This class was created by Brainscape user Stephanie Escobar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (88)

Lysosomal storage disease
Hexosaminidasea deficiency,
Alpha galactosidase a deficiency,
Arylsulfatase a deficiency
28  cards
Bioenergetics/ Carb metabolism
Characterized by neonatal jaundic...,
Ingestion of sucrose sorbitol is ...,
Fructose can become f6p via what ...
28  cards
Their absorption dependent on ile...,
___ supplement can mask the hemat...,
Malabsorption pernicious anemia n...
56  cards
Glycogen Storage Disease
All glycogen storage diseases are,
G6phosphatase deficient,
Deficiency of acid glucosidase ac...
18  cards
Amino Acid Diseases
Due to phenylalanine hydroxylase ...,
Tyrosinebecomes essential,
Findings intellectual disability ...
35  cards
Mitochondrial Myopathies
Short statue seizures stroke like...,
Mitochondrial myopathy muscle wea...,
Hallamark myoclonus brief sudden ...
10  cards
Guranteed you need to know
List 10 hy xlr diseasesyou have t...,
List 3 xld disease,
Common side effects of ace inhibi...
112  cards
High sensitivity test used for __...,
High _______ test used for confir...,
Probability that a person who has...
115  cards
SNS/PSNS effects
Beta 1 blocker effect on kidneys,
Beta 1 blocker effect on heart 3,
Beta 2 blocker effect on muscle v...
60  cards
Cell Bio
Dna polymerase __ is the primary ...,
Unlike dna polymerase iii dna pol...,
The __ exonuclease activity of dn...
16  cards
Blot detect target mrna in a samp...,
An assay commonly employed to mea...,
Blot detect target protein in a s...
99  cards
Amino Acid Derivatives
Arginine makes what 3 things,
Glutamate makes what 2 things,
Glycine makes
14  cards
Mediates remnant uptake,
Activates lcat,
Lipoprotein lipase cofactor that ...
14  cards
Lipoprotein functions
Delivers dietary tgs to periphera...,
Delivers hepatic tgs to periphera...,
Delivers tgs and cholesterol to l...
6  cards
Lipid diseases
Autosomal recessive mutation in m...,
Infants present with severe fat m...,
Lipoprotein lipase or apolipoprot...
24  cards
What are the three steps question...,
How to go about determining is so...,
How to calculate recurrence risk ...
127  cards
Non-Hodkins Lymphomas
Teens and young adultst 8 14 ebv,
Bcl2 and bcl6 mutationmost common...,
T 14 18 heavy ig 14 increased bcl...
15  cards
Lymphoma/ Leukemias
What illness has auer rods,
Patients with infectious _____ ha...,
Mucosal pallor
36  cards
Low rbcs anemialow wbcs infection...,
Associated with down syndromeperi...,
Tdt cd10
33  cards
Chronic Myeloproliferative disorders
Teardrop cell darcocytes dry tap ...,
Itching after showerjak2 mutation...,
______ occur when the bone marrow...
12  cards
Prolonged activated partial throm...,
Prolonged bleeding time and aptti...,
Prolonged pt aptt bleed timelow p...
57  cards
Neurodegenerative disorders
Hypothyroidism vitamin b12 defici...,
Loss of dopaminergic neurons depi...,
Lewy bodies composed of synuclein...
64  cards
Neuro vascular etc HYs
The most common complication of a...,
Transient ischemic attacks result...,
____ artery occlusion causes vert...
70  cards
Neuro random
C2 dermatome provides sensation t...,
T4 dermatome provides sensation t...,
T10 dermatome provides sensation ...
41  cards
Tongue Action
Which cranial nerve does taste to...,
Which cranial nerve does taste to...,
Which cranial nerve does taste to...
16  cards
Neuro Cranial Nerve Reflexes
Afferent and efferent nerves for ...,
Afferent and efferent nerves for ...,
Afferent and efferent nerves for ...
9  cards
Spinal Tract functions and anatomy
Senses fine touch,
Sense pressure,
Sense vibration propioception
20  cards
Brain Lesions
Disinhibition gambling spending f...,
Destructive lesions of _____ disr...,
Eyes look away from brain lesion ...
49  cards
Spinal Lesions Neuro
Floppy baby with tongue twitching,
Autosomal recessive mutation in s...,
Lmn only no sensory defects bilat...
