: Pathology - Diffuse interstitial disease
Five categories of interstitial l...,
Six manifestations of asbestos re...,
What histological findings are se...
11  cards
Respiratory: Pathology - Lung tumours
What of all lung tumours are bron...,
What is the most frequently diagn...,
What is the most common cause of ...
25  cards
Gastrointestinal: Pathology - The pancreas
What of the pancreas is endocrine...,
How many litres are secreted by t...,
What are the cell types of the ex...
38  cards
Endocrinology: Pathology - Endocrine pancreas
How many islets of langerhans are...,
Four major and two minor cell typ...,
What are the two main physiologic...
29  cards
Endocrinology: Physiology - Endocrine functions of the pancreas
How many total islets of langerha...,
In what part of the pancreas are ...,
What of the pancreas does the end...
86  cards
Endocrinology: Pharmacology - Drugs used in the treatment of diabetes
Mechanism of action of insulin in...,
Describe the three anticatabolic ...,
Describe the effects of insulin o...
48  cards
Endocrinology: Physiology - Hypothalamic and pituitary function
What is the hypothalamus structur...,
How does the hypothalamus communi...,
How does the hypothalamus communi...
58  cards
Neurology: Physiology - Nerve function
What are the large molecule neuro...,
Three types of synapses and their...,
How many synaptic endings does ea...
29  cards
Neurology: Physiology - Neurotransmitters
What are the two types of receptor 1,
Four type of small molecule neuro...,
What are heteroceptors 3
41  cards
Anaesthetics: Pharmacology - Skeletal muscle relaxants
Describe the sequence of events i...,
What of the two mechanisms of neu...,
Describe the structure of nondepo...
64  cards
Anaesthetics: Pharmacology - Opioids
Four examples of natural opioids ...,
Three endogenous opioids 2,
What are the three endogenous opi...
108  cards
Anaesthetics: Anatomy - Neck
What is unique about the hyoid bo...,
What is the usual mechanism of hy...,
What is the function of the hyoid 3
107  cards
Anaesthetics: Anatomy - Larynx, pharynx and oral cavity
Which is the largest of the laryn...,
What is the vertebral level of th...,
What are some of the features and...
108  cards
Anaesthetics: Anatomy - Face and scalp
Describe the arterial supply of t...,
What parts of the face is supplie...,
What parts of the face are suppli...
23  cards
Anaesthetics: Pharmacology - General anaesthesia
What are the 6 a s of anaesthesia 1,
Compare and contrast volatile vs ...,
What are the stages of anaesthesi...
102  cards
Anaesthetics: Pharmacology - Local anaesthetics
Four examples of ester type local...,
Six examples of amide type local ...,
Describe the chemical structure o...
60  cards
Anaesthetics: Pharmacology - Sedative-hypnotic drugs
What is the difference between a ...,
Describe the difference in dose r...,
Five classes of sedative hypnotics 3
59  cards
Anaesthetics: Pharmacology - Alcohol
Mechanism of action of ethanol 1,
Describe the absorption of ethanol 2,
Describe the distribution of etha...
57  cards
Psychiatry: Pharmacology - Antipsychotics and mood stabilisers
Define neuroleptic agent 1,
Define atypical antipsychotic 2,
Explain the serotonin hypothesis ...
61  cards
Rheumatology: Pathology - Autoimmunity and immunodeficiency
Antigens involved and clinicopath...,
Antigens involved and clinicopath...,
Antigens involved and clinicopath...
83  cards
Psychiatry: Pharmacology - Antidepressants
Describe the monoamine hypothesis...,
Describe the neurotrophic hypothe...,
Describe the neuroendocrine hypot...
31  cards
Oncology: Pathology - Neoplasia
Define neoplasia 1,
Define differentiation 2,
Define anaplasia what are the fiv...
75  cards
Gastroenterology: Pathology - Liver
Describe the relative proportions...,
How and where do the portal vein ...,
Describe the lobular model of the...
114  cards
Gastroenterology: Pathology - Oesophagus and stomach
What is the most common cause of ...,
Describe the pathogenesis of refl...,
What is barrett oesophagus 2
46  cards
Gastroenterology: Pathology - Small and large intestine
Blank 1,
What are the most common causes o...,
Three broad causes of pseudo obst...
