Tim CP3 @ UoN - Medicine & Surgery

This class was created by Brainscape user Jack Gorard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (136)

Chest Pain
What are the main causes of chest...,
Describe the chest pain associate...,
Describe the chest pain associate...
8  cards
Acute Coronary Syndromes
What are the risk factors for acs,
Define acs,
What are the three different acs
40  cards
Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris
Define stable angina,
How much of an artery must be ste...,
What precipitants are there of an...
45  cards
Acute Pulmonary Oedema
What are the common causes of pul...,
How do patients with pulmonary oe...,
What are the signs of pulmonary o...
20  cards
Cardiac Failure
What is congestive cardiac failur...,
What are the sx signs of lhf,
Define cardiac failure
24  cards
Heart Valve Disease
Define valvular heart disease,
What are the four valves in the h...,
What are the main causes of valvu...
34  cards
Infective Endocarditis
What is infective endocarditis,
What factors put patients at risk...,
What is the classical presentatio...
25  cards
Electrocardiogram and Arrhythmias
What waves are present on the nor...,
What does the p wave represent,
What does the qrs complex represent
30  cards
Venous Thrombo-Embolic Disease
Where do dvts most commonly form,
What are risk factors for dvt,
What is the wells score
29  cards
What is hypertension,
How should htn be diagnosed,
Describe abpm
34  cards
What is hyperlipidaemia,
What are the four main lipoproteins,
What is the link between hyperlip...
15  cards
Atheromatous Vascular Disease
What is atherosclerosis,
What are the risk factors for ath...,
What are the risk factors for ath...
7  cards
Define an aneurysm,
How can aneurysms present,
What are the causes of an aneursym
30  cards
Chronic Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
What is peripheral arterial disease,
What are the common causes of pad,
How can pad be classified
45  cards
Acute Arterial Occlusive Disease
What are the causes of acute arte...,
What is virchows triad,
What is embolic occlusion
18  cards
Vasospastic Disorders
What are vasospastic disorders,
What is reynauds phenomenon,
What is reynauds syndrome
17  cards
Venous Disease
What are varicose veins,
What is the underlying pathology ...,
What is the anatomical distributi...
28  cards
Lymphatic Disorders
What is lymphoedema,
What causes lymphoedema,
How does lymphoedema present
5  cards
Describe asthma,
What are the classical features o...,
What three factors contribute to ...
42  cards
Define copd,
What conditions comprise copd,
What is chronic bronchitis
41  cards
Define bronchiectasis,
What are the causes of bronchiect...,
What are the symptoms of bronchie...
13  cards
Define pneumonia,
What are the symptoms of pneumonia,
What are the signs of pneumonia
32  cards
What is the causative organism of...,
How is tb spread,
Describe primary tuberculous infe...
29  cards
What is the typical presentation ...,
What are the causes risk factors ...,
What is a tension pneumothorax
15  cards
Lung Cancer
Describe the epidemiological dist...,
What are the main risk factors fo...,
What are the two main classificat...
31  cards
Pleural Effusion
What is a pleural effusion,
What are the two main divisions o...,
What are the causes of transudati...
17  cards
Occupational Lung Disease
What benign conditions may be cau...,
What interstitial conditions can ...,
What malignant conditions can be ...
16  cards
Interstitial Lung Disease/Pulmonary Fibrosis
What is the interstitium,
What is interstitial lung disease,
What are the common features of i...
17  cards
Respiratory Failure
Describe type 1 respiratory faiure,
Describe type 2 respiratory venti...,
What are the symptoms of a high a...
12  cards
Diabetes Mellitus
What are the who criteria for a d...,
What are the symptoms of hypergly...,
What glucose levels are used as t...
54  cards
Diabetes (Metabolic Complications)
What are the two major hyperglyca...,
What is hyperglycaemic hyperosmol...,
What is diabetic ketoacidosis
35  cards
Diabetes (Microvascular & Macrovascular Complications)
Small vessels of which organs are...,
What are the two types of diabeti...,
What are the risk factors for dia...
36  cards
Thyroid Cancer
What types of cancer can arise in...,
Describe papillary carcinomas,
Describe follicular carcinomas
8  cards
Pituitary Disease
What are pituitary adenomas,
How are pituitary adenomas classi...,
How are pituitary adenomas classi...
