This class was created by Brainscape user LIVIA BUXTON. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (114)

Ion and formulae
When metals react what do they te...,
Group 1 ions charge 2,
Group 2 ions charge 3
35  cards
Relative masses
Atomic proton number 1,
Z symbol 2,
Mass number nucleon number 3
31  cards
Mass spectrometry
4 stages of mass spectrometry 1,
Acceleration 2,
Which particles move faster durin...
27  cards
Electron configurations and orbitals
Principle quantum number 1,
First shell closest to nucleus pr...,
Second shell principle quantum nu...
25  cards
First ionisation energy 1,
Second ionisation energy 2,
Successive ionisation energies 3
33  cards
How does the radius change across...,
Does the increasing electrons aff...,
How does the atomic radius change...
33  cards
Formulae, amounts and equations terminology
The mole 1,
Avogadro s constant 2,
Molar mass 3
13  cards
Yield and atom economy
Yield 1,
Actual yield 2,
Theoretical yield 3
17  cards
Mole 1,
Avogadros constant 2,
What is the molar mass of a subst...
23  cards
How do volumes of gases react wit...,
Avogadro s law 2,
Why is avogadro s law useful 3
24  cards
Solute 1,
Solvent 2,
Solution 3
10  cards
Standard solution 1,
What can standard solutions be us...,
What makes up a standard solution 3
45  cards
Mistakes, errors, uncertainties
Error 1,
Systematic error 2,
Random error 3
20  cards
Covalent bonding
Covalent bond definition 1,
How is a covalent bond formed 2,
What atomic orbitals overlap in c...
38  cards
Shapes of molecules
What determines the shape of a mo...,
What is the name of the theory wh...,
What does valence shell electron ...
22  cards
Giant covalent structures
What can covalent bonding lead to 1,
How do giant covalent lattices fo...,
Examples of giant covalent struct...
16  cards
Ionic bonding
Ionic bonding 1,
What is an ionic structure 2,
How are ions arranged in a lattice 3
29  cards
Metallic bonding
What is metallic bonding 1,
A metallic structure description 2,
Metal properties 3
13  cards
Electronegativity 1,
What measures electronegativity 2,
What element has the highest elec...
24  cards
Intermolecular interactions
What are intermolecular forces 1,
3 types of intermolecular forces 2,
Where do london forces act between 3
30  cards
Properties of water
Boiling point trend across hydrog...,
Why does boiling point decrease f...,
Ice properties 3
4  cards
If a substance dissolves in a sol...,
2 types of solvent 2,
Polar solvents 3
13  cards
Organic chemistry
Saturated hydrocarbons 1,
Unsaturated hydrocarbons 2,
How to represent a molecule 3
18  cards
Structural isomers
What are structural isomers 1,
3 types of structural isomers 2,
Chain isomers 3
14  cards
What is a hydrocarbon 1,
Alkane 2,
General formula for alkanes 3
26  cards
Crude oil 1,
What is fractional distillation 2,
Step 1 of fractional distillation 3
36  cards
Cracking + reforming
What is cracking 1,
Why is cracking done 2,
2 types of cracking 3
16  cards
Alkenes 1,
What type of hydrocarbon are alke...,
Alkenes functional group 3
56  cards
What are stereoisomers 1,
2 types of stereoisomers 2,
2 types of geometric isomers 3
12  cards
Polymer 1,
How can alkenes act as monomers t...,
Addition polymerisation 3
23  cards
organic chemistry reactions conditions
Catalytic cracking conditions 1,
Thermal cracking conditions 1,
Catalyst for reforming 2
11  cards
Redox i
Oxidation number 1,
Oxidation number of un combined e...,
Oxidation of monatomic ions 3
25  cards
Group 1 and 2 reactions
How does reactivity change down t...,
How does the ionisation energy ch...,
How does the melting point change...
48  cards
Group 1 and 2 thermal stability
Thermal decomposition 1,
Thermal stability affect on therm...,
What affects the stability of a c...
17  cards
Group 1 and 2 tests
Lithium ions 1,
Sodium ions 2,
Potassium ions 3
15  cards
Group 7
Group 7 elements 1,
What state is fluorine at room te...,
What colour is fluorine gas 3
33  cards
Group 7 reactions
What type of agents do most halog...,
Halogen atoms are normally in a r...,
Halogens reaction with less react...
36  cards
Group 7 reducing power
When do halogens act as reducing ...,
What do halogens usually act as 1,
Trend of halide ions reducing pow...
14  cards
Testing for group 7 ions
Step 1 1,
Why is dilute nitric acid to the ...,
Step 2 3
14  cards
Test for carbonate ions
What does this test for 1,
Step 1 2,
What happens when mixed with dilu...
