This class was created by Brainscape user Sean Hartigan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (133)

Alphabet approach
1  cards
1.1 Spinal Cord Transection
A what characteristic neurologica...,
A what characteristic neurologica...,
A what characteristic neurologica...
12  cards
1.2 ICP
A what are the symptoms 10 and si...,
A what are the symptoms 10 and si...,
A what are the symptoms 10 and si...
11  cards
1.3 Acromegaly + Trans-Sphenoidal Hypophysectomy
A 45 year old male with acromegal...,
B list the clinical features of a...,
C how do the surgical requirement...
6  cards
1.4 Posterior Fossa Tumour Resection
A 34 year old man is scheduled fo...,
B what potential intraoperative p...,
C what monitoring techniques can ...
34  cards
1.5 Stereotactic Brain Biopsy and Antiplatelets
A 64 year old man is scheduled fo...,
B summarise the perioperative str...,
C what are the specific contraind...
4  cards
1.6 Traumatic Brain Injury
A 54 year old patient is admitted...,
B outline the main physiological ...,
C how can secondary brain injury ...
4  cards
1.7 Guillain-Barré
A what is guillain barre syndrome...,
What are guillain barre causes,
B what are the clinical features ...
5  cards
2.1 ETS
A list the indications for endosc...,
B outline the general 30 implicat...,
Outline the airway 15 implication...
5  cards
2.2 Off Pump Bypass
A what are the theoretical advant...,
B what causes haemodynamic instab...,
C which strategies help to minimi...
5  cards
2.3 One Lung Ventilation (OLV)
A what are the indications for on...,
B how can the risks associated wi...,
C how would you manage the develo...
3  cards
2.4 Tamponade
You are asked to review a 65 year...,
B list the investigations and the...,
C what is the management of acute...
4  cards
2.5 Rigid Bronchoscopy
A 71 year old patient requires a ...,
Outline the options available man...,
B how will use of the laser chang...
4  cards
2.6 Cardioplegia
A what are the purposes 3 marks o...,
Typical composition 4 marks of ca...,
B by which routes can solutions o...
4  cards
2.7 Anticoagulation and bypass
A 67 year old patient is to under...,
B which laboratory and point of c...,
C what are the causes of inadequa...
4  cards
2.8 Neurological Complications of Bypass
A what are the central neurologic...,
A what are peripheral neurologica...,
B what are the risk factors for c...
4  cards
2.9 Aortic Stenosis + AVR
A what is the pathophysiology of ...,
B which specific cardiac investig...,
C give values for the peak aortic...
4  cards
2.10 IABP
A what is meant by counter pulsat...,
B briefly explain the effect of c...,
C what are the indications for 6 ...
5  cards
3.1 AFOI
A which nerves supply sensation t...,
A which nerves supply sensationto...,
C what are the indications 15 for...
10  cards
3.2 Extubation
A what airway respiratory and car...,
Respiratory problems may follow t...,
Cardiovascular problems may follo...
8  cards
4.1 NAP 4
The 4th national audit project na...,
B how would you recognise that a ...,
C how would you manage this patie...
3  cards
4.2 Awareness
A define the types of unintention...,
B what factors may increase the l...,
C what monitoring techniques can ...
10  cards
4.3 Intra-Arterial Injection
A what factors predispose to inad...,
B outline the possible intravascu...,
C what are the acute clinical fea...
4  cards
4.4 IV drug errors
A which human factors contribute ...,
B outline the organisational stra...,
B outline the organisational stra...
5  cards
4.5 Asthma + Bronchospasm
A list the factors that may have ...,
B what are the possible causes of...,
C outline the immediate managemen...
3  cards
4.6 Aspiration
A 60 year old man is having an el...,
B list the respiratory complicati...,
C what are the possible preoperat...
4  cards
4.7 Stop Before You Block & Never events
A list the implications for the p...,
B summarise the recommendations o...,
List factors that have been ident...
7  cards
4.8 Dental Damage
A list the anaesthetic factors th...,
B list the dental factors that pr...,
C you have anaesthetised a 22 yea...
4  cards
5.1 Diabetic + Day surgery
A 52 year old man has been admitt...,
A 52 year old man has been admitt...
12  cards
6.1 Ovarian Malignancy w/ Ascites
A 52 year old woman is to undergo...,
A 52 year old woman is to undergo...,
A 52 year old woman is to undergo...
18  cards
6.2 Laparoscopy + Effects
A 45 year old man is scheduled fo...,
Neuro to hepatica 45 year old man...,
B how may these effects be minimi...
3  cards
6.3 Phaeochromocytoma
A 45 year old patient is reviewed...,
B which specific biochemical 10 i...,
B which specific radiological 5 i...
5  cards
6.4 CKD - Tplx , Systems, Pain
A patient is to receive a cadaver...,
A patient is to receive a cadaver...,
A detail the aspects of your preo...
