This class was created by Brainscape user Kara F. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (90)

1.1 Culture
What does culture include 1,
What does culture connect 2,
What does culture teach a person 3
31  cards
1.1 Types Of Culture
Give examples of subcultures 1,
What are deviant youth subcultures 2,
Give examples of some youth subcu...
56  cards
1.1 socialisation
What does socialisation involve 1,
How long does the process of soci...,
What are the two stages of social...
27  cards
1.1 Agencies Of Socialisation
What is the family the main agenc...,
Why is a sense of security during...,
How does the family transmit cult...
69  cards
2.1 Key Terms (research)
What are some practical issues 1,
What are practical issues 2,
What are ethical issues 3
11  cards
2.1 Approaches to Research
What is a positivists view of soc...,
How does society control our beha...,
What are the names of the two app...
19  cards
2.1 RM - Questionnaires
What are open questions 1,
What are closed questions 2,
What are practical strengths if q...
17  cards
2.1 RM - Interviews
What are structured interviews 1,
What are practical strengths of s...,
What are practical weaknesses of ...
25  cards
2.1 RM - Official Statistics
What are official statistics 1,
What are some practical strengths...,
What are some practical weaknesse...
13  cards
2.1 RM - Documents & Content Analysis
What can documents be 1,
What are practical strengths of d...,
What are practical weaknesses of ...
26  cards
2.1 RM - Mixed Methods And Types Of Studies
What does triangulation involve 1,
Give an example of triangulation 2,
What does methodological pluralis...
12  cards
2.1 RM - Observations
What is a participant observation 1,
What is covert observation 2,
What is overt observation 3
26  cards
3.1 Digital Divide And Social Equality
What sort of people are likely to...,
Why are elderly people less likel...,
How will elderly people be affect...
16  cards
3.1 Digital Divides (class, gender & age)
Class education relies on digital...,
Class there is a knowledge gap be...,
Class how do those without access...
39  cards
3.2 Right Realists On Crime & Deviance
What do realist approaches view c...,
How do realists think we should t...,
What did wilson say regarding pov...
43  cards
3.2 Explaining Class & Crime
How would marxists explain workin...,
Marxists say working class being ...,
Marxists say capitalism is crimin...
24  cards
3.2 Age & Offending
What is the peak age of offending 1,
Which gender is more likely to of...,
Are young people over or under re...
20  cards
1.2 Functionalists on the family
Functionalism what do functionali...,
Functionalism what is value conse...,
Functionalism who did murdock stu...
28  cards
1.2 Postmodernists on The Family
Postmodernism what has happened t...,
Postmodernism individuals have mu...,
Postmodernism postmodernists iden...
31  cards
2.2 Class Inequalities In Poverty
What is poverty 1,
What is absolute poverty 2,
Absolute bradshaw tried to develo...
29  cards
2.2 Perspectives On Age Inequality
Functionalists parsons talked abo...,
Functionalists what needs to be m...,
Functionalists to maintain social...
59  cards
2.2 Patterns In Ethnicity & Inequality
Education what has a 3x greater i...,
Education in all ethnic groups wh...,
Education jrf what has happened t...
34  cards
2.2 Functionalists & New Right On Ethnic Inequality
Functionalism what was inequality...,
Functionalism according to the id...,
Functionalism patterson host immi...
33  cards
2.2 Weber & Marxists On Ethnic Inequality
Weber class what is market situat...,
Weber class what is work situation 2,
Weber class what are most whites ...
41  cards
2.2 Black Feminism On Ethnic Inequality
What type of feminism do black fe...,
Most feminism is what 2,
Brewer why do black women experie...
20  cards
2.2 Feminists On Gender Inequality
Waves what did the first wave of ...,
Waves what did the second wave of...,
Waves what did the third wave of ...
65  cards
2.2 Perspectives On Gender Inequality
Functionalist murdock said gender...,
Functionalist who did murdock stu...,
Functionalist parsons and bales m...
34  cards
3.1 Digital Media & Relationships
What are relationships 1,
Granovetter what can the strength...,
Granovetter what type of ties did...
37  cards
3.1 Perspectives On Digital Divides
Functionalism those online create...,
Functionalism how do those online...,
Functionalism for those not invol...
