This class was created by Brainscape user Lydia Illingworth. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Key concepts
What is culture,
Give some examples of culture,
What are norms
20  cards
Nature Vs Nurture
What is nature,
What is nurture,
Give examples of cases of nature
4  cards
What is socialisation,
What is primary socialisation,
What is secondary socialisation
18  cards
Social control
What is social control,
What is formal social control,
Give examples of formal social co...
13  cards
Ethnic identity
What is identity,
What are hybrid identities,
What is nayak 2003 view on ethnic...
15  cards
National identity
What in guibernau and goldblatt 2...,
What is kumar 2003 view on nation...,
What is anderson 1983 view on nat...
18  cards
Gender identity
What are the types of femininity,
What are the types of masculinity,
What is witt 1997 view on the fam...
20  cards
Class identity
What does vices the uks young reo...,
What is cultural capital,
What is economic capital
28  cards
Sexuality identity
What is the feminist view on sexu...,
What is weeks 1987 view on sexuality,
What is mcintosh 1996 view on sex...
14  cards
Age identity
What does postman 1982 say about ...,
What does mead 1928 say about age...,
What is the functionalist view on...
17  cards
Disability identity
What was passed in 1995,
What do the paralympics do,
What is the medical model
11  cards
Youth subcultures
What are delinquent subcultures,
What are criminal subcultures,
What are gangs
9  cards
Patterns And Trends In Youth Crime And Deviance
What is barnardo s belief on soci...,
What is jacobson et al 2010 view ...,
What is farrington 1989 view on s...
10  cards
Functionalist Explainations
What does functionalists merton 1...,
What do functionalists cloward an...,
What does fuctionalist cohen 1955...
13  cards
Right Realism/New Right Explanations and Solutions
What does right realism believe,
What 3 factors lead to crime acco...,
What does hernnstein and murray 1...
16  cards
Left realism explanations and solutions
What are the key left realist the...,
What are lea and young 1993 3 key...,
What is cccs clarke and hebdige 1...
11  cards
What is interactionism,
What are the strengths of interac...,
What are the weaknesses of intera...
21  cards
Cultural and identity based explanations for crime and deviance
What is decker and van winkle s 1...,
What is white s 2002 explanation ...,
What is willis s 1977 explanation...
5  cards
How do marxists characterise society,
What was the role of the cccs,
What is the link between spectacu...
21  cards
Neo - Marxism
What is neo marxism,
What does taylor walton and young...,
What is hall s view on crime
4  cards
What is postmodernism,
What did polhemus believe about i...,
What does hollands and chanterton...
19  cards
Gender based explanations for crime and deviance
What does messerschmidt 1993 argu...
1  cards

More about
a - level sociology

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