This class was created by Brainscape user 理穂子 小池. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

言語文化 敬語
たまふ (賜ふ、給ふ),
22  cards
EF-J Vocab 1-50
To give energy or support to some...,
To start to do something that was...,
To improve or add to something
50  cards
EF-J Vocab 51-100
Almost entirely,
V to violently attack
50  cards
古典 中間
20  cards
EF-J Vocab 101-150
N prejudice for or against something,
N influence over someone or somet...,
N a very small amount of something
50  cards
ELA Spring Mid-Term Vocab
N an illness or health problem,
N a man who has never married,
N the particular type of characte...
72  cards
EF-J Vocab 151-200
N an original model of something,
Adv being said to have happened b...,
N bringing something to an end
50  cards
ELA Spring Final Vocab Ch.1-15
N someone or something placed in ...,
N an extremely cruel violent or s...,
51  cards
体系漢文 期末
20  cards
EF-J Vocab 201-250
Adj capable of moving quickly and...,
Adj related to,
N a feeling of sympathy for someo...
50  cards
EF-J Vocab 251-300
Adj on the side or moving sideways,
N a sudden quick movement in a pa...,
V to move around within something...
50  cards
ELA Spring Final Vocab Ch.16-30
N strong dislike opposition or anger,
N the quality of being honest esp...,
N agreement between people to act...
61  cards
ELA Spring Final Vocab Ch. 31-Historical Notes
N the fact of not having sex or n...,
N conversation that is funny and ...,
N a feeling of friendliness towar...
60  cards
EF-J Vocab 301-400
Adj including or adding together ...,
Adj different from what is usual ...
100  cards
EF-J Vocab 401-450
N the level of quality skill etc ...,
V to make something weaker or wor...,
N a plan or schedule of food exer...
50  cards
EF-J Vocab 451-500
N 1 food that remains at the end ...,
V to reduce something sharply,
V to break something into many sm...
50  cards
EF-J Vocab 501-550
Adj 1 having a cold and plain app...,
Adj able to bring in or make a lo...,
V to travel across something
50  cards
体系漢文 秋中間
20  cards
EF-J Vocab 551-600
N a person who is guilty of a cri...,
V 1 to push something out of a pl...,
N the highest point of something
50  cards
EF-J Vocab 601-650
V to form an opinion based on the...,
N a strong feeling or belief in s...,
N 1 a group of people who share t...
50  cards
EF-J Vocab 651-700
V to trust someone with the respo...,
N something that is used to measu...,
Adj complete or total
50  cards
体系漢文 秋期末
20  cards
EF-J Vocab 701-800
Adj able to be understood in more...,
N people who were in someone s fa...,
Adj 1 very important2 extremely b...
137  cards
EF-J Vocab 801-850
V to make air water soil etc dirt...,
V to leave a job or position,
V to leave something eg a seat ro...
73  cards
EF-J Vocab 851-900
N broken stone or brick from wall...,
V to take control of an area or c...,
Adj feeling extremely happy or ex...
74  cards
EF-J Vocab 901-950
Adj so bad that it causes unhappi...,
Adj very bad or unsuccessful,
N a person who works as a part of...
65  cards
EF-J Vocab 950-1000
N a thin sharp piece of something...,
Adj lacking courage or confidence,
Adj starting and stopping repeate...
64  cards
体系漢文 冬期末
29  cards
3rd Year ELA Spring Mid
Not interested in something or so...,
An extremely cruel or violent act...
39  cards
3rd Year EF-J Spring Mid
Beloved loved very much,
68  cards

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