9  cards
6.5 TURP
A 75 year old man is having a tra...,
B list the intraoperative factors...,
C how would you manage suspected ...
4  cards
6.6 Splenectomy + Lymphoma
A 26 year old patient with stage ...,
B outline the options for providi...,
A list the specific factors that ...
5  cards
6.7 ITP + Splenectomy
A 35 year old woman presents for ...,
B list three immunological functi...,
C what are the preoperative consi...
4  cards
7.1 Facial Fractures in uncooperative patient
A 23 year old man is brought to t...,
B list the options for securing t...,
C what problems should be anticip...
10  cards
7.2 Hemi-glossectomy + Free Flap
A 54 year old patient with base o...,
B list the benefits of a free fla...,
C what are the causes of flap fai...
19  cards
7.3 Thyroidectomy + Thyrotoxicosis
A which investigations are specif...,
B what particular issues must the...,
Maintenance anaesthesia for a eut...
5  cards
A list all of the elements of the...,
Stop bang explain how it is used ...,
B what are the cardiovascular con...
6  cards
8.1 TTM + Cooling
A what are the cerebral physiolog...,
B how can a patient be cooled in ...,
C what adverse effects may occur ...
11  cards
9.1 DC Cardioversion in CCU
A list the advantages providing a...,
Disadvantages of providing anaest...,
Disadvantages of providing anaest...
6  cards
9.2 ECT
A 55 year old patient is due to h...,
B what are the physiological effe...,
B which physical injuries may occ...
6  cards
9.3 MRI
You are asked to transfer an intu...,
What is meant by the terms magnet...,
B what precautions can be taken t...
5  cards
10.1 Revision Hip + BCIS
1 an 80 year old patient is to un...,
B describe the important features...,
B describe the important features...
5  cards
11.1 Chronic Liver Disease
A list the commonest causes of ch...,
B outline the effects of chronicl...,
B outline the effects of chronic ...
8  cards
11.2 CKD Organ systems Pharmacology and Pain
You are asked to anaesthetise a p...,
You are asked to anaesthetise a p...,
You are asked to anaesthetise a p...
12  cards
11.3 Blood transfusion + Jehovah's Witness
A 57 year old patient is schedule...,
B what steps constitute the final...,
C what are the additional preoper...
3  cards
11.4 ERAS + Fast Track
A 74 year old patient is schedule...,
B list the preoperative 30 factor...,
List the intraoperative 35 factor...
5  cards
11.5 Rheumatoid Arthritis
A 72 year old patient with longst...,
B which systemic features of rha ...,
C outline the preoperative invest...
3  cards
11.6 Myotonic Dystrophy
A 35 year old man presents for a ...,
B what are the problems of myoton...,
C outline the important aspects o...
3  cards
11.7 Chronic Liver Disease
A patient with end stage chronic ...,
B explain which systemic effects ...,
B explain which systemic effects ...
6  cards
11.8 Preop Anaemia
A patient scheduled for primary e...,
B what physiological adaptations ...,
C describe perioperative events t...
4  cards
11.9 CPET
A list the main measures of fitne...,
B what abnormalities seen at the ...,
C when might cpet using a bike be...
5  cards
12.1 TAP Block
Tap block beneift,
C outline how you would perform a...,
D what are the specific complicat...
4  cards
12.2 Shoulder Surgery
A which specific nerves must be b...,
B what are the possible neurologi...,
C outline the measures available ...
3  cards
12.3 Ankle Block
A list five nerves that can be bl...,
B for each of these nerves descri...,
C give the anatomical landmarks f...
4  cards
12.4 NOF + Analgesia
An 80 year old woman is admitted ...,
B you decide to perform a fascia ...,
And which nerves are you attempti...
4  cards
13.1 Sedation
A complete the table in your answ...,
Clinical features seen at each le...,
B outline drugs that may be used ...
5  cards
14.1 NOF
C what causes of a fall in this p...
3  cards
14.2 - Massive Haemorrhage
A 45 year old man has a major hae...,
B what are the principles of mana...,
C what complications might follow...
3  cards
14.3 - Drowning
A 20 year old man is brought to t...,
Investigations for near drowning,
B he has a glasgow coma score of ...
3  cards
15.1 DKA
You are asked to review an 18 yea...,
B outline the management plan for...,
C what are the serious complicati...
3  cards
15.2 PE
A 54 year old inpatient collapses...,
B list investigations and their c...,
C what are the principles of mana...
3  cards
15.3 Tracheostomy Troubleshooting
You have been called urgently to ...,
B what clinical features support ...,
C how would you manage an airway ...
3  cards
15.4 Nutrition
A 45 year old man with a history ...,
Clinical benefits early nutrition,
Refeeding syndromewhos at riskexp...