40  cards
Seizures, HA, Sleep
List 2 focal onset seizures invol...,
List 4 drugs used for focal onset...,
List 3 general onset seizures inv...
88  cards
Cardio: Shock
Hemorrhagedehydrationburnscause w...,
Acute mihfvalvular dysfunctionarr...,
Cardiac tamponadepulmonary emboli...
26  cards
Frank Starling Curves
The frank starling effect states ...,
What is the y axis and x axis of ...,
Where the venous return curve int...
12  cards
PVLs, Wegeners, S2 Splits
Starting from bottom right of the...,
On the pressure volume loop what ...,
On the pv loopwhat does the value...
41  cards
Patients that suffer from heart f...,
Diabetic hypertensives ward off f...,
Hydralazine labetalol methyldopa ...
57  cards
Arrhythmia/ Blocks/ Murmurs
Aortic stenosis mitral tricuspid ...,
Aortic regurgitation mitral steno...,
What defect is often caused by co...
56  cards
Cardiac Physiology
What is released from atrial myoc...,
What is released from ventricular...,
What via cgmp causes vasodilation...
22  cards
L to R Shunt Pathology
Are left to right shunts cyanotic...,
Which defect is caused by the ost...,
Which defect is associated with d...
11  cards
Right to Left Shunts
Describe persistent truncus arter...,
In what defect is there a complet...,
What defect has a boot shaped hea...
25  cards
ECG localization of STEMI:
Which artery is infarcted with st...,
Which artery is infarcted with st...,
Which artery is infarcted with st...
6  cards
Pacemaker AP quiz
List all the phases involved in t...,
What happens in phase 0,
When are fast voltage gated sodiu...
11  cards
Myocardial action potential quiz:
Phase 0 is also called ______ wha...,
Phase 1 is also called ______ wha...,
Phase 2 is also called ______ wha...
10  cards
Involuntary responselearned stimulus,
Voluntary responsepunishment or r...,
Desired action followed by reward
110  cards
In copd the fraction of air in th...,
In emphysema diffusing capacity o...,
How is a normal a a gradient clin...
103  cards
Pulm pathology prt 2
Pleuritic pain is caused by an ir...,
Patients with ___ are at increase...,
The main pathogens of aspiration ...
42  cards
Lung Cancer
This patient with a heavy smoking...,
The most common form of cancer in...,
Histologically characterized by g...
37  cards
Resp Vasc pathology
Increase physiologic dead space,
Patients being weaned from mechan...,
Breathing at __ tidal volumes cau...
49  cards
HY Renal
Patients with intravascular volum...,
Patients with ckd often develop e...,
Malabsorption caused by celiac di...
32  cards
Renal Physio/ Misc
Normal gfr is ___ ml min,
Creatinine clearance _____ gfr,
Effective renal plasma flow erpf ...
93  cards
Renal Path
Bladder cancer and kidney stones ...,
Acute cystitis presents with,
Glomerulonephritis hypertensive e...
118  cards
Renal path 2
Presenting signs of ____ most com...,
Is the cause of type iv renal tub...,
Symmetric bilateral lower extremi...
93  cards
Congenital Kidney Quiz
A rare kidney diseases characteri...,
Which 2 congenital renal diseases...,
Which congenital renal disease is...
29  cards
Hepatitis Markers
Acute hbv 3,
Window phase 2,
Chronic hbv high infectivity 3
6  cards
Endocrine Pathology
Euvolemic hyponatremia with urina...,
What happens to aldosterone and a...,
Rapid correction of siadh induced...
53  cards
Endocrine physio
Anterior pituitary adenohypophysi...,
Derived from the oral ectoderm ra...,
Alpha subunit is common amongst h...
83  cards
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
21 hydroxylase deficiency levels ...,
11 beta hydroxylase deficiency le...,
17 alpha hydroxylase deficiency l...
6  cards
Hyperaldosteronism/Cushing Syndrome
Low renin high aldosteronehtn hyp...,
Muscle weakness paresthesiashtn a...,
Primary hyperaldosteronism has 2 ...
11  cards
Thyroid disorders
Autoimmune etiologypainless thyro...,
Lymphocytic infiltrate with well ...,
Onset following a viral illnesspa...
62  cards
Dka is associated with ______ met...,
Screening for early stage diabeti...,
Is a nonabsorbable anion exchange...
