This class was created by Brainscape user Brooke Jones. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

*Thromboembolic Disease
What is a dvt deep vain thrombosis,
What is a pulmonary embolism pe,
What are the 3 factors of virchow...
15  cards
When does icp usually present,
11  cards
*Rhesus disease
What might happen if a rhd negati...,
When is prophylactic anti d given,
How does anti d work
9  cards
What is jaundice,
What does jaundice appear,
What is the process of bilirubin
21  cards
Define sga,
Define fgr,
Define low birthweight
7  cards
*Neonatal infection + sepsis
What is neonatal infection,
Why are neonates more susceptible,
9  cards
What is nas,
Nas symptoms,
Nas diagnosis
16  cards
Risk factors for preterm,
Physical appearance preterm,
9  cards
*Respiratory Distress Syndrome
What are the signs,
5  cards
Define hyperemesis gravidarum,
What are the consequences,
Nausuea and sever constant vomiti...
10  cards
*Placental invasive disorders
Define abnormal placentation,
Placenta accreta,
Placenta increta
6  cards
*Postnatal Infection
Pn check to protect against mater...,
What are ways care providers can ...,
How to manage abnormal findings
21  cards
The thyroid gland converts into and,
What does t3 and t4 do,
What does free t3 and t4 do
12  cards
*Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
What is gtd,
What is a molar pregnancy
10  cards
What does insulin do,
What happens in gdm,
What are the pg thresholds for di...
22  cards
What is anaemia,
What is anaemia caused be,
What is the normal range for hb
14  cards
*Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Define hyperemesis gravidarum,
Causes of hg,
Diagnosis of hg
5  cards
*Infections in Pregnancy
What is a torch screen,
What is a torch screen and why mi...,
What sti testing is routinely off...
4  cards
*Birth Injuries
Types of birth injuries,
How might trauma to the skin and ...,
Management of skin and superfical...
9  cards
*Birth Anomalies
Types of congenital abnormalities,
Examples of chromosomal abnormali...,
Example of teratogenic anomalies
5  cards
Risk factors for stillbirth,
What documents exists for care pr...,
Stillbirth definition
3  cards
High BMI
High bmi weight gain recommendations,
Complications associated with hig...
2  cards

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