This class was created by Brainscape user Suzanne Maggioni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (69)

Week 1:1
Divisions of the cns,
Brain functions,
Spinal cord functions
42  cards
Week 1:2
3 stages of development in utero,
Pre embryonic stage,
Embryonic stage
61  cards
1.20 Week 2:1
Treatment of lead poisoning,
Why is lead poisoning so bad,
Lead poisoning neurological damage
23  cards
1.25 Tracts Lecture
Sensation s associated with meiss...,
Sensation s associated with pacin...,
Sensation s associated with ruffi...
61  cards
Ch9 ANS 1
Receptors of the ans,
Mechanoreceptors respond to,
Chemoreceptors respond to
42  cards
Ch9 ANS 2
Preganglionic fibers that ascend ...,
Cervical ganglia consist of,
How is the cervicothoracic gangli...
23  cards
Ch9 ANS 3
What are blockers,
What do differences between recep...
18  cards
2.1 Lab
From where does the thalamus rece...,
From where does the medulla recei...,
The posterior inferior cerebellar...
12  cards
01_Coloring Packet
One axon that divides into two lo...,
One axon and two or more dendrite...,
One axon and one dendrite rare ro...
37  cards
01_Coloring Packet 2
Two layers of dura mater in the c...,
Periosteal layer,
Meningeal layer
25  cards
Week 1 Continued
What causes down syndrome,
What does trisomy mean,
Brain changes associated with dow...
20  cards
2.6 Lundy Ch. 2 (1)
When does an electrical potential...,
4 types of membrane channels,
Leak channels
19  cards
2.6 Lundy Ch. 2 (2)
Depolarization is ____,
Hyperpolarization is ____
21  cards
2.6 Lundy Ch. 2 (3)
How is the meaning of an action p...,
All or none,
Trigger zone axon hillock
21  cards
2.6 Lundy Ch. 2 (4)
Pns demyelination often results in,
Guillain barre,
Guillain barre s s
17  cards
2.6 Lundy Ch. 3 (1)
Presynaptic terminal,
Postsynaptic terminal,
Synaptic cleft
16  cards
2.6 Lundy Ch. 3 (2)
Ach is the primary conveyer of in...,
Acetylcholine fast acting effects...,
Acetylcholine slow acting effects...
44  cards
2.7 Vanderah (1)
Most neurons in the nervous syste...,
Sensory axons cell body types,
Motor axons cell body type
26  cards
2.1 Lecture notes
Two possible pathways for afferents,
Where does referred pain come from,
Where does muscle guarding come from
60  cards
2.9 Study Guide
What forms the neural plate,
What happens after day 24 during ...,
When does brain formation begin
58  cards
EXAM 2: Motor System 1
Automatic movements require conti...
43  cards
2.21 Motor System 2
Lmn are only neurons that convey ...,
How many types of lmn,
Cell bodies of lmn are located here
31  cards
2.21 Motor System 3
What may disorders of the motor s...,
37  cards
2.21 Motor System 4
Tools used to measure hypotonia,
Benefit to using emg to measure h...,
Factors that may contribute to mo...
28  cards
2.25 Motor SC 1
Neuromuscular junction,
36  cards
2.25 Motor SC 2
3 muscle fiber types,
Slow twitch aka,
Fast twitch oxidative glycolytic aka
26  cards
2.24 Motor SC 3
Components of a reflex arc,
Polysynaptic reflex
38  cards
2.25 Motor SC 4
Pathological reflexes,
Where do umns come from,
Medial umn tracts modulate
17  cards
2.29 Basal Ganglia
Why are basal ganglia not actuall...,
What are basal ganglia overall,
What can damage to basal ganglia ...
26  cards
2.29 Basal Ganglia Pathways
Two basal ganglia pathways,
Basal ganglia pathways are modula...,
How do the direct indirect pathwa...
35  cards
2.29 Cerebellum
3 functional areas of cerebellum,
Vestibulocerebellum has to do with,
Spinocerebellum has to do with
35  cards
3.7 PNS stuff
Fascicular plexus
28  cards
3.7 PNS stuff 2
Each pns axon is myelinated and c...,
37  cards
3.7 PNS stuff 3
3 types of neuropathies,
Mononeuropathy affects,
Multiple mononeuropathy affects
15  cards
3.14 Ch. 12.1
Peripheral nerves consist of,
3 connective tissue sheaths of pe...,
35  cards
3.14 Ch. 12.2
Types of peripheral neuropathies,
Multiple mononeuropathy
31  cards
3.14 Ch. 12.3
What does mg damage,
