This class was created by Brainscape user Abigail Brett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

lecture 1- intro
What are characteristics that def...,
Do viruses have organelles,
Which is more resistant enveloped...
48  cards
lecture 2- viral replication
What are the 6 basic steps of vir...,
Eclipse period
33  cards
lecture 3- epidemiology of viral infections
What is virus transmission,
What is horizontal transmission,
Is horizontal transmission direct...
65  cards
lecture 4- BVDV and BLV
What is bvdv,
How many types of bvdv are there,
What are the envelope proteins of...
45  cards
lecture 5- bovine virology
What is brdc,
When does brdc typically occur,
What is one bacteria associated w...
86  cards
lecture 6 and 7- porcine virology
What is tgev what kind of virus,
What is pedv what kind of virus i...,
What is sdcv what kind of virus
93  cards
lecture 8- small ruminant virology
What is it called when viruses ha...,
What are the 2 groups of tumor genes,
What are the oncogene dna viruses 6
53  cards
lecture 9/10- canine virology
What is the family and subfamily ...,
You are presented with an adult d...,
What happens when a pregnant dog ...
124  cards
lecture 11/12- feline virology
What is fip,
What kind of virus is fip,
How does the replication of fip d...
75  cards
lecture 13/ -avian virology
What is md,
What virus causes md,
What organs are infected by
72  cards
lecture 14- repro virology
What is special about mrna vaccines,
In viral infections that cause re...,
In viral infections that cause re...
31  cards
lecture 15- equine virology
What strain of equine influenza s...,
How many types of influenza virus...,
A1 is ___
83  cards
lecture 16- wildlife virology
Whats a significant problem with ...,
True or false there is always a c...,
How do bottleneck events relate t...
17  cards
lecture 17- emerging diseases
What disease has been re emerging...,
An emerging disease can be 4,
True or false an emerging disease...
24  cards
lecture 18- prions
What are the differences between ...,
What disease was involved with id...,
What does prion actually mean
32  cards

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422 virology

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