15  cards
Bone Tumors
Mucoid degeneration of periarticu...,
Growth presents on wrist most com...,
Periosteal elevation sail sign
12  cards
Arthritis/ Spondylopathies
Characterized by progressive fiss...,
The etiology of osteoarthritis is...,
Better in the morningworse at end...
84  cards
Breast Pathology
Key features central necrosisprec...,
Key features eczematous nipple le...,
Key features most common typenest...
55  cards
Female Genital Tumors
___ are the most common subtype o...,
Histologic features include ovari...,
Risk factors for this tumor inclu...
31  cards
Female Repro Pathology
Lower abdominal pain and vaginal ...,
Can occur in patients with a matu...,
Most common ovarian cancer often ...
78  cards
Female Path part 2
Suppresses gnrh fsh lh lowers gon...,
Prevent pregnancy by thickening c...,
Releases copper ions that elicit ...
51  cards
Female Developmental
In females the ______ ducts fuse ...,
Incomplete ______ fusion of the p...,
When a patient has difficulty con...
90  cards
Male Path
Old man with signs of bladder out...,
Digital rectal examination shows ...,
A sedating antidepressant used of...
101  cards
Hiv positive patients with cd4 ce...,
Human papillomavirus hpv types 16...,
Hiv infection increases the preva...
17  cards
Increased level of the serotonin ...,
Anal squamous cell carcinoma as w...,
Mutations of ____ genes are assoc...
104  cards
Portal HTN- GI
Cirrhosis cause diffuse bridging ...,
3 unique clinical findings of cir...,
Etiologies of cirrhosis include a...
35  cards
Peptic Ulcer Disease– GI
Pain greater with meals weight loss,
Pain decreases with meals weight ...,
Hpylori associated etiology
17  cards
GI- Hernias
Who gets indirect hernias,
Who commonly gets femoral hernias,
List the hernias from medial to l...
24  cards
When stimulated by antibodies bou...,
What produces il 5 for eosinophils,
Il 4 secretee by th2 does what
82  cards
Budesonide glucocorticoids reduce...,
Oral budesonide is useful in croh...,
Crohn disease with ileal resectio...
30  cards
Food drug bee sting allergiesasth...,
Autoimmune hemolytic anemiaitphem...,
Good pasture syndromerheumatic fe...
45  cards
Etiology preformed recipient anti...,
Gross mottling cyanosisarterial f...,
Vascular wall thickening luminal ...
17  cards
Binds cd4 ccr5 cxcr4 on t cell or...,
When is ccr5 bound and where is i...,
When is cxcr4 bound and where is ...
40  cards
HY Micro
Recombination can occur between 2...,
Refers to the exchange of genes b...,
Occurs when one virus inhibits re...
58  cards
Mutation of the ___ gene is the f...,
The microsatellite instability pa...,
Aflatoxin exposure is associated ...
98  cards
Useful Misc
Fish oil linoleic acid mechanism ...,
Where is the ivc located in relat...,
Which nerve lies anterior to the ...
46  cards
Drug Intoxications
Violent behaviorhallucinationamne...,
Visual hallucinationeuphoriadysph...,
Chest painmydriasisseizureseuphor...
17  cards
Name 4 potassium sparing diuretic...,
List 3 types of potassium wasting...,
_______ a cyp450 inducer enhances...
102  cards
CYP P450 Inhibitors/inducers
Sodium valproate,
Grape fruit juice
34  cards
Microbiology Drugs
Antimicrobial at disrupts cell me...,
Antimicrobial that disrupts cell ...,
Antimicrobial that disrupts cell ...
32  cards
Psych drugs
List the 6 typical anti psychotic...,
Increase campblock d2 receptor,
High potency typical antipsychotics
30  cards
Induces free radical formation to...,
Intercalates into dna preventing ...,
Generates free radicals and inter...
85  cards
Loss of rods night blindnessperip...,
Optic disc pallor optic nerve atr...,
Is a refractive error in which th...
45  cards
DM drugs
Side effects utishypotension,
Side effects weight loss appetite...,
Side effects weight gainfluid ret...
31  cards
Inborn errors of metabolism
A defect in the enzyme hypoxanthi...,
Usually asymptomatic for the firs...,
Carbamoyl phosphate orotic acid a...
8  cards

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