6  cards
15.5 Poisoning + TCA od
A outline the general principles ...,
B what are the mechanisms of toxi...,
C list the clinical features of a...
3  cards
15.6 RRT
A what are the indications for re...,
B list the types of rrt available...,
C outline the principle mechanism...
3  cards
15.7 Perc Trache
A what are the indications for 20...,
Possible contraindications to 25 ...,
B list the potential early 40 pat...
4  cards
15.8 PRIS
A what is propofol related infusi...,
Clinical effects pris,
C what specific laboratory findin...
7  cards
15.9 Critical Illness Weakness
A define critical illness weaknes...,
List the types ciw that may occur,
B list the risk factors for the d...
6  cards
15.10 VAP
A what is meant by the term venti...,
B list the factors that increase ...,
C what measures may reduce the ri...
4  cards
15.11 Acute Pancreatitis
A list common causes of acute pan...,
B how is acute pancreatitis diagn...,
C describe the classification of ...
4  cards
15.12 Brainstem Death
A 20 year old patient who satisfi...,
B what are the physiological goal...,
C outline the measures and drugs ...
3  cards
15.13 ARDS
A what features are required to m...,
B list the clinical indices used ...,
C what tidal volume would you sel...
5  cards
15.14 Status Epilepticus
You are asked to review a 27 year...,
B outline your initial management...,
C 60 minutes after your initial m...
4  cards
16.1 AFE
A amniotic fluid embolism afe is ...,
B how does afe present clinically 25,
C what are the differential diagn...
4  cards
16.2 Testing Block C Section
A which dermatomes should be bloc...,
B how might an initially inadequa...,
C how could you manage a patient ...
5  cards
16.3 IUFD
A what are the implications of ma...,
B how does the presence of an iuf...,
C which abnormal haematological r...
5  cards
16.4 PDPH
A woman experiences a headache 24...,
B what is the differential diagno...,
C outline the conservative treatm...
6  cards
16.5 Obese Parturient
A primiparous patient with a book...,
B what do you need to communicate...,
C document your plan for her mana...
3  cards
16.6 CVS Disease + Pregnancy
A 27 year old woman is 13 weeks p...,
B how do the cardiovascular chang...,
C outline the specific management...
5  cards
16.7 Non-Obstetric Surgery during pregnancy
A 28 year old woman presents for ...,
B how can the risks to the fetus ...,
C what additional pre and intraop...
11  cards
16.8 Jehovas Witness parturient
You are asked to review a woman i...,
B give the advantages and disadva...,
Disadvantages of cell salvalge
3  cards
16.9 Pre Eclampsia
A 25 year old woman who is 37 wee...,
Symptoms to report immediately,
B how should this patient be mana...
6  cards
16.10 Airway + Obstetrics
A what factors may contribute to ...,
B what measures can be taken to r...,
C what are the recommendations in...
3  cards
17.1 Trisomy 21
A 9 year old child with down s sy...,
Cardiovascular 10 features of t21...,
And neurological 10 features of t...
7  cards
17.2 Meningococcal Septicaemia
A 4 year old child is admitted to...,
B outline the initial management ...,
C which investigations will guide...
3  cards
17.3 Cerebral Palsy
An 8 year old child with severe c...,
B list the clinical effects of ce...,
List the clinical effects of cere...
6  cards
17.4 Childs Airway
A list the normal anatomical feat...
1  cards
17.5 URTI
A 5 year old patient presents for...,
B list the features in the histor...,
List the features in the examinat...
4  cards
17.6 Heart Murmur
A 5 year old child presenting for...,
What features of the examination ...,
C which imaging modalities might ...
5  cards
17.7 Autism Spectrum Disorder
A 5 year old boy with autistic sp...,
B list the important issues when ...,
C give the specific problems of p...
3  cards
17.8 Resuscitation
You are called to the emergency d...,
B define appropriate resuscitatio...,
Outline the management in thefirs...
16  cards
17.9 Non Accidental Injury
You have anaesthetised a 5 year o...,
B what timely actions must be tak...,
C list parental factors 5 marks t...
4  cards
17.10 Prematurity
A 12 week old male baby presents ...,
B what are the options for anaest...,
C discuss the advantages and disa...
3  cards
18.1 Back Pain
A 68 year old woman attends the p...,
Describe the other treatment opti...,
B what factors would alert you to...
4  cards
18.2 Coeliac Plexus Block
A describe the anatomy of the coe...,
B what are the indications for co...,
C list the anatomical approaches ...
4  cards
18.3 Continuous Epidural Anaesthesia
A what are the complications of c...,
B how should patients be monitore...,
C outline the safety features tha...
3  cards
18. 4 Rib Fractures + Pain Assessment
You are called to the emergency d...,
B how can the effectiveness of hi...,
C what other methods are availabl...
