This class was created by Brainscape user Niki Rowe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Types Of Trans
How many different types of trans...,
What are the diff types of trans,
What does a cash sale include
36  cards
What is vat,
How many vat rates are there,
What are the different vat rates
31  cards
When are discounts given,
Why is a prompt payment discount ...,
When is a prompt payment offered
6  cards
Statement Of Accounts
When does a supplier issue a stat...,
Why does a supplier issue a state...,
What does a statement of accounts...
10  cards
Coding System
What does a coding system help,
What will the codes be used for,
Will codes be entered digitally o...
12  cards
Books of Prime Entry
What is a sales day book used for,
What happens at the end of a peri...,
What happens when goods are sold ...
24  cards
Double Entry Bookkeeping
What is double entry bookkeeping ...,
For every transaction there is ho...,
What r the 2 different financial ...
34  cards
Why do you need to understand the...,
What does the statement of profit...,
What does the statemtn os financi...
16  cards
Why must the data be entered accu...,
What happens if debits and credit...,
What happens to the difference if...
7  cards
How can vat be calculated,
Gross amount,
Net amount
10  cards
Accuracy of Invoices
How can oyu check the accuracy of...,
Whats important when goods are be...,
What do you do if it is not possi...
17  cards
Debits and Credits
What must every debt have when ma...,
What must you have to prepare a t...,
How can you work out which accoun...
6  cards
Trail Balance
If the trail balance shows no err...,
How can you identify errors in an...,
How can there be an error in trai...
3  cards
Principle Of Costings
What do businesses gather a lot o...,
Example of day to day transaction,
What do businesses access day to ...
18  cards
Assets are owned and controlled b...,
What can assets include,
Who owns liabilities
8  cards
English Legal
0  cards

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aat unit 1

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