a level government and politics (edexcel)

This class was created by Brainscape user Noah Winston. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (74)

1.1 - Current Systems of Democracy in the UK
What gives a government power and...,
What is direct democracy,
What are the advantages of direct...
47  cards
1.2 - Widening the Franchise and Debates over Suffrage
What is suffrage,
What is electorate,
What is a ballot
27  cards
1.3 - Pressure Groups and Other Influences
What is a pressure group,
What is the difference between a ...,
What are main classifications of ...
17  cards
1.4 - Rights in Context
What are the 5 principles governm...,
What are civil rights,
What are some examples of civil r...
40  cards
2.1 - The Functions and Features of Political Parties
What type of democracy is the uk,
Where do right wing policies come...,
Where do left wing policies come ...
25  cards
2.2 - Established Political Parties
What are the established politica...,
What are the minority parties in ...,
What is traditional conservatism
105  cards
2.3 - Minority Parties in the UK
What are the main minority partie...,
When was the snp established,
When did the snp win its first pa...
40  cards
2.4 - Political Parties in Context
What is a party system,
What was the case of political sy...,
What was the political landscape ...
24  cards
3.1 - Elections in the UK
What is accountability,
What is the scottish parliament e...,
What is the northern irish assemb...
21  cards
3.2 - Different Electoral Systems
What categories do the three elec...,
What voting system does the major...,
What voting system does the plura...
110  cards
3.3 - Referendums
What is a referendum,
Why have referendums been used in...,
Why did the eu referendum cause s...
19  cards
4.1 - Social Factors
What is a common misconception ab...,
How were elections decided from 1...,
What voters did the conservatives...
63  cards
4.2 - Political Context
What is the valence factor,
What are the main valence factors,
Why have valence factor based vot...
22  cards
4.3 - The Influence of the Media
What is the impact of opinion pol...,
What is an example of opinion pol...,
What are the main ways the media ...
18  cards
4.4.1 - Case Study of 1979 Election
Why was the 1979 general election...,
Why was the vote of no confidence...,
How did the conservatives take co...
28  cards
4.4.2 - Case Study of 1997 Election
How long had the conservatives be...,
Who was the leader of the conserv...,
Why were the conservatives deemed...
42  cards
4.4.3 - Case Study of 2010 Election
What was the defining feature in ...,
Where did the economic crash begin,
How did the economic crash of 200...
61  cards
4.4.4 - Case Study of 2017 Election
When did theresa may call a snap ...,
What were the predictions for the...,
Why did some consider the 2017 a ...
23  cards
5.1 - The Nature of the UK Constitution
What is a constitution,
Why is the uk constitution so dif...,
What was the first act that estab...
27  cards
5.2 - The Development of the Constitution since 1997
Why did blair consider the britis...,
What were blair s main themes for...,
Why did blair consider decentrali...
40  cards
5.3 - The Impact of Devolution on the United Kingdom
What is devolution,
Why did blair make devolution an ...,
Why did blair think the powers of...
26  cards
5.4 - In What Ways Could the UK Constitution be Further Reformed?
How have critics argued the const...,
Why do people argue against furth...,
Why did the case for electoral re...
13  cards
6.1 - The Origins and Development of the UK Parliament
What is parliament comprised of,
When can parliament first be trac...,
When did parliament become sovere...
5  cards
6.2 - The House of Commons and the House of Lords
What is the house of commons,
How many mps are from england,
How many mps are from scotland
56  cards
6.3 - The Comparative Powers of the House of Commons and the House of Lords
Does the commons have the right t...,
Why does the commons possess the ...,
What advantages do the lords have...
5  cards
6.4 - The Legislative Process
What is a legislative bill,
How can private member s bills be...,
What has the effect of the privat...
36  cards
7.1 - The Structure, Role and Powers of the Executive
What is the executive,
What are the most important membe...,
What does the cabinet consist of
16  cards
7.2 - Ministerial Responsibility
What is individual ministerial re...,
Why are ministers account to parl...,
How should individual ministers j...
18  cards
7.3 - The Prime Minister and the Cabinet
How many people are in the cabinet,
How often does the cabinet meet,
Who sets the agenda chairs and ap...
104  cards
8.1 - The Impact of the Supreme Court on Legislative and Policy-Making Processes
What is the supreme court,
How many people are in the suprem...,
Who does the judiciary represent
41  cards
8.2 - The Relationship between the Executive and Parliament
Where does the executive lie in t...,
Why is the executive accountable ...,
Why has it been claimed that parl...
19  cards
8.3 - The European Union
What is the eu,
Where can the eu be traced back to,
Why was the eu initially set up
21  cards
8.4 - The Location of Sovereignty in the UK Political System
What is political sovereignty,
What is legal sovereignty,
At what point do the british publ...
31  cards
9.1 - Classical Liberalism
How can the ideas of classical li...,
What are the political ideas of c...
2  cards
9.2 - Modern Liberalism
What did modern liberalism argue for
1  cards
9.3 - Liberalism Core Ideas and Principles
What are the core ideas of libera...,
What do liberals believe about in...,
What is foundational equality
67  cards
9.4 - Different Views and Tensions within Liberalism
Why is there a disconnect between...,
What type of freedom does classic...,
How did classical liberals implem...
50  cards
9.5 - Key Liberal Thinkers
What is the view on human nature ...,