3  cards
18.5 Phantom Limb Pain
You are called to see a 25 year o...,
B how would you re establish opti...,
C which factors would suggest tha...
4  cards
18.6 Chronic Opioid Use + Spinal Adjuncts
A how should you manage the perio...,
B give the conversion factors for...,
C what are the perioperative impl...
7  cards
18.7 Intrathecal Opioids
A what are the site of action and...,
B list the principal side effects...,
C what factors may increase the r...
3  cards
18.8 CRPS
A list the symptoms of complex re...,
A list the signs of complex regio...,
B what other features apart from ...
6  cards
18.9 Persistent Post Surgical Pain
A define persistent postoperative...,
B which surgical procedures are m...,
C what are the risk factors for d...
4  cards
19. Cataract
A 76 year old man is scheduled fo...,
B which la techniques may be used...,
C list the contraindications to t...
4  cards
20.1 Burns
You are asked to assess a 24 year...,
B which investigations would you ...,
C list the indications for early ...
4  cards
21.1 EVAR
A 79 year old patient presents wi...,
B describe options for providing ...,
Local anaesthesia sedation
9  cards
21.2 Carotid Endarterectomy
A 56 year old man is listed for c...,
B what local or regional anaesthe...,
C how can his risk of perioperati...
7  cards
21.3 Open EVAR + AKI
A 79 year old man with a 6 cm inf...,
B list the risk factors for acute...,
C describe perioperative measures...
3  cards
22.1 Vagus Nerve
A list the nuclei of the vagus ne...,
B describe the immediate relation...,
C list the branches of the vagus ...
4  cards
23.1 Anti-Platelets
A what are the indications for an...,
B list the agents currently in cl...,
C how may active bleeding be mana...
4  cards
23.2 TCI propofol
An adult patient is to receive a ...,
B what additional pharmacokinetic...,
C what are the advantages of a tc...
3  cards
23.3 Rocuronium + Antagonists
A outline the mechanisms of spont...,
B which classes of drugs can be u...,
C what are the advantages and dis...
3  cards
23.4 Diabetes + OHA
A in a patient with diabetes mell...,
B what are the other microvascula...,
C list the classes of oral hypogl...
3  cards
23.5 PONV + Antiemetics
A list the patient related 7 mark...,
Anaesthetic related 3 marks risk ...,
B what are the unwanted effects o...
5  cards
24.1 PreOxygenation
A what factors determine how long...,
B how may pre oxygenation be perf...,
C what are the clinical advantage...
3  cards
24.2 CVS changes in Elderly
Qa outline the major changes in t...,
Reduced arterial elasticity,
Loss of atrial pacemaker cells
8  cards
24.3 Hyperparathyroidism
A list the causes of primary hype...,
B which biochemical abnormalities...,
C what are the systemic effects o...
6  cards
24.4 Heart Transplant
A 56 year old man is listed for e...,
B what are the implications of th...,
C what long term health issues ma...
3  cards
25.5 CSF Production
A outline the production and circ...,
B how does the biochemistry of cs...,
C list the indications for lumbar...
4  cards
24.6 Cigarette Smoking
A list the effects of cigarette s...,
B list the effects of cigarette s...,
C what advice would you give a sm...
3  cards
24.7 Oxygenation
A what physiological factors dete...,
B how may oxygenation prior to in...,
C what are the possible respirato...
4  cards
24.8 Pulmonary Hypertension
A define pulmonary hypertension 2...,
B what are the causes of pulmonar...,
C what are the specific anaesthet...
4  cards
25.1 Infusion Control Device + TCI
A what types of infusion control ...,
B what are the general 35 charact...,
What are the specific 20 characte...
4  cards
25.2 Ultrasound + Echo
A how may ultrasound techniques b...,
B what information can echocardio...,
C what is the doppler effect how ...
4  cards
25.3 Capnography + Light Absorption
A outline the principles of capno...,
B what diagnostic information can...,
C in which clinical situations an...
3  cards
25.4 Low Flow + Machine Check
A what are the advantages 15 of l...,
A what are the disadvantages 20 o...,
B describe how a circle system sh...
4  cards
25.5 Arterial Cannulation
A what are the indications for ar...,
B how may an invasive arterial pr...,
C outline the sources of error wh...
3  cards
25.6 ICDs
A what are the indications for in...,
B how might surgical diathermy af...,
C a patient with an icd is listed...
14  cards
25.7 Ultrasound + Needle
A outline the basic principles of...,
B how may physical factors influe...,
C which two needling techniques a...
5  cards
26.1 Statistical basis of Trials
A recent meta analysis of studies...,
B explain what is meant by sensit...,
C rank the levels of scientific p...
4  cards
2.11 Cerebral Oximetry
Key points,
Beer s law
22  cards

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6. Coomber

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