7  cards
Test for sulfates
What does this test for 1,
Step 1 2,
Why add dilute hydrochloric acid 3
6  cards
Test for ammonium ions
What is this testing for 1,
Step 1 2,
Why add sodium hydroxide 3
7  cards
Kinetics 1
Collision theory 1,
Activation energy 2,
Energy profile diagram 3
24  cards
What are catalysts 1,
Catalysts before and after a reac...,
Are catalysts specific to one rea...
14  cards
Halogenoalkane 1,
What can halogenoalkanes with jus...,
Primary halogenoalkane 3
37  cards
What types of alcohol are there 1,
Primary alcohol 2,
Secondary alcohol 3
23  cards
Oxidation of alcohols
Oxidising by burning in oxygen 1,
What oxidising agent can be used ...,
What are the rules of oxidising a...
30  cards
Organic techniques
5 organic techniques 1,
Why is reflux done 2,
Reflux apparatus 3
17  cards
What is enthalpy 1,
Enthalpy symbol 2,
What can we use to measure enthal...
34  cards
Determining enthalpy change of combustion
Equipment used 1,
Overall idea of this method 2,
Why do we use this method 3
23  cards
Determining enthalpy change of reaction
What is enthalpy change of reacti...,
What type of reaction are we doing 2,
Step 1 3
14  cards
Hess’s law and Hess cycles
Hess s law states that 1,
Why is hess s law useful 2,
What are these questions usually ...
7  cards
Bond Enthalpy
How can enthalpy be worked out wi...,
Breaking bonds is 2,
Making bonds is 3
10  cards
Reversible reactions 1,
How are reversible reactions repr...,
What is dynamic equilibrium 3
33  cards
Kc constant
What is kc 1,
What 2 methods are used to calcul...,
Homogeneous equilibrium 3
14  cards
Finding the number of water molecules in a hydrated salt
Step 1 1,
How to find mass of water in the ...,
Step 2 3
5  cards
Elimination reactions
What does elimination of a haloge...,
What does halogenoalkane react wi...,
How is water formed in an elimina...
11  cards
Mass spectrometry
4 steps 1,
Molecular ion peak 2,
What is the m z of the molecular ...
18  cards
Infrared spectroscopy
What is ir 1,
Carbonyl group peak 2,
Oh group in alcohol peak 3
12  cards
Ways Of Measuring Rate Of Reaction
What is rate of reaction 1,
Ways of measuring rate of reaction 2,
Gas volume to measure rate of rea...
23  cards
Initial Rates Method
Initial rate of reaction 1,
What is the initial rates method 2,
How can the initial rates method ...
19  cards
Clock Reactions
Iodine clock reactions 1,
Reaction 1 2,
Reaction 1 important product 3
18  cards
Orders Of Reaction
Order of reaction with respect to...,
All orders of reaction 2,
How can you find the order of rea...
18  cards
Rate Determining Step
What is the rate determining step 1,
What must appear in the rate dete...,
What must appear in the rate dete...
13  cards
2 different types of mechanism in...,
Sn1 2,
What halogenoalkanes undergo sn1 3
8  cards
Arrhenius Equation
What is present in the arrhenius ...,
What unit is temperature measured...,
Celsius to kelvin 3
16  cards
The Rate Equation
What does the rate equation tell ...,
Rate equation expression 2,
0 order reactants in the rate equ...
16  cards
Half Life
Half life is 1,
What graph do we use to find the ...,
How to find the half life on a co...
8  cards
Arrhenius plots
Y axis 1,
X axis 2,
Type of graph for arrhenius plots 3
17  cards
Optical Isomers
Stereoisomers 1,
Types of stereoisomers 2,
Optical isomers 3
20  cards
Carbonyl compounds 1,
Aldehydes 2,
Naming of aldehydes 3
11  cards
Testing for carbonyls
Main test to see if a c o bond is...,
What does 2 4 dnph have a positiv...,
Conditions for 2 4 dnph test 3
28  cards
2,4-DNPH test + recrystallisation method
What does this test for 1,
How to complete the test to ident...,
What confirms presence of c o bond 3
22  cards
Reactions of carbonyls
What can carbonyls be reduced to 1,
Reducing agent symbol 2,
What is the reducing agent to red...