37  cards
Adrenal Disease
What is cushings syndrome,
What are the common causes of cus...,
What are the symptoms of cushings
41  cards
Hypercalcaemia/Parathyroid Disease
How much of plasma calcium is bou...,
What effect do acidotic states ha...,
What effect do alkalotic states h...
50  cards
What are the symptoms of hypocalc...,
What is a carpo pedal spasm,
How can the causes of hypocalcaem...
7  cards
What are the water soluble vitamins,
What are the fat soluble vitamins,
What vitamins comprise the vit b ...
10  cards
Undernutrition & Nutritional Support
What is the incidence complicatio...,
What are the indications for the ...,
How should ng tubes be removed
11  cards
Define obesity,
What bmi measurements are indicat...,
How is bmi calculated
18  cards
Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease
What is the oesophageal hiatus,
What structures pass through the ...,
What is a hiatus herniae
37  cards
What is dysphagia,
What is odynophagia,
What are the common causes of dys...
27  cards
Peptic Ulcer Disease
What are the common causes of pep...,
What is zollinger ellison syndrome,
What are the presenting sx of pep...
19  cards
Gastrointestinal Haemmorhage
What are the symptoms of gi bleeding,
What are the signs of gi bleeding,
What are the specific symptoms si...
9  cards
Gastric Neoplasms
What are the risk factors for gas...,
What are the symptoms of gastric ...,
What investigations are used to d...
15  cards
The Acute Abdomen
What is the acute abdomen,
What are the key types of pain th...,
Describe inflammatory pain
19  cards
Acute Appendicitis
What is acute appendicitis,
What are the symptoms of acute ap...,
What are the signs of acute appen...
17  cards
Meckel's Diverticulum
What is meckels diverticulum,
Where is meckels diverticulum loc...,
What is a diverticulum
7  cards
Intestinal Obstruction
What are the symptoms of intestin...,
What are the signs of intestinal ...,
What are the common causes of sma...
15  cards
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
What symptoms suggest a diagnosis...,
What additional sx may be present,
How common is ibs
10  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What is ibd,
What is the prevalence of chrons,
What are the risk factors for chrons
33  cards
Diverticular Disease
What is a gi diverticulum,
What is diverticular disease,
What is diverticulitis
30  cards
Carcinoma of the Colon, Rectum and Anus
What are the risk factors for col...,
What are the protective factors f...,
What is the genetic component con...
36  cards
What are haemorrhoids,
Describe the anal cushions,
How do haemorrhoids arise
26  cards
Perianal Infection
What are the anal sinuses crypts,
What is the most common site of p...,
How do perianal infections typica...
20  cards
Fissure in Ano
What is fissure in ano,
What are the symptoms of fissure ...,
What are the signs of fissure in ano
9  cards
Acute & Chronic Hepatitis
What is hepatitis,
What are the acute causes of hepa...,
What are the chronic causes of he...
60  cards
Liver Neoplasms, Abscess & Cysts
What are the three main routes of...,
What are the three main types of ...,
What are the causes of a pyogenic...
32  cards
Chronic Liver Disease
Define cirrhosis in pathological ...,
What is the underlying pathology ...,
What is the underlying pathology ...
40  cards
Portal Hypertension
Describe portal venous anatomy,
Where do porto systemic anastomos...,
Why can portal hypertension occur
13  cards
The Spleen
What are the common causes of spl...,
What are the infective causes of ...,
What are the inflammatory causes ...
13  cards
Obstructive Jaundice
What is cholestasis,
How can cholestatic jaundice be c...,
What are the causes of intrahepat...
23  cards
Acute & Chronic Gallbladder Disease & Carcinoma of the Biliary Tract
What are the common types of gall...,
How do cholesterol stones form,
What are the risk factors for cho...
48  cards
Acute Pancreatitis
How can pancreatitis be classified,
What are the different patterns o...,
Describe periductal necrosis
23  cards
Pancreatic Neoplasms
What are the risk factors for pan...,
What affects the presentation of ...,
How do carcinomas of the pancreat...
21  cards
What is a herniae,
Define reducible,
Define irreducible
49  cards
Renal Failure
What is the normal function of th...,
What is the structure of the nephron,
What is the function of the renal...