10  cards
3.1 Digital Media & Identity
Class which class have strongest ...,
Class bourdieu says the upper cla...,
Class what is cultural capital 3
23  cards
3.1 Social Protest & Media
Social media allows for the estab...,
Internet activists vocalise what 2,
What is citizen journalism 3
36  cards
3.1 Cultural Homogenisation & Defence
What percentage of the internet i...,
Is the percentage of the internet...,
What western values are promoted ...
24  cards
3.2 Subculturalists On Crime & Deviance
Subculturalist theories explain c...,
Cohen cohen talks about the delin...,
Cohen delinquency is not an indiv...
43  cards
3.2 Crime & Deviance, Police Stats
What is crime 1,
What is deviance 2,
What is social order 3
36  cards
3.2 Victim Surveys
Give an example of a large scale ...,
When is the crime survey of engla...,
What sort of crimes does the crim...
34  cards
3.2 Self Report Studies
What does a self report study inv...,
Self report studies are often car...,
What sort of offences are focused...
29  cards
3.2 Marxists On Crime
What does criminogenic capitalism...,
Criminogenic capitalism how does ...,
Criminogenic capitalism how is cr...
36  cards
3.2 Postmodernism On Crime
How did winlow carry out his badf...,
Winlow being a bouncer gave worki...,
Winlow muscles broken noses and s...
14  cards
3.2 Left Realists On Crime
They focus on the reality of crim...,
Victims the publics fear of crime...,
Victims what are the best methods...
31  cards
3.2 Interactionists On Crime
How groups are labelled deviant b...,
How groups are labelled deviant b...,
How groups are labelled deviant t...
29  cards
1.2 divorce
Divorce is a major cause of chang...,
In 2001 the divorce rate was how ...,
According to the ons how many of ...
46  cards
1.2 Marriage
What has happened to the number o...,
Marriage rates are at their lowes...,
There are more of what type of ma...
22  cards
1.2 Cohabitation
What is cohabitation 1,
What has happened to the number o...,
What has happened to the number o...
18  cards
1.1 Perspectives On Socialisation
Functionalists society is based u...,
Functionalists socialisation ensu...,
Functionalists social institution...
12  cards
1.2 Same Sex Relationships
Stonewall estimates what percent ...,
Why is it difficult to measure if...,
There is increased what of same s...
15  cards
1.2 Households
A household consists of one or mo...,
Do the people in households have ...,
Between 2000 2010 what happened t...
21  cards
1.2 Lone Parent Families
Lone parent families make up what...,
What percent of single parent fam...,
Until the 1990s who were the bigg...
18  cards
1.2 Reconstituted Families
What percent of all families with...,
In most reconstituted family at l...,
Mccarthy concluded we should spea...
9  cards
1.2 Ethnic differences In Family Life
One important difference between ...,
Give an example of how religion c...,
Immigration has contributed to et...
24  cards
1.2 Social Class And Family Diversity
What are social classes defined by 1,
Who are the upper class 2,
Who are the middle class 3
22  cards
1.2 Extended Families
The ideology of the nuclear famil...,
Who pioneered research into the e...,
In the 1950s young and willmott s...
28  cards
1.2 Demography - Birth & Fertility Rate
How are family and population clo...,
What is demography 2,
What are some characteristics of ...
36  cards
1.2 Demography - Reasons for decline in birth rate & fertility
Declining mortality in 1902 what ...,
Declining mortality in 2005 what ...,
Declining mortality families no l...
17  cards
1.2 Demography - Ageing Population
What is the uks ageing population...,
What is the dependency ratio 2,
Who are classed as dependent 3
29  cards
3.1 Globalisation
Define globalisation 1,
How is globalisation economic 2,
How is globalisation cultural 3
30  cards
3.1 Digital communication
What is digital revolution 1,
Give an example of the extension ...,
Give an example of new media digi...
32  cards
1.1 Sociological Perspectives
What is determinism 1,
What is free will 2,
What are structural sociologists 3
58  cards
3.1 Marxism & Digital media
What did bagdikian 2014 say about...,
Who is murdoch and how has he inf...,
In 1983 90 of us media was owned ...
20  cards
3.1. Feminism & Digital media
Who uses social media more men or...,
What percentage of instagram and ...,
What percentage of wikipedia entr...
25  cards
3.1 Postmodernism & Digital media
Do postmodernists focus on positi...,
What do postmodernists see identi...,
P what did hart say we are no lon...