17  cards
Carboxylic acids
Carboxylic acids 1,
Carboxylic acid solubility in wat...,
Solubility in water trend 3
16  cards
Reactions Of Carboxylic Acids
Reactions of carboxylic acids 1,
Neutralisation of carboxylic acid...,
Reduction of carboxylic acids 3
16  cards
What is an ester 1,
Naming esters 2,
How do we form an ester 3
12  cards
Reactions Of Ester
What are the reactions of esters 1,
Acid hydrolysis of an ester 2,
Acid hydrolysis is 3
12  cards
Acyl Chlorides
What are acyl chlorides 1,
How to name acyl chlorides 2,
How can we make acyl chlorides 3
11  cards
Equilibrium 2 - Kp
If a reaction under equilibrium c...,
Partial pressure of a gas is 2,
What is the total gas mixtures pr...
19  cards
Bronsted lowry definition of an a...,
Bronsted lowry definition of a ba...,
What can acids or bases be 3
34  cards
Calculating pH Of Strong And Weak Acids
What is ph a measure of 1,
What does ph tell us 2,
What method do we use to find the...
25  cards
Calculating pH Of Strong And Weak Bases
The more alkali a solution is 1,
What do we use to find the ph of ...,
Expression for kw 3
4  cards
Kw (Ionic Product Of Water Constant)
What is the ionic product of wate...,
How do we obtain the expression o...,
What reaction do we use to find kw 3
8  cards
What is a buffer 1,
Do buffers fully stop changes in ...,
What are the 2 types of buffer 3
19  cards
Buffers Equations
Adding an acid to a buffer 1,
Find concentration changes after ...
2  cards
Titration Curves
How to find titrations curves 1,
Strong acid strong base graph cha...,
Vertical part on titration curve 3
17  cards
Energetics 2
Standard enthalpy of atomisation ...,
Standard enthalpy of atomisations...,
Standard enthalpy of atomisation ...
18  cards
Born Haber Cycles
What are these 1,
Hess s law 2,
Upwards arrows in a born haber cy...
23  cards
Comparing Lattice Enthalpies
Lattice enthalpy of formation 1,
Theoretical lattice enthalpies are 2,
What does the perfect ionic model...
14  cards
Enthalpy Change Of Solution
The enthalpy change of solution 1,
What must happen in ionic bonds w...,
What must happen in bonds within ...
22  cards
What is entropy 1,
Symbol of entropy 2,
Increase in entropy will mean 3
23  cards
Entropy Equations
A reaction is more likely to be f...,
When working out if a reaction is...,
What links the entropy change and...
15  cards
List Of Gibbs Equations
0  cards
Gibbs And Equilibrium
What does the equilibrium constan...,
What is the value of the equilibr...,
The larger the equilibrium consta...
18  cards
Carbon 13 NMR
What does nmr stand for 1,
How does nmr work 2,
What does carbon 13 nmr give info...
15  cards
Proton NMR
What does each peak represent 1,
What is the integration trace 2,
Hydrogens closer to oxygen and ni...
11  cards
0  cards
Amine 1,
Primary amine 2,
How to name primary amines 3
33  cards
Reactions Of Amines
What can amines act as 1,
What is a base 2,
Why do amines act as a good base 3
17  cards
Amide functional group 1,
Primary amide 2,
Secondary amide 3
18  cards
Examples of condensation polymeri...,
Polyester is made from 2,
Polyamides is made from 3
8  cards
Amino acids
What is an amino acid 1,
Essential amino acids 2,
Neutral amino acids 3
30  cards
Transition metals
0  cards
Redox 2 Intro
Redox reaction 1,
A disproportionation reaction 2,
Half cells 3
19  cards
Standard Electrode Potential + Feasability
Standard electrode potential 1,
Negative sign on a standard elect...,
Positive sign on a standard elect...
24  cards
Drawing cells/ conventional cell notation
A half cell with metal in solutio...,
A half cell with gas and solution 2,
A half cell with aqueous ions only 3
20  cards
Core Practical 10 = Setting Up An Electrochemical Cell
What should we do to the electrod...,
What beakers are we using 2,
How do we make a salt bridge 3
9  cards
Redox Titrations
Possible redox titrations 1,
What is a redox titration 2,
Titrating mno4 with fe 2 ions 3
17  cards
Practical - Finding The Equilibrium Constant
What reaction are we finding kc of 1,
How do we prepare the equilibrium...,
Once we completed esterification ...
17  cards
Rate Of Reaction = Iodine And Propanone
What is the reaction we are monit...,
How do we monitor propanone iodine 2,
Why do we use sodium hydrogen car...
19  cards
Determining Activation Energy
What reaction are we monitoring t...,
Clock reaction description 2,
End point of the reaction 3
12  cards
0  cards
Calculating Ka Of A Weak Acid
Blank 1
1  cards

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A Level Chemistry

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