This class was created by Brainscape user Darin Dappa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

PAPER 1 - The Muscular System
Define isotonic contraction,
Define concentric,
Define eccentric
83  cards
PAPER 1 - Cardiovascular & Respiratory System
Define pulmonary circuit,
Define systemic circuit,
Define myogenic
103  cards
PAPER 1 - Energy for Exercise
Energy units,
Equation for work
62  cards
PAPER 1 - Recovery, Altitude and Heat
What is epoc,
What is oxygen deficit,
3 things that happen during the r...
55  cards
PAPER 1 - Diet and Nutrition
Define macro nutrients,
Define micro nutrients,
Define bmi
118  cards
PAPER 1 - Preparation and Training Methods
What is periodisation,
What is a macro cycle,
What is a meso cycle
147  cards
PAPER 1 - Injury Prevention
What are acute injuries,
Acute injuries example,
What are chronic injuries
100  cards
PAPER 1 - Biomechanics
Define newton s first law of moti...,
Define newton s second law of mot...,
Define newton s third law of moti...
154  cards
PAPER 2 - Skill Acquisition
What are the 6 classification con...,
What skills are in the environmen...,
What skills are in the pacing con...
61  cards
PAPER 2 - Types and Methods of Practice
What is the part method,
What are the strengths of the par...,
What skills is the part method go...
31  cards
PAPER 2 - Guidance and Feedback
6 types of feedback,
4 types of guidance,
31  cards
PAPER 2 - Memory Models
Define selective attention,
2 strategies for retaining more info,
What are the three elements of th...
27  cards
PAPER 2 - Sport Psychology
What is the narrow band approach,
What are some characteristics of ...,
What are some characteristics of ...
93  cards
PAPER 2 - Attribution in sport
What are attributions,
Internal stable,
Internal unstable
21  cards
PAPER 2 - Confidence & Self-efficacy
What is sport confidence,
What is self esteem,
What is self efficacy
22  cards
PAPER 2 - Leadership in Sport
What are the characteristics of a...,
What are emergent leaders w example,
What are prescribed leaders
28  cards
PAPER 2 - Stress Management
Define stress,
Name 5 stressors in sport,
What are the two types of state a...
28  cards
PAPER 2 Group + Team Dynamics
Define group,
3 characteristics of forming,
3 characteristics of storming
20  cards
PAPER 3 - Emergence and evolution of modern sport
Pre industrial social class,
Where did pedestrianism stem from,
What is pedestrianism
28  cards
PAPER 3 - Sport in the 20th + 21st century
7 factors affecting sport in 21st...,
Social mobility,
3 characteristics of 21st century...
19  cards
PAPER 3 - Global sporting events
When where the modern olympic gam...,
4 factors influencing creation of...,
What are the aims of the olympics 4
22  cards
PAPER 3 - Ethics and Deviance in sport
What is blood doping,
Who is blood doping most commonly...,
What are anabolic steroids
29  cards
PAPER 3 - Commercialisation and Media
Define sponsorship,
Define commercialisation,
Define the golden triangle
31  cards
PAPER 3 - Routes to sporting excellence in the UK
What is uk sport,
Who is uk sport funded by,
What is a performance pathway
42  cards
PAPER 3 - Modern technology in sport
2 ways modern technology has limi...,
5 ways modern technology has incr...,
3 ways modern technology has limi...
6  cards

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a-level pe

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