13  cards
Acute Renal Failure (ARF) and Kidney Injury
What is acute kidney injury renal...,
What are the defining clinical fe...,
What is the akin criteria
41  cards
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
What are the sx of ckd,
What are the signs of ckd,
What are the appropriate initial ...
54  cards
Nephrotic Syndrome
What is nephrotic syndrome,
What is the pattern of oedema in ...,
What are the two main complicatio...
12  cards
What is glomerulonephritis,
What is the pathological basis un...,
What are the secondary factors ca...
45  cards
Upper Urinary Tract Infection
What are the sx signs of pyelonep...,
What are the sx of cystitis,
What are the predisposing factors...
17  cards
Obstructive & Neoplastic Conditions of the Kidney & Ureter
What are the complications of acu...,
What are the three parts of the u...,
What are the luminal causes of ac...
42  cards
The Bladder & Prostate
What are the two main complicatio...,
How should intraperitoneal bladde...,
How should extraperitoneal bladde...
42  cards
The Urethra, Penis & Scrotum
What is a urethral stricture,
What are the causes of urethral s...,
How do urethral strictures present
91  cards
What is anaemia,
What are the hb levels indicating...,
What are the sx of anaemia
95  cards
The White Cell
What cell types are included in a...,
What is the function of neutrophils,
What is the function of lymphocytes
95  cards
The Platelet
What physiological mediators are ...,
What mediators are secreted due t...,
What happens after platelets adhe...
18  cards
What lab tests are used to assess...,
Describe pt,
Describe inr
49  cards
What are the two major blood groups,
Describe the abo system,
Describe the rhesus system
33  cards
Describe type 1 hypersensitivity ...,
Give examples of type 1 hypersens...,
Describe type 2 hypersensitivity ...
19  cards
What are the clinical features of...,
What lab test results are associa...,
What are the clinical features of...
11  cards
Surgery - Urethral Catheterisation
What are the indications for uret...,
What are the contraindications fo...,
What can be done to reduce the in...
6  cards
Surgery - Wounds & Wound Healing
What are the four stages of wound...,
Describe haemostasis,
Describe inflammation
23  cards
Surgery - Fluids & Electrolytes
What are the physiological limits...,
What are the electrolyte values i...,
What proportion of an adult body ...
44  cards
Surgery - Shock
Define shock,
What are the main types of shock,
What are the essential features o...
36  cards
Surgery - Surgical Bleeding Disorders
What is haemophilia a,
What is haemophilia b,
What are the clinical features of...
20  cards
Surgery - Surgical Infection & Antibiotics
What general factors contribute t...,
What local factors contribute to ...,
What microbiological factors cont...
48  cards
Surgery - Breast
What are the major types of benig...,
What is fibroadenosis fibrocystic...,
How does fibroadenosis fibrocysti...
40  cards
Atrial Fibrillation
What is atrial fibrillation,
What are the risk factors for af,
How can af be classified
19  cards
Congenital Heart Disease
What are the most common cases of...,
What are the most common complica...,
What is eisenmenger syndrome
7  cards
Cardiac Surgery
Describe the anatomy of the cardi...,
Describe the cardiac conduction s...,
Describe the coronary arteries
30  cards
What are the different types of l...,
What are the indications for ampu...,
Describe the rehab needs of each ...
3  cards
Diagnostic Radiology in Vascular Disorders
What is the role of duplex uss in...,
What is the role of angiography i...,
What are the risks of angiography
4  cards
Vascular Trauma
What are the appropriate investig...,
How should arterial transection b...,
What is an avf
9  cards
Cystic Fibrosis
What is cystic fibrosis,
What is the inheritance pattern o...,
What is the most common mutation ...
15  cards
Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis
What is the underlying pathology ...,
What is the eventual result of eaa,
What are the causes of eaa
8  cards
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
What is obstructive sleep apnoea ...,
What causes the pt to wake,
What are the correctable factors ...
9  cards
What is a goitre,
What are the key characteristics ...,
What is the ddx for a diffuse goitre
42  cards
What is hypothyroidism,
How common is hypothyroidism,
What are the common causes of hyp...
13  cards
Basic Neuroanatomy & Neurophysiology
What are the constituent portions...,
What are the arteries branches th...,
What territories does the anterio...
86  cards
Investigations in Neurology
What position should a patient be...,
What is the anatomical landmark f...,
Describe the procedure of a lumba...