27  cards
1.1 Class identities
What do most sociologists find it...,
Through socialisation we learn to...,
Through socialisation we also bec...
44  cards
1.1. Debate - class as a source of identity
For who would argue class is stil...,
For marxists argue our social ide...,
For as a result of different work...
19  cards
1.1. Gender identities
Gender is socially 1,
What does gender refer to 2,
What aspects of a persons identit...
39  cards
1.1 changing gender identities & evaluation
What happens to gender roles and ...,
Give an example of changing gende...,
Give an example of gender identit...
22  cards
1.1 sexuality & identity
What does sexuality refer to 1,
For whom is sexuality more a sign...,
In some sub saharan african peopl...
25  cards
1.1 Disability & identity
For those with an impairment they...,
Despite developments like the par...,
The social model of disability ar...
26  cards
3.2 Functionalists on Crime & Deviance
What did durkheim see crime as 1,
Why is crime inevitable d 2,
What is a society of saints d 3
47  cards
3.2 (a) Gender & Crime
Who commit more crime men or women 1,
What percentage of known offender...,
Crime rate for which gender has i...
36  cards
3.2 (b) chivalry thesis
Pollack argued men have what sort...,
Pollack said the criminal justice...,
For chivalry thesis graham and bo...
20  cards
3.2 (c) masculinity & crime
What are some qualities associate...,
What type of man is seen as ideal 2,
Messerschmidt examined men mascul...
15  cards
3.2 Ethnicity & Offending
Policing who are more likely to b...,
Policing how many times more like...,
Policing how many times more like...
30  cards
1.1 Ethnicity & Identity
What is an ethnic group 1,
Give some examples of cultural ch...,
What do cultural characteristics ...
30  cards
1.1 National & Global identities
What is a national identity 1,
What sorts of symbols and rituals...,
Why is it hard to describe a nati...
35  cards
1.1 Age & Identity
Sociologists look at age as being...,
As age is socially constructed wh...,
What 4 age groupings are there in...
44  cards
1.1 Interactionists on Identity
What does identity refer to accor...,
Sociologists are interested in so...,
Mead argues all humans have a sel...
23  cards
1.1 Postmodernists on identity
What do sociologist argue that so...,
What are the 4 features of postmo...,
1 image and style what does the m...
16  cards
1.2 Family Diversity - patterns
What is the government definition...,
What is the government definition...,
What is the nuclear family 3
47  cards
1.2 New Right on the family
New right which family type do th...,
New right why are the new right w...,
New right what evidence do the ne...
17  cards
1.2 Marxists on the family
Marxists what do marxists see soc...,
Marxists what is ruling class ide...,
Marxists the family like all inst...
16  cards
1.2 Feminists on the family
Feminists all feminist believe so...,
Feminists all feminists believe t...,
Feminists all feminists believe w...
27  cards
1.2 roles & relationships (family)
What is the domestic division of ...,
Parsons says in the family women ...,
Parsons say in the family men hav...
56  cards
2.2 Class inequalities in income
What is income 1,
The richest 1 5 of society have w...,
The poorest 1 5 of society have w...
18  cards
2.2 Class inequalities in wealth
What is wealth 1,
What is property wealth 2,
What is physical wealth 3
28  cards
2.2 Class inequalities in employment
In most workplaces there is a hie...,
Weberian sociologists say inequal...,
Weberian sociologists say those w...
16  cards
2.2 Class inequalities in social mobility
What is social mobility 1,
What is intergenerational mobility 2,
What is intragenerational mobility 3
46  cards
2.2 Functionalists & New Right on Class Inequality
Functionalism parsons says social...,
Functionalism according to parson...,
Functionalism davis and moore say...
30  cards
2.2 Marxists & Weber on Class Inequality
Marxists which two social classes...,
Marxists bourgeoisie owning means...,
Marxists what is their between th...
52  cards
1.2 Domestic violence & abuse
Stats how often do police receive...,
Stats what percent of domestic in...,
Stats according to the homicide s...
38  cards
2.2 Patterns in gender inequality
Work over the past 40 years what ...,
Work what differences exist betwe...,
Work ons which occupations do wom...
37  cards
2.2 Patterns in Age Inequality
Work elderly structuralists say a...,
Work elderly when can employers s...,
Work elderly what can happen to a...
34  cards

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A Level Sociology

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