This class was created by Brainscape user Charlie Pope. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Classification of skills
Define a simple skill and give an...,
Define a complex skill and give a...,
Define an open skill and give an ...
13  cards
Stages of learning
What are the charecteristics of t...,
What are the charecteristics of t...,
What are the charecteristics of t...
3  cards
Types and methods of practice
Define whole practice and give an...,
What skill type should whole prac...,
Define part pracitce and give an ...
16  cards
Define visual guidance and give a...,
What are the advantages of visual...,
What are the disadvantages of vis...
12  cards
Define intrinsic feedback and giv...,
Descrive the charecteristics of i...,
Define extrinsic feedback and giv...
10  cards
Memory models
What are the 3 levels of storage ...,
What the charecteristics of the s...,
Define and give an example of sel...
11  cards
Principles and theories of learning movement skills
What are the characteristics of o...,
Decribe 1 association connection ...,
Describe 2 reinforcement in opera...
20  cards
Transfer of Skill
Describe postive transfer and giv...,
Describe negative transfer and gi...,
Describe proactive transfer and g...
7  cards
Define personality give an example,
Describe trait therory,
What are the three main trait the...
12  cards
Define attitude which definitions...,
Give factors affecting the format...,
What are the three components of ...
10  cards
Define motivation,
Define intrinisic motivation and ...,
Define extrinsic feedback and giv...
5  cards
Define arousal,
What are the two types of arousal...,
Describe drive theory
8  cards
Define anxiety give an example,
Define anxiety give an example,
Describe trait anxiety
10  cards
Define aggression give an example,
Define assertion give an example,
Describe instinct theory
14  cards
Social facilitation
Define social facilitation and gi...,
Define social inhibition and give...,
17  cards
Define attribution give an example,
What are the two dimensions on we...,
What is the locus of stability
14  cards
Confidence and self-efficacy
Define sports confidence,
Define trait sports confidence fo...,
Define state sports confidence ve...
19  cards
What are the charecteristics of a...,
What is an emergent leader,
What is a prescribed leader
22  cards
Group and Team dynamics
Define the term group,
According to tuckman s model desc...,
According to tuckman s model desc...
11  cards
Goal setting
What are the benefits of goal set...,
What does the s stand for in smart,
Give two examples of specific goals
21  cards
Stress management
Define stress,
Identify causes of stress,
Give somatic stress management me...
15  cards

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a level pe psychology

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