This class was created by Brainscape user Anita Madolo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What are aphthous ulcers canker s...,
What cuases these canker sores,
How long to canker sores take to ...
38  cards
How does otitis media occur,
What pathogen causes otitis media,
What are the clinical characteris...
56  cards
Resp path -congenital disorders & atelectasis
What is pulmonary hypoplasia,
What are foregut cysts,
What is pulmonary sequestration
11  cards
Resp path - pulmonary edema and thomboemboli
What is excessive interstitial fl...,
Which part or the lung does pulmo...,
Microscopically what would you se...
17  cards
Resp path: Pulmonary HPT & Diffuse alveolar damage
What is pulmonary hpt,
Classify pulmonary hpt according ...,
How does congenital or acquired h...
20  cards
Resp path - COPD (emphysema)
What is obstructive lung disease,
Examples of copd,
What is copd
28  cards
Resp path - Chronic bronchitis & asthma
What is chronic bronchitis,
Explain the pathogenesis of chron...,
What happens if the inflammation ...
24  cards
A t,
3  cards
0  cards
lung abscess
0  cards
0  cards
Aspergillus fungus and other fungal infections
Describe gross features of asperg...,
Can aspergullus spread to other o...,
Describe microscopic features of ...
16  cards
Chronic diffuse interstitial (restrictive) diseases
What are the characteristics of c...,
What are the clinical findings of...,
What are the 2 complications of r...
22  cards
Lung neoplasms
What is a hamartoma,
Radiographically what is a hamart...,
Describe a lung hamartoma macrosc...
36  cards
Pathology of the pleura and pleural spaces
What is pleural effusion,
What causes pleural effusion,
Describe inflammatory pleural eff...
13  cards
Atherosclerosis risk factors
1 word elastic recoil of arteries...,
1 word means loss of elasticity o...,
1 word sclerosis that affects sma...
20  cards
Atherosclerosis II
1  cards
What is an aneurysm,
Clinical presentation of aneurysm,
Difference between true and false...
7  cards
Cardiac failure
What is cardiac failure,
2  cards

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