This class was created by Brainscape user Kelly TSANG. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (9)

Decline of the Liberals during interwar years
What was representation of the pe...,
Who was david loyd george,
What is a grass roots organisation
12  cards
Why were Conservatives able to dominate interwar politics?
What were the 4 main reasons why ...,
Why was the electoral system of 1...,
Why was the weakness of liberals ...
5  cards
Why did the Labour Party develop in the interwar years?
How did the labour party develop ...,
What was the position of the labo...,
What were the four main reasons w...
7  cards
Economic problems of the interwar years
What was the pattern of britains ...,
What were the 4 main factors for ...,
Why was the legacy of ww1 a main ...
26  cards
National Government 1931-1945
What happened in the 1929 general...,
What was ramsay macdonalds attitu...,
What two examples of social refor...
24  cards
Britain during WW2
What 4 things changed were introd...,
Explain how the government was mo...,
Explain how a managed mixed econo...
5  cards
How did WW2 affect Welfare provision?
What was welfare provision genera...,
Describe what welfare provision w...,
Describe what welfare provision w...
8  cards
How has Welfare provision looked different over time?
What was housing like in the inte...,
What was housing like in post war...,
Give other important context to t...
49  cards
What was life/industrial relations like before vs after WW2?
What was work in traditional indu...,
What was job opportunities like f...,
What was health of children like ...
3  cards

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a-level history (britain transformed)

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