15  cards
Status Epilepticus
What is status epilepticus,
What investigations are appropria...,
What is the emergency management ...
3  cards
Head/Spinal Injuries & Raised ICP
What are the two main types of tr...,
What are the common types of prim...,
What is concussion
29  cards
Base of Skull Fractures
What bone is involved most common...,
What are the sx signs of a poster...,
What is the appropriate managemen...
10  cards
Management of the Semi-Conscious/Unconscious Patient
What are the three components of ...,
What are the different levels of ...,
What are the different levels of ...
21  cards
Cerebrovascular Disease
What is a stroke,
What is a transient ischaemic att...,
What is the main complication of ...
70  cards
Venous Sinus Thrombosis
What are the risk factors for dev...,
What is the underlying pathology ...,
What are the two main types of ve...
6  cards
Intracerebral Haemorrhage
What proportion of strokes are ha...,
What are the two main types of ha...,
Describe a deep intra cerebral ha...
8  cards
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
How common are sub arachnoid haem...,
What are the common sx of a sah,
What are the common signs of a sah
15  cards
Subdural Haemorrhage
What is a subdural haematoma,
What are the two main types of su...,
When do acute subdural haematomas...
13  cards
Extradural Haemorrhage
How does an extradural haemorrhag...,
How does an extradural haemorrhag...,
What imaging modality is used to ...
5  cards
What is hydrocephalus,
What are the three main types of ...,
What causes a non communicating h...
12  cards
What are the common types of 1o h...,
What are the common causes of 2o ...,
What are the common causes of fac...
30  cards
What factors determine the presen...,
What are the signs sx of raised icp,
Which neoplasms most commonly cau...
25  cards
CNS Infection
What is meningitis,
What are the most common 70 cause...,
What are the less common 30 cause...
42  cards
Epilepsy & LoC
What are the classical features o...,
What are the three main types of ...,
What causes vasovagal syncope
49  cards
Multiple Sclerosis
What is multiple sclerosis,
In what groups does ms most commo...,
Where are ms plaques most commonl...
26  cards
Parkinson/Extrapyramidal Disease
What is the classical triad of pa...,
What are the features of the park...,
What are the features of parkinso...
35  cards
Motor Neurone Disease
What is motor neurone disease mnd,
What is the aetiology of mnd,
What are the four patterns of mnd
13  cards
What is dementia,
How common is dementia,
What are the diagnostic criteria ...
49  cards
What is a radiculopathy,
What is a neuropathy,
What is a mononeuropathy
38  cards
Neuromuscular Junction Disorders
What is the underlying pathology ...,
What is a thymoma,
How does mg present
6  cards
What are the three main type of m...,
What are muscular dystrophies,
What are myopathies
14  cards
Temporal Arteritis
What is temporal arteritis giant ...,
What are the risk factors for cga,
How does cga present
8  cards
Spinal & Root Emergencies
What is cauda equina syndrome,
How does cauda equina syndrome pr...,
How should a suspected cord syndr...
4  cards
Neuromuscular Emergencies
What are the clinical signs point...,
Which bedside test is most useful...
2  cards
Malabsorption & Coeliac Disease
What are the sx of malabsorption,
What are the signs of malabsorption,
What are the most common causes o...
23  cards
Intestinal Obstruction COPY
What are the sx of bowel obstruction,
What are the signs of bowel obstr...,
What are the common causes of sma...
25  cards
Acute Diarrhoea
What are the common pathogens cau...,
What are the management options f...,
What are the red flag sx in acute...
5  cards
Describe the key events in biliru...,
At what level of bilirubin is jau...,
How can jaundice be classified
20  cards
Pancreatic Pseudocysts
What is a pseudocyst,
How do pseudocysts form,
How do pseudocysts present
8  cards
Surgery - Miscellaneous
What is a rigid proctoscopy,
What is rigid sigmoidiscopy,
What are the indications for rigi...
28  cards
Surgery - Wound Drains
What are active drains,
What are passive drains,
What are open drains
7  cards
Surgery - Vascular Catheterisation
What are the indications for the ...,
What are the common types of cent...,
Describe a hickman line
14  cards
Palliative Care
What are the five simple guidelin...,
How can strong opioids be used in...,
What adjuvants to opioids may be ...
9  cards

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Tim CP3 @ UoN - Medicine & Surgery

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