What happens during mg,
What does botulism interfere with
25  cards
3.19 Spinal Region
Ventral root,
Dorsal root
33  cards
3.19 Spinal Region 2
Spinal reflexes involve,
Withdrawal reflex allows,
What can elicit withdrawal movements
41  cards
3.19 Spinal Region 3
Anterior cord syndrome interferes...,
Central cord syndrome small lesion
38  cards
3.19 Spinal Region 4
Disorders in addition to traumati...,
When does spastic cp develop
30  cards
3.21 Spinal Region Lecture 1
Demarcation of peripheral nervous...,
Whats in the spinal region,
Where does the sc run
32  cards
3.21 Spinal Region Lecture 2
What do radicular arteries arise ...,
Each radicular artery gives rise to,
What happens to the 2 anterior sp...
35  cards
Exam 2 Study Guide
Where are cell bodies of umn,
Where do umn axons travel,
Umn axons synapse with
38  cards
Exam 2 Study Guide 2
Stretch reflex,
Stretch reflex aka,
Cutaneous reflex
33  cards
Exam 2 Study Guide 3
What is the overall role of the b...,
What are the bg and cerebellum in...,
What structures are included in t...
31  cards
Exam 2 Study Guide 4
What are the bg functional loops ...,
What happens when bg are damaged,
46  cards
Exam 2 Study Guide 5
Demarcation between pns and cns,
How are peripheral nerves constru...,
3 sheaths
35  cards
Exam 2 Study Guide 6
How is the sc organized,
How are sc segments identified,
What are sc segments named for
28  cards
EXAM 3: Cranial Nerves
36  cards
CH14: Cranial nerves 1
Cranial nerves exchange info between,
Types of functions of cranial nerves,
How do cranial nerves differ from...
38  cards
CH14: Cranial nerves 2
Which reflexes involve the optic ...,
What is the pupillary reflex,
What is the consensual reflex
38  cards
CH14: Cranial nerves 3
Sensory fibers of cn ix glossopha...,
Glossopharyngeal nerve autonomic ...,
Motor fibers of cn ix innervate
37  cards
CH16 Brainstem Tracts 1
What types of vertical tracts are...,
Vertical tracts synapses or no,
The brainstem is divided longitud...
39  cards
CH16: Brainstem Tracts 2
The pons processes motor informat...,
Pons forwards information from th...,
What nuclei pons process sensory ...
19  cards
Which nucleus is heavily involved...,
What are the 4 overall functions ...,
What parasympathetic inputs do cn...
31  cards
Where is the organ of corti,
What does the organ of corti cons...,
What are the hair cells embedded in
11  cards
4.11 Brainstem Class Notes
Flat affect in schizos
45  cards
4.11 Brainstem Class Notes 2
What is in the inferior medulla,
What is in the upper medulla,
Structures in the anterior pons
13  cards
4.18 Vestibular
2 components of vestibular,
What is in the peripheral vestibu...,
The central vestibular system con...
33  cards
4.18 Vestibular 2
What are the 2 otolithic organs s...,
What are the 2 otolithic organs,
18  cards
4.19 Vestibular 3
What are the 2 eye reflexes we ta...,
What is gaze stabilization,
What does the vor do
28  cards
4.25 Cerebrum 1
What is the hypothalamus part of,
What is a major thing the hypotha...,
What does the hypothalamus stimulate
19  cards
4.25 Cerebrum 2
What does the cerebrum allow us t...,
What are the two major components...,
What are the parts of the diencep...
19  cards
4.25 Cerebrum 3
What are the subcortical structur...,
What are the cortical structures ...,
Subcortical white matter 3 fiber ...
17  cards
4. 25 Cerebrum 4
Cerebral cortex layers overview,
3 cell types of the cerebral cortex,
Which cells of the cc are the out...
28  cards
Which cns come off the midbrain,
Which cns come off the pons,
Which cns come off the medulla
26  cards
Functions of inferior medulla,
Functions of superior medulla,
Whats in the inferior medulla
25  cards
Vestibular where are receptors lo...,
Why is vestibular info so important,
Info gets to the central vestibul...
27  cards

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7303 neuroanatomy

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