This class was created by Brainscape user Charlie Paterson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What is the location,
What is the locale,
What is a sense of place
29  cards
Water Cycle
What is a drainage basin,
Is a darinage basin an open or cl...,
Give the input to a drainige basin
29  cards
Water Cycle 2
Give 4 possible ways human can af...,
Give 3 types of system,
What is an open system
43  cards
Carbon Cycle
Does carbon dissolve more in cold...,
Adding more carbon dioxide to sea...,
Give the 6 reservoirs of carbon
27  cards
Carbon Cycle 2
Give the 6 zones where carbon is ...,
How does an increase in co2 affec...,
Are humans stopping increasing ca...
48  cards
Water + Carbon
Give some roles in carbon support...,
Give some roles of water supporti...,
Give 3 links between carbon and w...
21  cards
Water + Carbon 2
Give a key connection between car...,
What is carbonation,
Give a water cycle feedback loop ...
26  cards
Siberian Tundra
What is the key store that is und...,
The region within the arctic circ...,
Describe the positive feedback al...
14  cards
Glaciers as Natural Systems
Give the inputs of a glacier,
Give some stores processes and tr...,
Give some outputs of a glacier
35  cards
Glaciers - Erosion + Deposition
What is the difference between we...,
Give two processes of glacial ero...,
What is plucking
31  cards
Fluvioglacial Landscapes
What is glaciolfluviol action,
How does glaciofluvial erosion occur,
Give the two main sources of melt...
30  cards
Periglacial Landscapes
Define permafrost,
What is the active layer,
Permafrost can reachkm deep
21  cards
Human Impacts on Cold Environments
Give the impacts of tourism in th...,
Give the impact of oil and gas ex...,
What is the impact of oil spills ...
15  cards
Resource Security
Define resource security,
What is a resource,
Give the criteria for something t...
38  cards
The Concepts of Hazards
What is a hazard,
Define risk,
Define natural hazards
38  cards
Plate Tectonics 1
Define moho mohoronicic discontin...,
Define sima,
Define sial
41  cards
Plate Tectonics 2
Give two types of divergence at c...,
What type of lava is found at con...,
Give two examples of constructive...
37  cards
Volcanic Hazards
Define pyroclastic flow,
What is tephra,
What is a lahar
39  cards
Seismic Hazards
Define the focus,
Define the epicentre,
Define shockwaves seismic waves
52  cards

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a level geography - physical

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Charlie Paterson's A level Geography - Physical flashcards for their Cumnor House School class now!

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