What is the view on human nature ...,
What is the view on human nature ...
35  cards
10.1 - Conservatism Core Ideas
What are the three types of conse...,
Why did traditional conservatism ...,
What are the main principles of t...
85  cards
10.2 - Differing Views and Tensions within Conservatism
Why was traditional consvervatism...,
What are the main beliefs of trad...,
Who is the main proponent of reac...
93  cards
10.3 - Conservative Key Thinkers
Who are the conservative key thin...,
What was hobbes view on human nature,
What was hobbes view on the state
42  cards
11.1/2 - Revolutionary / Evolutionary Socialism
Who first coined the term socialism,
When was the term socialism first...,
How are economic systems owned in...
24  cards
11.3 - Core Ideas and Principles within Socialism
What is worker control,
How do democratic socialists advo...,
What is democratic socialism buil...
142  cards
11.4 - Differing Views and Tensions within Socialism
What is the third way,
What type of help should the stat...,
What are the core values of the t...
62  cards
11.5 - Socialism Key Thinkers
What did marx and engels place ce...,
How can the best nature of human ...,
What are the three key elements t...
54  cards
14.1 - Core Ideas and Principles of Feminism
How many waves of feminism have e...,
What were the waves of feminism a...,
How does feminism differentiate b...
62  cards
14.2 - Different Types of Feminism
What is reformism,
What is equality of opportunity,
What is political equality
33  cards
14.3 - Feminism Key Thinkers
What was de beauvoir s key work,
What were de beauvoir s main ideas,
When was de beauvoir active
36  cards
17.1 - The Origins of the Constitution
What is a constitution,
What is the federal government,
What are the three branches of fe...
39  cards
17.2 - Principles of the US Constitution
What are the main principles of t...,
What are principles,
Why is limited government a princ...
20  cards
17.3 - The Nature of the US Constitution
What is codification,
What does the trait of being judi...,
What is the source of political p...
94  cards
17.4 - The Main Characteristics of US Federalism
Why did the constitution divide s...,
How are state powers protected,
How has federalism changed since ...
18  cards
17.5 - Debates around the US Constitution
Why did the founding fathers not ...,
What are the limits on democracy ...,
How does the constitution uphold ...
8  cards
17.6 - Comparisons with the Constitution of the UK
What are the three comparative th...,
What is the rational comparative ...,
What is the cultural comparative ...
12  cards
18.1 - The Structure of Congress
What does bicameral mean,
What does popular sovereignty mean,
What are the two houses of congress
29  cards
18.2 - The Distribution of Powers within Congress
Why is there an argument that the...,
Why is there an argument that the...,
Why has congress taken so many im...
20  cards
18.3 - The Functions of Congress
What are the three main functions...,
How does congress fulfil it s leg...,
Where must a bill begin
49  cards
18.4 - Comparisons with the Legislature of the UK
Rational comparisons between the ...,
Cultural comparisons between the ...,
Structural comparisons between th...
14  cards
19.1 - The Presidency and the Constitution
What are the requirements for som...,
Why is there a minimum age for pr...,
Why is the power of the president...
19  cards
19.2 - Formal Sources of Presidential Power
What is domestic policy,
What is foreign policy,
What options does the president h...
53  cards
19.3 - Informal Sources of Presidential Power
What are informal powers,
What level of power does the cabi...,
How does the cabinet exert their ...
18  cards
19.4 - The Presidency
What are the main determinants fo...,
How do election cycles detemine p...,
What is the coattails effect
13  cards
19.5 - Debates of the US Presidency
Who wrote the imperial presidency,
What is the imperial presidency,
What is an imperilled presidency
12  cards
19.6 - Comparisons with the executive of the UK
Rational comparisons between the ...,
Cultural comparisons between the ...,
Structural comparisons between th...
3  cards
20.1 - The Nature and Role of the Supreme Court
What is the chief justice,
Who is the chief justice,
What is an associate justice
16  cards
20.2 - The Appointment Process for Supreme Court Justices
What powers does congress hold ov...,
What powers does the president ho...,
What are the main stages in nomin...
31  cards
20.3 - The Supreme Court and Public Policy
What is public policy,
Why are the rulings of the suprem...,
What are the most influential rec...
5  cards
20.4 - The Supreme Court and Protection of Rights
What are constitutional rights,
Where is the most notable protect...,
What are the adverse effects of r...
22  cards
20.5 - Race and Rights in Contemporary US Politics
What is affirmative action,
What is racial equality,
When are projections suggesting m...
16  cards
20.6 - Comparisons with the Supreme Court of the UK
Rational comparisons with the uk,
Cultural comparisons with the uk,
Structural comparisons with the uk
9  cards
21.1 - Electoral Systems in the USA
What is the electoral college,
Give a rough timeline of the pres...,
What is a primary
57  cards
21.2 - Parties
What is the broad assumption that...,
What is the broad assumption that...,
Why may some candidates not agree...
26  cards
21.3 - Interest Groups
What are the three types of inter...,
What is a single issue interest g...,
What is the most prominent single...
23  cards
21.4 - Comparisons with the Democracy and Participation of the UK
Rational comparisons between the ...,
Cultural comparisons between the ...,
Structural comparisons between th...
10  cards

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a level government and politics (edexcel)

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