This class was created by Brainscape user Izzy Stone. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Democracy and participation
What are the 6 features of a demo...,
What is a representative democracy,
Name a country where representati...
84  cards
Political parties
What is an ideology,
Traditional left wing ideas,
Traditional right wing ideas
127  cards
Electoral systems
What is an election,
Are elections democratic and why ...,
Name three examples of elections ...
76  cards
Voting behaviour and the media
Name six social factors which inf...,
Which class does labour rely on f...,
Which class do the conservatives ...
164  cards
The Constitution
What is a constitution,
What does it mean if something is...,
What does it mean if
87  cards
0  cards
Prime Minister and Executive
0  cards
Relations Between the Branches
0  cards
Who are the five key thinkers for...,
What two categories is hobbes mos...,
What was hobbes book where he dev...
28  cards
Who are the 5 liberalist key thin...,
What was locke s most important work,
What are locke s two key liberal ...
48  cards
Do socialists generally agree wit...,
What do socialists seeks to creat...,
What is collectivism
38  cards
What is a key thing anarchists ag...,
What are the three aspects of the...,
What is government
41  cards
The State and Globalisation
How many of the richest entities ...,
What is global governance,
Name five examples of actors
28  cards
Global Governance: political and economic
Which two countries membership of...,
Why do britain and france have un...,
Name four countries which have be...
33  cards
Global Governance: human rights and environmental
0  cards
Power and Developments
What is economic power,
What is military power,
What is cultural power
37  cards
Regionalism and the EU
0  cards
Comparative Theories
What is realism,
What is liberalism,
What is structured realism
74  cards

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a level politics

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