This class was created by Brainscape user Sophia White. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

GI Misc. 2 - Abdominal Masses
Anorexia malena frank blood in st...,
What can cause prominent veins ov...,
Describe the movement of retro pe...
26  cards
GI Misc. 6 - Ethics Module 1
What is rational medical ethics,
What are values,
What is culture
21  cards
GI Misc. 7 - GI surgery complicaitons
What are the 2 possible types of ...,
Main cv complications of any oper...,
What are the 2 types of haemorrha...
56  cards
GI Misc. 8 - Medical Ethics
What is the legal age of capacity...,
What is ethics,
What are the 3 levels of medical ...
9  cards
GI Misc. 10 - The Acute Abdomen
What causes ruq acute abdo proble...,
What is the acute abdomen,
What will most patients with ruq ...
35  cards
GI Misc. 9 - Abdominal Pain
What is shifting pain,
What is spreading pain,
How to tell the difference betwee...
16  cards
Anatomy 1 and 2 - Taste, Chewing, Swallowing and Abdo Pain
Parts of the gi tract 11,
What joint is involved in opening...,
3 pairs of jaws closing muscles n...
100  cards
Anatomy 3 and 4 - Patient with Jaundice
Medical name for jaundice,
What is jaundicewhat is it caused by,
What is bilirubin a normal by pro...
91  cards
Anatomy 5 - Bleeding in the GI tract
What are the functions of the lar...,
How is the caecum related to the ...,
How is the ascending colon relate...
48  cards
Physiology and Pharmacology 1 - intro to GI tract
What is the alimentary canal,
4 functions of the mouth and orop...,
Purpose of oesophagus
74  cards
Physiology and Pharmacology 2 (partial) - Salivary Secretions and Gastric Motility
Where are the parotid glands located,
What duct carries saliva from the...,
Where are the submandibular gland...
57  cards
Physiology and Pharmacology - Gastric Gland Secretions
What type of cells are present in...,
What type of cells are present in...,
What do d cells secrete
28  cards
Microbiology 1 - Gastroenteritis and food poisoning
What host factors affect your ris...,
What bacterias seen in the uk cau...,
What viruses seen in the uk cause...
90  cards
Microbiology 2 - Antimicrobial resistance and stewardship
What is the 3rd independent party...,
What is resistance in general lab,
What does susceptible mean
24  cards
Microbiology 4 - GI Infections
What is the incubation period,
What avoidable circumstances are ...,
What are the purpose of local mic...
58  cards
Radiology - Anatomy SGW
What is the workhorse of abdomina...,
Where region of the body is the o...,
What is the order of the oesophag...
22  cards
What type of epithelium is the or...,
What type of epithelium is the na...,
What type of epithelium covers th...
39  cards
Nutrition 2 - Diet in preventing GI disease
What decreases your risk of color...,
What increases your risk of color...,
In what gi cancer types does vege...
7  cards
Nutrition 3 - Physiology of feeding and satiety
Energy homeostasis,
What 2 factors cause obesity what...,
What is metabolic syndrome syndro...
51  cards
Oral Health 1 - Oral Manifestations of systemic Disease
Where are the lingual tonsils loc...,
What is the torus mandibularis,
What is anaemia
52  cards
Oesophagus and Stomach 1 and 2 - Oesophageal and Gastric Tumours, Oesophageal Conditions
What are the 2 possible types of ...,
Signs and symptoms of oesophageal...,
What should be performed if you s...
27  cards
Oesophagus and Stomach 3 and 4 - Pathology of oesophagus and stomach, dyspepsia and peptic ulcer disease
What mucosa lines the normal oeso...,
What tends to cause acute oesopha...,
What tends to cause chronic oesop...
62  cards
Oesophagus and Stomach 5 and 6 - pathology of stomach and duodenum, GI bleeding
What are the 3 main groups of inf...,
What are the causes of acute gast...,
What are the causes of chronic ga...
51  cards
Liver, etc. 9 - Focal Liver Lesions
What are solid liver lesions in o...,
What is the most common solid liv...,
What are the causes of a benign f...
61  cards
Liver, etc. 8 - Pathology of Biliary tree and panceas
What is the scientific name for g...,
What are gallstones cholelithiasis,
What is normal bile formed from 4
60  cards
Liver, etc. 10 - Biliary Tract Disease
What are the 2 categories of bili...,
Do most gallstones cause symptoms,
What problems can symptomatic gal...
32  cards
Liver, etc. 11 - Inflammation adn tumours of Pancreas
What are the 3 main pancreatic di...,
What are the 5 parts of the pancreas,
What do alpha islet cells release
85  cards
Intestinal Problems 1, 2 and 3 - Intestinal failure, pathology of small bowel, malabsoprtion
What is intestinal failure,
How can if be classified in terms...,
How many different types of if ar...
102  cards
Intestinal Problems 4 - Colorectal Carcinoma Pathology
Normal appearance of the large bowel,
What is a polyp,
What are the general categories o...
35  cards
Intestinal Problems 5 and 6 - Benign conditions of large intestines, colorectal pathology
What is gi diverticulum,
What is the difference between di...,
Where do diverticulum most often ...
48  cards
Intestinal Problems 7 - Diseases of small bowel and appendix
What are the 2 types of bowel obs...,
What are the causes of small bowe...,
Initial management of a small bow...
24  cards
Intestinal Problems 10 - Bowel Screening
What is population screening,
What is opportunistic screening,
Key screening programmes in the uk 4
12  cards
IBD 1 - Clinical aspects
What is the name of the overlap c...,
How does crohns disease tend to p...,
What are the 3 overlapping factor...
46  cards
IBD 2 - Pathology
Where is crohns disease most comm...,
Does crohns disease occur in chil...,
What is the clinical course of cr...
40  cards
IBD 3 - IBD therapy
What are the 3 therapeutic strate...,
Is diet implicated in the pathoge...,
What is the common theme of all d...
41  cards
IBD 4 - Surgical therapies
What are the differences between ...,
What is the name of the surgical ...,
What are the indications for a pa...
15  cards
What is bilirubin formed from,
What organ does insoluble unconju...,
How does insoluble unconjugated i...
49  cards

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1st year - gastroenterology

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