This class was created by Brainscape user Vicki Grimshaw. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Definition of a trademark,
What is passing off and common law,
What is unfair competition
8  cards
Searching And Clearance Including Classification
What classes are goods what class...,
Why is searching recommended befo...,
What is available in a database t...
15  cards
Filing and Prosecution: UK, Overseas, Madrid, EUTM
What is the official fee for fili...,
What is the fee for filing paper ...,
What is the priority date from a ...
50  cards
Filing and Prosecution USA, China
Why file in the us,
What are the three ways to obtain...,
What is lanham act
18  cards
Post Registration, Renewals And Maintance
Explain triple identity criteria ...,
What is a security interest,
Why is security interests useful ...
54  cards
Post Registration: Licensing
What does a valid contract require,
What is a license,
Why would someone licence their ip
9  cards
Post Registration: Data Veridication/ IP Due Diligence
I hat is due diligence,
Why do we do due diligence,
Where do trade marks fit in with ...
6  cards
Trade Mark Watching
Why is trade mark watching important,
What types of watches are available
2  cards
Proceedings/ Oppositions/ Revocations/ Invalidation And Litigation
What is bad faith,
What is goodwill,
What are absolute grounds for ref...
8  cards
0  cards
Designs UK and EU
What are uk dependant jurisdictio...
1  cards
Accounts/ Cluwnt Monies And Anti Money Laudering
0  cards
Designs/ Overseas And Hague
0  cards
Copyrifht And The Compny Names Tribunal
0  cards
Domain Names
What is the procedure to stop abu...
1  cards
Notarisation And Legalisation
Let word to remember,
What is a notary public
2  cards
When can seniority be claimed
1  cards
Due Dilligence
What is due diligence,
Why do we do due diligence,
What information will we be checking
4  cards

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