19  cards
Infectious diseases: Pathology - Gastrointestinal infection
What type of bacteria is vibrio c...,
What are the three virulence fact...,
Describe the structure and functi...
52  cards
Gastroenterology: Pathology - Inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulosis and colorectal carcinoma
Blank 1,
What is ulcerative colitis 2,
What is crohn disease 3
25  cards
Infectious diseases: Pathology - General principles of microbial activity
What are prions 1,
What is the pathophysiology of pr...,
What kinds of disease are caused ...
61  cards
Infectious diseases: Pathology - Bacterial infections
What type of bacteria is mycobact...,
List eight conditions which incre...,
How does primary tuberculosis typ...
95  cards
Infectious diseases: Pathology - Fungal infections
Five infectious syndromes seen wi...,
Eight types of infection seen wit...,
In what groups of patients does d...
16  cards
Infectious diseases: Pathology - Viral infections
What type of virus is rhinovirus 1,
How does rhinovirus induce mucus ...,
Describe the structure of influen...
51  cards
Infectious diseases: Pathology - Protozoa
What kind of organism is cryptosp...,
What infective syndromes are caus...,
What kind of organism is toxoplas...
12  cards
Musculoskeletal: Pathology - Bone remodelling, growth and development
Four cell types found in bone and...,
What are the progenitor cells for...,
Three factors which stimulate dif...
105  cards
Fundamentals: Pharmacology - Drugs in pregnancy and the elderly
Seven factors affecting placental...,
What of umbilical venous blood en...,
Three characteristics of teratoge...
50  cards
Toxicology: Pharmacology - Heavy metal toxicology
Five toxic effects of heavy metals 1,
Five toxic effects of arsenic 2,
Distribution of inorganic oxides ...
20  cards
Toxicology: Pharmacy - Principles of toxicology
Formula for anion gap what is nor...,
10 drug related causes of hagma w...,
Five drugs which cause hyperkalae...
46  cards
Immunology: Pharmacology - Immunisation
Define active immunisation 1,
Define passive immunisation 2,
Four settings in which passive im...
7  cards
Endocrinology: Pathology - Thyroid and parathyroid disorders
Which cells secrete parathyroid h...,
Four functions of parathyroid hor...,
What is the effect of calcium on ...
17  cards
Endocrinology: Pathology - Adrenal cortex and medulla
List six causes of cushing syndro...,
What is the most common non pitui...,
Which primary adrenal neoplasm ca...
41  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Knee joint and popliteal fossa
What makes up most of the content...,
Four superficial boundaries of th...,
Three deep boundaries of the popl...
54  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Leg
Four muscles of the anterior comp...,
Seven muscles of the posterior co...,
Two muscles of the lateral compar...
56  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Foot and ankle
Proximal and distal attachment in...,
What are the two muscles of the d...,
Proximal and distal attachment in...
48  cards
Neurology: Anatomy - Base of skull and cranial nerves
Which bones make up the anterior ...,
Which bones make up the middle cr...,
Which bones make up the posterior...
54  cards
Gastrointestinal: Anatomy - Inguinal ligament and canal
Where does the inguinal ligament ...,
What structure forms the inguinal...,
What forms the lacunar ligament 3
34  cards
Gastrointestinal: Anatomy - Overview of abdominal cavity and viscera
How many folds are in the greater...,
How many folds are in the lesser ...,
Where does the greater omentum at...
26  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Lower limb summary
Three compartments of the thigh 1,
Nerve supply to anterior compartm...,
Arterial supply to anterior compa...
101  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Lower limb myotomes
Hip abduction 1,
Hip adduction 2,
Hip flexion 3
15  cards
Infectious diseases: Pharmacology - Antimicrobial summary
Aminoglycosides 1,
Macrolides 2,
Lincosamides 3
39  cards
Musculoskeletal: Anatomy - Upper limb summary
Boundaries and contents of clavip...,
Boundaries and contents of quadra...,
Boundaries and contents of the tr...
87  cards

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ACEM Primary Written

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